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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Wraith's dream! I think i would make everyone cosplay as Shrimps *high-five*
  2. We somehow force him and Desantos to duke it out in said dark alley For legal reasons i have to /s Smh Neo-Nazi was right there. Nah, i will 😛 😉 I will say i understand this - in that i meant, i associate some tracks with some of my aspects and/or moods. Or lyricals that made me think about life, etc. You need to channel it in some way 😉 I told you this before a while back (or something along these lines) but i gotta reaffirm my position in the hopes it gives you some positivity Be free, be yourself. Weird is not bad. Don't be ashamed. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Din't put yourself into a box/label - and don't let anyone else do it, either. Bah Adult'ing is just acting and being fake - it makes everyone miserable. XD ~30s rl is barely 15 in anime ages 😉 So go be your fav. 15 yo anime boy! I kinda understand - except i am still stuck in the mid20s. And i don't count the years i was sick or in bed or i would go crazy. You're always welcome to! As a long standing anime fan, i am legally required to love Elf princesses 😛
  3. Sometimes i dread and hate my own curiosity I should never become drunk - the world will not survive it
  4. https://old.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1b4f0zt/prism_project_will_cease_its_operations_on_march/ WELP. Ofc it's Sony, ofc But atlest there's this Maybe when we escape the hellhole of a system we live in we can work out of love
  5. The difference is you doing it out of love - not forced to do it for a living. It does make a hugeeeee difference
  6. 🫂 Making strong arguments against Witch bias, Vanillaware
  7. Yeah, fair. I am not gonna argue this because my grievances with product quality aside, i agree with this. But tell me - how to do you suppose we can channel the...let's call it anger... the right way? If we can rarely achieve change, should people just be happy with a lower quality product? If the workers attack the fans (like in case of bugs calling fans liars, and in the right place for this too), you expect there to be no backlash? It kinda goes both ways. Eh i wouldn't compare modding - which at the end is a hobby - to a job That said - I feel this. If i do my job badly - my team and my clients will suffer for it. Yeah idgaf about the company - and whenever someone talks about "for the good of the company" i roll my eyes. But my team and the clients are in the same shit cycle i am in - not their fault. We're in this shit together. I became a perfect wage salve 😭 But see my viewpoint above Translators i know personally who made it their life - i talked about it before - and me myself who grew up speaking multiple different languages. Some stuff can be up to interpretation - but not near close to the majority. But me aside, i trust people who have been translating for over 30+ years over localizers who have been - more often than not- shown to be incompetent. I know how hard translating can be, it's not an easy job. If you saw my posts - i did not - and i am not gonna side with harassers. I made that clear before and honestly i am gonna ignore every "but harassment" post or comment from now on. It's a stupid strawman that honestly atm feels like it's just made to shut up legit complaints. More the context than societies. And the greeting case for example doesn't even need a translation between languages to be misunderstood/different. Someone telling it in the same language will vary on context. And there's interpretation - and then there's rewriting to "fix/improve it. Not saying that interpreting isn't a part of translation sometimes - it's quite a big part (but nowhere near the majority), but you shouldn't do that for everything nor should you do it for the reader - sometimes part of the literary work itself is how different readers interpret it - the translator shouldn't act as a middle man here. Your bias should not be seen in the translation. I got hit by "gamergate" (right wing) and "communism" in the same discussion. Amazing honestly. Ahahaha amazing Want beer?
  8. 1% is still not invisible:p Ok, but dor real, i think more than 1% notice it, especially the really bad ones But eh
  9. That's why i specified modern Trails Not like stuff targeted to men can't have female MCs xD That said, the main reason Estelle was the MC was because they wanted to have something different - Kondo's words, not mine. And crossdressing is not unpopular - across jp media enjoyers anyway lol not a deep dive - just a shallow look. Was curious what bara meant in my younger fandom days ahahahahaha And you don't need to apologize, my fault xD Also light contacts with fujoshis
  10. that's not a good excuse imo isn't that mostly western side. Thanks - and something similar to what happened to your buddy also happened to me with Trails a few months to a year after i left the fandom. Although it was less name calling and more impersonation lol Trust! Oh boy.... I caused enough discussions here the last few days i am not gonna chime in on this - that said, you probably know where i stand xD In character lol
  11. Sure! I wouldn't call Trails mainstream tho - it has a pretty clear target demographic, especially the modern Titles. But you have something like FE - it is slowly getting better with that. Good! More fanservice for everyone - yes! Reduction of fanservice that targets a certain demographic - no, that i am against. Pretty sure it does - but probably not translated. But if you dig deep enough into the BL genre...wew. Or that too dating simy for you? They see what's happening in our worlds and are like - NOPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Sadly, even they are also getting targeted atm, to make them more "safe" 😞
  12. that is because that's the demographic of most gamers. That said - there're alot of genres out there that have a different target demographic - and offer their own eye candy. I think it's very wrong to target one demographic's games instead of trying to popularize other games and make it so anyone can find what they want. Then again, talking with people from shoujo/otome circles they don't exactly want their stuff to become more popular - by that i mean, they would like for it to become more popular yes - but they saw what shitshows mainstreamfication leads to and want none of that - especially since they have just as degen and problematic stuff lol, if not even worse. Or an artist friend of mine told me: "Take the normies back - why are they coming to shoujo now?" Something targeting only a certain group is not a bad thing - and it's good that it's that way - so stuff can be more varied and everyone can find what they like/what they are in the mood for. ....Then again, i am someone who dips into Shoujo and Otome stuff, what do i know.
  13. yes it's called being a professional Wrong - Some might be, but not even close to all. And Rewrites are definitely not "interpretation" The best kind of translator is one who is ....invisible...who you don't see in the product you get. the fans - even as one who is unhappy with the shit system. People pay with their money and get a product - have every right to complain with something they dislike and air grievances - and if said "minimum" wage workers responds to questions with namecalling, swearing and hate on the fans, then they aren't free of blame - and honestly lose all my sympathy. If you get question on the wrong communication channel, then point to the right one or block. If you use the wrong communication channel yourself (ie private account) then you just made that communication channel the defacto right one. And don't attack the fans - attacking the fans and gloating about your bad job is why we are in this mess to begin with. Omg so edgy where are you hiding all tha - strange question, don't answer xD +1 no i did not - or we misunderstood each other - because not even every example i posted had a retranslation. What i posted were some examples of translations seen as bad/awful. ??? Someone pointing out mistakes in translations is harassment how? I had to because i wasn't even aware of the drama Armagon pointed out - and i am knee deep in animanga and gaming communities and i always get this happening very fast - only to find even said unsavory side not finding the translation bad. Or "Nothingburger" them happening concurrently doesn't mean they approve of each other or tolerate each other - the communities are vast, varied and wide. Ya know, last year during the Engage "drama" - you know who else complained about the translation? small parts of the LGBTQ community - and they pointed out why (The translation in some ways had less LGBTQ than JP version - which is why all the "woke" complaints made me laugh lmao.) - are you gonna put them in the same wave as people who harass translators or alt right bigots? When they don't wanna be near each other and hate each other? Stop putting all people in a box. Sometimes they try - i point them to the communication channels. If i do anything else - and that including responding to them in an offensive way and attacking them - oh boy i will be in a damn mess. We have very clear & strict guidelines on how to deal with that. And discussing it in gaming forums don't count? Or in review spaces? That's some of the little tools we players/fans have. Making grievances loud and discussing them is a legit way to do so - or might as well delete gaming forums and review spaces because some abuse them. And you know how fandom communities are - how hard and sometimes toxic they can be - and aside from kicking out unwanted people, we can't ban them off the net - we're not a monolith. Thanks for standing for me at least XD ...It makes me feel bad that i have standards even in a job i hate lmao
  14. And this doesn't just apply to Translations mind you - players or fans wanting the product to be good and complaining about bugs/bad games/etc. is not harassment - and the fact that the game industry or media industry is shit is not the fans' fault. Yeah yeah fan demands and capitalism and such - but maybe put the blame on the lack of labour protection laws and not the fans
  15. I don't do Trails stuff anymore and you know it xD Was OP smoking something lmao Also Akiha route RE when? Don't fuck it up, Mushroom Legacy of Kain came out in the 70s? Talking generally here and not just lgbtq, but i really dislike the whole "every option available for the Player" thing and it usually comes with it's own writing problems - but we've talked about this before methinks. That would be ideal yes. Depending on game, too. Dating sim - go wild xD Now same for FE4! Ye But hey Let's accept bad - sorry i mean fine - translations because otherwise it's harassment Never underestimate fandom idiocy. The system being sucky doesn't change the responsibility of the worker towards the consumer. If a mistake happens from client side and i have to do stuff again (which happens to me, daily, and right now as i am writing lol) my company gets extra money, i don't, and i have to do work again. If a mistake happens from our side, i also have to do work again, and no extra compensation - and it's the client/consumer's right to complain then - it's not harassment. Translators shouldn't be put on a pedestal. And let's not confuse legit mistakes with straight intended changes to "fix" stuff.
  16. Ü Why else would they change the system? To appease people? Lmao When did i ever say all localizations bad? You know exactly which localizations i am referring too here - and i agreed with Armagon as such when i told him the UO complaints are a nothingburger - and i even had to dive out of my comfort zone of this one where i went to shithole on the net where even they were like "nothingburger". I never said retranslations happening being the norm - but i still stand by bad localizations being the norm, and happening much more often than they should. Quite a few examples i mentioned weren't about retranslations, either - and i don't know why you understood them as such. what are you even talking about here? I am not justifying harassment - i am justifying the localizations complaints and grievances - these are not harassment. Stop strawmanning legit complaints as harassment. and i still stand by it. nor is criticism harassment. You keep strawmanning about harassment every time.
  17. one of the translators i follow talked about this topic - the AI thing isn't happening due localization complaints or idiots complaining about "woke" or any consumer friendly reason out there, but has been happening for quite a while and something the industry is taking into consideration, to -of course- save money and increase speed. What's generally happening is AI-Translations + Editing by a human. basically Capitalism Ho
  18. Same problems some of modern FE games (like 3H and Engage) have - Unit identity But verdict after full game good Honestly, it's sad that so many are cheering on Ai translations becoming more common - especially since good translators will be replaced too - but that is sadly the reality of the industry....and the fact that the bad localizers made the fans unwilling to defend translators. I am active in different animanga and gaming communities - the "good" eggs are far more than a fucking handful, communication with good and beloved localizers happen more often than you think (infact, just witnessed one happen yesterday) and criticism ain't just harassment and death threats. I won't deny the existence of "bad eggs", never did and never will, but so many more have actual constructive criticism and legit grievances - but i guess a biased view from outside makes the world easy for you. The other side bad, my side good. And before you come with "fight the bad eggs" We do, that's why they are on their own cornets on the net like 4chan or KIA - Not everyone who has problems is part of these. And you should know the world good enough that putting everyone from the same group in the same basket makes you no different from the people you hate so much. And of course gotta end it with a straw man.
  19. There's quite a level of difference about complaining and directly attacking and outright spiting the fans, but you do you. And if you think you can be rude during offwork hours in work related matters without any consequences, do i have news for you. and where did i say that harassment is the way to solve those issues? And while harassment is an issue yes, questioning and having problems with the translations are not "harassment". You are just collectively deciding everyone complaining is "harassing".
  20. nah I am pretty sure some of you would've known by now if it was the case lol
  21. tbf Famitsu reviews are generally untrustworthy.
  22. I was almost involved in a fandom war and promotions as well That said - the whole generics idea i am not exactly keen on - on how it's handled i mean - but we will see Time to become mainstream and bad
  23. It's not just Xenoblade 2 Majority of the "anti-fanservice" and moralist types are criminals and/or protect criminals amongst them, knowingly, too Every Fucking Time Projection. It's like Republicans and gays. And yes, i am suspicious of anyone who goes into a circle full of immoral/degen stuff only to hate on the users there, harass and complain. It's always like this. Always. Anyways, reset the clock.
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