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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Huh, no you're right. I looked a few days ago at work and it said 2009 somewhere but it seems that site was way off. Which means that it's even more impressive that they made it back then.
  2. Anyone watched the Disney cartoon Gargoyles? I started watching it and wow it's so good and for a 2009 cartoon really ahead of its time. It also has a super charismatic antagonist.
  3. If you're going do that be sure not to use the same internet connection because I'm sure Nintendo would know.
  4. Oh, definitely, I'm going to push as hard as I can (by the end I should have gotten 40 votes for Lysithea) but I doubt that we'll be able to beat the new Female Bi Lord that also has appeal as an antagonist.
  5. I mean I did say back in the Julia thread that I would only give Eirika some of my votes, not all of them. At the time I also didn't like Lys as much as El so I gotta rally for Lys now and gotta keep her in the second spot by getting a lot of votes. Give me your best shot.
  6. Yes and I would prefer it if they don’t but they’ve done it before with other characters. They could also give them both the Thunderbrand but make one of them “exalted” and the other “Holy” and give them different bonuses.
  7. They could give Lysithea the Thyrsus or give her the Thunderbrand and if they do give her the thunderbrand her special could be called soulblade.
  8. That makes sense. I don't really care all that much for her but I do care more for her War phase version because that one has less annoying supports and I just generally find her more likable.
  9. What makes School Bernadetta better than war Bernadetta? I just noticed that she’s the only female character that leads with her school version.
  10. He’s too normal and I think that that’s the problem. The majority of the students and even most non-students too have a sad backstory of sorts.
  11. These midterms remind me. I should apologize on SF for the way I acted in the last CYL thread when Camilla’s midterm results showed up. Being a Edelgard/Lysithea fan since the 3H release has given me some much needed perspective on the way I acted back then. I’m sorry for the way I acted backed then. I’m sure that wasn’t a fun time for Camilla fans.
  12. I’ve actually thought about that too. Lysithea winning would be the first side character to win. That art is adorable. I really hope she pulls through and wins. As far as I know she isn’t really disliked in general.
  13. Hayato is a child the entire game, Lysithea isn’t. Hayato isn’t a good unit, Lysithea is. Hayato is stuck in Fates, Lysithea isn’t. Hayato doesn’t defeat the equivalent of the Death Knight in Fates. Her backstory is also a lot better integrated in the main story.
  14. Midterm results are out. Okay I still gave my third vote to Eirika but I’m jumping ship to Lysithea now to keep her on the second place and I’ll make sure that everyone I know does that too. BRAVE LYSITHEA HERE WE GO!
  15. 2 Votes for Eirika in now. Also managed to get 5 votes for Lysithea on the first day.
  16. Like I said a few months ago, I’ll vote for Eirika till Midterms and then change to Edelgard/Lysithea. Today’s vote has gone to Eirika.
  17. Nope, she has 10% less (Lys has 60 and Marianne has 50) so if anything Lys doesn't like that you didn't recruit her on the BL route!
  18. That will be a small break considering it releases 13 February.
  19. I decided to watch the entire Smash direct because Byleth is the first character from all the FE Smash characters so far that I really would like to play and wow Sakurai is such a wholesome guy. I feel bad that people are being so harsh on such a cool dude.
  20. Glad to finally meet our new characters! I really like how they look, can’t wait to meet them and play the new content.
  21. I’m kind of neutral on Byleth but I like how they gave him multiple different weapons + he’s the only 3H character + Sothis FS make me kind of tempted to get Byleth. Do I need to buy an entire pass or can I just get him?
  22. 3H has a lot of fantastic voice acting but if I was going to go with the best ones... Lord: Chris Hackney as Dimitri: He does a fantastic job with his role. Tara Platt and Joe Zieja do a very good job as well of course but when the emotional Dimitri moments happen Chris just nails it. Supporting: Chirami Leigh as Rhea: She does a good job as Rhea but she really knocks it out of the park in the Crimson Flower route. Black Eagle: Allegra Clark (Dorothea) There's the singing but there's also some of her sassy moments and her support with Ferdie where the VA does a really well job. Blue Lions: Lucien Dodge (Felix) Really love how he pulls Felix's tsundere like personality and especially that DEATH quote. God that death quote is voiced so well. Golden Deer: Janice Kawaye (Lysithea) I'm obviously biased here but I really feel like Lysithea's VA does a really good job in the supports where Lys ends up revealing her backstory to a support partner.
  23. You guys ever got to the S support choice in FE 3H and
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