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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Whoops, I meant to say ponies instead of mounted. - Cavaliers, Paladins and Dark Knights are fine but even they get nerfed in a lot of maps whereas fliers don't have an issue in those maps. (Think about the Lava maps or the exclusive Crimson Flower map) and from those three classes Dark Knight is the only master class. - Holy Knight is bad because you're putting in a lot of riding and Lance rank in order to promote to a class that doesn't heal as well as the bishop class. (but you already mentioned this). - Bow Knights are still really good that's true. But all of those classes pale in comparison to the god class that is the Wyvern Class. So yeah your ranking is correct.
  2. You don't need to use Stride for that. It's almost crazy to say this about a FE game but horse units (except for BK) are really bad in 3H.
  3. Alpha Protocol: People that play the game complain a lot about the gameplay but as long as you don't use Shotguns or SMG's I really don't think the gameplay is as bad as people say it is. Sure, at the start of the game your aim is pretty bad but the moment you start upgrading your skills that becomes a lot less of an issue. Everything else about the game is great. The story is great, the characters are amazing, the dialogue tree is the best way of handling a dialogue tree I've seen and the choice and consequences are also handled incredibly well and very subtle at that.
  4. Yeah, both work and depending on what interests the player more they can go with either. My final route was SS and at the time I kind of regret that because I enjoyed VW a lot more and at least that route ends with a "Bang" instead of a whimper.
  5. Personally I'd go with CF > SS > BL > VW but really no matter what route you do first the most important thing is that you don't follow up the SS route with VW or the other way around because those two routes are very very similar.
  6. Yeah after my third route I had to wait a month before I started my final route, the SS route. I recommend that when playing another route that you don't do any side battles and always try different classes for your units to keep it fresh and somewhat challenging. Luckily every house has different units so you can try a lot of different things.
  7. Fodlan is definitely xenophobic. There's the whole Duscur situation which wasn't handled as well as I would have liked by IS but they did make it clear in some of Dedue's supports that the "normal" Kingdom citizen despises people from Duscur and treats them badly just because of who they are. But even in Hilda's Cyril C support we can see that "casual racism" is something that is certainly a lot more common then what the game might give off at first.
  8. Yup, I agree with all of your points and would have much preferred to have a better VW route than the SS route. The most important SS points could've easily been added in VW anyway while improving the Almyra plot.
  9. If that datamine is legit then we're getting a MxM unit, that's good, there's a of people that want that after all. Cool to see that every house gets a unit. As a BE boy I'm really interested in Constance, she also has a really interesting support list because she supports Jeitza and Mercedes. I wonder if that means anything. Also cool to see another Lysithea support.
  10. The guy that made a Blue Lions anime opening also made one for the Golden Deer (spoilers inbound) https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm36147826 Yup, the only atbest decent Prequel star wars movie is the third one. The Phantom Menace and Attack of the clones are garbage. The best thing I can say about them is that they gave us some cool stories in The Clone Wars cartoon. With the way the movies were received over the years I expected them to be a lot worse but I even ended up liking the 'The last jedi'. That's the one that got a lot of flack. It's just a shame that Rian Johnson is no Chris Avellone, Chris Avellone wrote Kotor 2 and that game takes the interesting parts of that movie and handles them a lot better.
  11. Saw the Disney Star Wars trilogy. They were alright. The second one was the best. Still miles better than the prequels, the best things those movies offer are memes.
  12. Less than a month for CYL4. Normally not that interested but I'm still kind of curious this time because I want to see the results for 3H characters.
  13. I don't know if anyone else watched the Witcher on Netlfix but I did when it was released and it's amazing. So glad to see that the show didn't disappoint. Can't wait for S2. TOSS A COIN TO YOUR WITCHER
  14. Nah, that's a fairly popular opinion. Seems kind of funny looking back that people were worried that Crest units were going to be a lot better than non crest units like in FE4 with holy blood.
  15. Merry Christmas everyone:) ——— I’m stuck at work right now <_<
  16. What Shrimp said. I also heard that the only reason the translation version costs money is because of Dangen having to work on it, which makes sense but in that case you shouldn’t be involved in a controversy like that.
  17. Never played Kotor 2, only Kotor 1 but do note that if you end up playing Kotor 2 that you should install a "restoration mod". Apparently, a lot of content got cut because Obsidian had to release the game when the seocnd prequel movie came out and without the mod a lot of stuff is missing. Still on the fence about getting Vesteria because of the Dangen controversy.
  18. I guess we'll know if Berwick Saga ever gets translated.
  19. Hi, my favorite character is Lysithea. I also like Ninian, she and Hector are my favorite FE7 characters. I see your username and picture. You like The Dragon Prince? I've also watched it, it's a great show and I especially liked the last season.
  20. The problem with a Catalonia situation...I mean aside from everything that already happened in Catalonia is that Spain said they would only agree on Scotland joining the EU if their referendum isn't done illegally and I assume that means that they need the permission from Westminster.
  21. FE3H won the player's voice video game award. I'm Kind of surprised it did, I expected Smash to win.
  22. Oh, Greta is Person of the year, that's cool I gue- *Opens Twitter*
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