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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. It didn't have However, the level itself kinda did have time limits to clear the missiles before they detach from each other... Not that i needed any ground to stand on with Kirin just zapchaining over every enemy in the air 😛
  2. yes ofc they failed, 128 year later babybot still babybot it's quite an interesting setting yh
  3. They tried When their "King" died, they copied it's Data over to a "Baby robot", expecting it to grow up... Ofc that worked out well Ü
  4. NGL It does feel pretty damn religious ritual like - especially after reading the lyrics. But we tried Monarchy for more than a few thousand years and it was always failure
  5. hello, copyright police? Layla eh From the enemy's revival song- I already had a hunch, but our antagonists this time are based around Egyptian Mythology? Cool here, 2 Atems! 😛 Also, leader-kun got the drip honestly Battle in the skies on a missile vs. Fire Bird x Yugioh X Z-chan! A Binding Blade, you could say Copyright police, hello? If a long running series survives more than a century, will it have such a name 🤔 3rd strike
  6. Churches had epic Idol anime battles in 1504? Damn, we missed out If it was completely scanlated, maybe - but it only has 8 chapters
  7. Details, Kirin. Details Encore Lessgo >Computer crashes right as i was about to finish the battle
  8. I am pretty sure they have even more *Steals the theocracy and changes in to Shrimpacy*
  9. >fighting at a temple *remembers his 3D Gunvolt dream* lol Time to go back to theocracy? Maybe? Dunno lol I got told the game truly starts after the 2nd route a- which is a bit of a pain as 2nd route's gameplay is kinda....ehhhhhh I thought the same lmao Then again, they are "brothers", so... Cybergnosticism?
  10. "Notice me, Senpai" She doomed Don't stick your machiney parts in crazy, ok? How do machines scream anyway? To kill you yes you want to feel the breeze? And other parts as well Banishment from heaven got lost in translation from Human -> Machine? You have humanity's records and you decided on a Kingdom of all things? SMH
  11. this is what peak anime looks like any that has bla bla bla tidal wave 😛
  12. bla bla bla Tidal Wha- wait wrong series wdym, the english is clearly the original in that case and the jp the bad localization 😛
  13. I am not sure about this, but someone told me it's somehow a bug with modern systems? Don't exactly know But not like the next bosses are that much better. Ys 1 is not a well designed game - all the fun is in Ys 2
  14. F Just watch the rest maybe and jump to Ys 2?
  15. I admit, no. So i might possibly mistaken here That still doesn't excuse their behavior.
  16. And i agree - but you can easily make 2 accounts, 1 for work, and 1 for personal life - and if anybody comes with work stuff to your personal account, or vice versa - just block them or tell them off or to contact during working hours, etc. What i am trying to say - even creatives have to be professional
  17. Pen names are a thing, aren't they - even if ideally they shouldn't be needed....can translators use pen names? Tbh, put a "not for work" on bio and just block anyone who talks about work stuff on it. There're many ways you can deal with it if you want to use said account only for personal life, and not for work and to later also intentionally piss off fans using same account.
  18. I just don't respond until work hours. All my work contacts are off until i am online again. However they are using their personal accounts also for their work - mixing personal life with work life is something they decided to do.
  19. Or let's go to a more popular example: Gundam Witch. Everyone was up in arms when executives went "there're no Lesbians here", including "weebs", because everyone knows the executives disregarded the authors work
  20. don't generalize and include people who are just asking/criticizing? If you do, then you are no better than the ones attacking you I literally posted a LGBT example above, and i am not even into BL. It's not about idiots who cry "LGBT BAD REE", even if they definitely exist, it's about changing the work Not just by "woke" (and i am not denying that subtext of fans exist), but also by localizers attacking everyone in sight even ones who just ask a question.
  21. You are talking as if the localizers get million questions a day. If they just answered even one person truthfully instead of telling everyone to fuck off they wouldn't be getting that many questions to begin with If they do they job wrong, and many customers think they do, they are actually beholden to and responsible for it. tbf, he is a tech dude, not a localizer
  22. honestly strange, because Durante is a known and trusted tech man...or atleast used to be this is also a very mean way to tell someone off lol. Instead he should ask what exactly happened to replicate it, or ask for pics/videos, etc. Not everything get's identified by QA, i have firsthand experience with that lmao, especially with how different systems are
  23. If a customer came to me and asked "Why is this like this", then i have to respectfully tell them either a) why they are wrong (respectfully) or b) Justify our mistakes and apologize (usually the first or i wouldn't be at my job anymore) I deal with stuff like this daily. It's annoying. I get it, but it comes with the job. I don't tell them to fuck off, even if i know they are doing it in bad faith (and it's quite obvious sometimes). And yes, i am equating a customer to random online dude/tte because they are random people i never see in my life, just over the net, everything. Especially since the "random online dude/tte" actually provide more information on why the localization might be wrong rather than leave me with no info, and do bring comparisons. If the fans go "it's wrong" with no proof, ok, i agree - but usually they have proof and comparisons and all the localizers do is attack them and call them names. Not many authors are available online or speak english - and fans who don't go "i hate this i have to change this" i definitely trust more than a localizer knowing for pulling bs all the time. Especially since fans usually have some contact to a native speaker - or are native jp speakers themselves. And most of the time, it's very obvious the localizer doesn't care about author intent. And they even gloat about it. Don't apologize, and to explain: I am not comfortable sharing some personal stuff online related to the topic - i have no problem talking about the topic itself.
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