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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. spoilers i guess? Fact is, indeed, the family name - more details in Ys origin xD seems like a social deduction game? Dunno if it's exactly the thing i'd like but will keep it my eyes (read: more like 0.35% chance XD) This is something that i've been seeing coming back in full force even in more progressive circles: Gender norms, but with a "progressive" flair. Anyone who even has a slight interest in something that's a considered to be "of the other gender" has to be trans. It kinda sucks honestly. Gender norms are cool again ig? And when it comes to representation....the current climate around the whole topic is honestly really really bad. I don't wanna talk more about it because then i will reveal some rl stuff i am not comfortable sharing online that bad huh
  2. The whole localization thing is kinda blowing up in japan just as we were talking about it And i am not talking about western weebtubers or 4chan trolls, japanese youtubers are actually talking about it... Definitely There was the thing about calling him a Dragon in GV2, didn't expect it to be literal xD Oh OH I thought you meant you were dreading Dark Fact xD Interpreting a character during translation wrong where even native speakers complain about it sounds like a bad job of interpreting a character Check the BL manga i posted above, where in the official loc a crossdresser was changed into trans - intentionally. Even the author was angry and the localization company had to apologize, even tho the translator kept blaming the fans. That's not a cultural interpretation, that's mean spirited and even cultural appropriation, if we wanna be mean about it. And when people try to point out the mistakes or ask why it was translated that way, the translators attack them and call them names. Or the biggest group: They have real complaints and get just written off because "it's anime" I am watching a japanese guy (Sora, he makes funny videos and did work as a translator and VA) atm and he brought up a good example "Make me Miso Soup" actually means "Marry me" when you say it in jp, and talked about the way to translate and how it would sound weird if it's translated, etc. In more niche spaces, one of the worst things that can happen to a product is hearing that it will get an official tl, as everyone knows that not only will we get lower quality products, we will get longer translation times, and the community is scattered. Fantranslators write pages on cultural context and why it was translated that way/justify it. We also learn about a different culture that way. Official loc the best you get is "deal with it", most of the times they attack you when you question it. It does make it easier to lvlup to skip tho
  3. No need to be so formal, IO-tan! Common Engage W Could be yeah Playing for the same team you fought in the other games without a good enough explanation is not gonna fly well with alot of people. To me, the whole "Gunvolt suddenly rampaged" thing especially made me go "???" And it sounds like it happened quite soon after GV2, whicg makes it even more weird
  4. You talking as if i was a GrandpaShrimp or something :p Oh yeah THAT Wew Should've been disbanded tbh I don't have quite an opinion on Kirin yet, infact i do quite like her, being a Battle Miko and all I did hear about a certain infamous line tho
  5. https://old.reddit.com/r/Falcom/comments/4qd3mn/ys_1_spoiler_well_i_never_tought_i_will_do_this/ I was there a few years ago XD
  6. The boss that almost made me ragequit Ys 😛 As i said, you also fought him in Ys 9 which is also a megacorpo? So i am a bot?
  7. >Gambs That dude is a joke The "Only those who speak jp can enjoy jp media" type of joke. A complete and utter moron. Even weebs reject him xD I have this game on my wishlist. One day. Backlog too big tbf she works for a megacorpo, so... I still don't like how they are getting whitewashed lol Tbh, my positive comment was more in regards to gameplay If they are in character - fine If not - Iffy on it The last few years in particular have burned me hard on even slight changes when it comes to localizations, as i find they tend to be for the worse 90% of the time. Wether in games, manga or anime. Although i tend to be not only more forgiving towards fantl, but also more often than not more trusting of them over official tl tbh - or fan edits of it. Even the text in English tends to flow better there. There's always, always, a quality drop whenever a manga goes from Fan tl to official tl. And a very noticeable one at that. But we are going on circles here Like Lumera, he will live
  8. There another one from Ys 1 in Ys 9 as well iirc....it's the one that almost made me ragequit Ys 1 XD
  9. Ah wormy You fought him before In Ys 9 😉 This guy
  10. Smh defending Mega corpo DOWN WITH THEM If only flexibility didn't meant "Work overtime for nothing" 😛 Ah she's one of those Xd *looks up* Ah Makes sense
  11. https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/18xsdsy/heres_some_paul_x_lucina_art_way_better_than/ Ahahahah this is wild @Armagon you were the spiderman fan weren't you
  12. I honestly like that art alot I do quite dig Kirin's design tbh Is there something else i can target beside him to arc slash out side of his AoE and stuff? I could arc slash into him repeatedly to evade his Ult, but i wasn't fast enough to evade most of his attacks hmmm Encore time! Now to not lose the 3.8k kudos i have when i lost 60% of my HP already Gacha luck good? Battle Priestess for FE lord when OR too anime? Lol Poor DV I do like GV3 quite a bit more than the others from first impression atleast
  13. Oh damn it I am in the mood for another engage run lol
  14. You played Celceta, you should know the answer 😛
  15. Metal is the word i would use! Glad to hear you are atleast (kinda) enjoying the bump! 10 in 1 and iirc 60 in (or 55) Yeah, Ys 2 is quite a bit bigger. And much more fun
  16. hah! Honestly my first thought when i saw this was "Why are we letting them do this?"
  17. enjos Koshiro greatness 😄 that reminds me of a pic i saw today on r/de The conservative play "Let us meet in the middle" well, VS2 is a gaiden game - a side story Nether are winning any awards anyway, and VS2 has a unhinged Kaga - so i like it in general more I did on Nightmare? I remember doing it, but not on Nightmare xD But yeah he a bit of a pain - but not that hard. You just need to be patient and not walk into the flames Ys 1 does not have good boss design. I almost rage quit at one there myself Ys 2 is much better in that regard wew That's alot of grinding well, in Ys 1 the max level is 10 btw But yeah a level makes alot of difference in older Ys games
  18. Man what i just wrote sounds like enlightened centrism ™️ Ruben, gimme the award That, i also like to read and/or have nothing against reading/watching/playing fucked up (and i don't mean (just) sexual) stuff (as long as it's tagged because even i have my yucks) and am very big on "everyone should decide for themselves" so gettinflg treated with the kid gloves tends to piss me off, and i don't think it's right for someone else to decide what's appropriate or not, and that includes localizers. But that's just me. You will get used to it, and magic awaits you in Ys 2! My beloved The chest stuff is a classic
  19. It can be pretty damn annoying sometimes tbh And honestly, when those in the circles i am in start complaining about "woke" i tend to/try to post examples of how the "not woke" do the same thing when it comes to censoring or removing stuff that doesn't fit their taste, or how a minority character can get them to flip their shit To me the whole thing isn't a "woke" problem, it's an everyside problem lol, and people not liking stuff from a different culture and trying to fit it to their tastes/world view
  20. >Wokelizer Opinion skipped. Any one who used a term like that gets skipped Isn't the only "real" change that war profit line, and mainly because fans wanted it lol
  21. Ayyyyy Enjoy. Especially the Music 😄 Also you can turn off the border frame thingy if you want
  22. Still not not their job tbh...not that i find Marth that good, more on the boring side, so maybe that's why? Let's go with another example - Trails - the whole series. The OG script, especially Cold steel (but not just) is really really dry, and has a lot of repetition (ckeck amazon jp reviews, alot of "does the writer even know japanese" comments), and the english script, through the series, is usually seen as superior Yet despite that, there're very rare complaints about intent or characterization change (at least back in my day). The biggest complaint i can remember is changing the name of something in Sky3rd that Falcom already had an english name for. And i usually do find characterization changes tend to be for the worse rather than for the best, usually. 10/10
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