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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. "Finished" the DQXI demo and wow I'm going to have a blast with the full game if it's just as much fun as the demo. Can't wait to get it. Bless the CF route for not having this map xD. Maddening was already difficult enough.
  2. PoR and RD isn't that great and have some bad moments. I remember some bad scenes with Mist. Three houses has to be my favorite. Dimitri's VA did a fantastic job with some of his lines after the timeskip and so did Edelgard's VA.
  3. Really glad that FE Heroes is gone in Belgium. I really didn't want to bother with that game and it feels nice that my country doesn't support it. I heard some stuff about Mario Kart but is it that bad? No surprise there though, it started with Marion run and then after that Nintendo saw how money rained with feh.
  4. There's a lot of not so great parents but Desmond easily takes the cake imo. No other character is that obsessed with making their child's life THAT miserable. I can totally understand Zephiel snapping because of it, I might not like it but I can understand it.
  5. I've played the game 420 hours already and unlike let's say Skyrim none of those hours felt wasted to me so the game is definitely doing a lot of things right since there hasn't been any other FE game I've played this much.
  6. The specific Media Markt store where I ordered DQ XI didn't manage to get DQ XI so I'll go and play the demo in the meantime. Kind of sucks because next week I'll also get BG on the switch. No way I'll complete DQ by then. Also, it's weekend! Woohoo. ------- I've been playing the last FE 3H route and I just made Marianne a dancer. I had a good laugh when I did that.
  7. Since someone brought up Felix... The reason I like him is because I happen to agree with a lot of the the things he says. Sure, he's kind of an ass about it but he's not wrong. I also love how he actually has some good dialogue against Dimitri after the timeskip because I'm not a fan of Dimitri at that point in the story.
  8. Huh I knew that your save file carries over and that's cool but I didn't expect the demo to be THAT LONG. I would've downloaded and played it if I knew but since I'm (hopefully) getting the game tomorrow there's not much of a point.
  9. I'll just say that I'm hoping that the leak is not true. It doesn't sound bad but I'm still hoping that it's wrong.
  10. Oh, Rune Factory might also be a buy. I have the fourth game on the 3DS but I never finished it because my R button barely works anymore. She has that Date A Live look (yeah I know they're the same artist).
  11. I actually googled Atelier Tighza before I understand what you meant. I also want to play with the witches. No switch release though ;_; EA, ruining it for everybody since forever.
  12. Any games you guys are looking forward to? I can’t wait for dq11, Baldur’s gate collection and The Witcher 3. Then next year’s trials of mana and XB Switch.
  13. It was really satisfting to see her cut down Linda in that ending.
  14. Yeah no. If there’s one argument I will absolutely 200% disagree with it is the idea that Edelgard is more popular because she’s a girl ESPECIALLY IN THIS FANDOM where Female lords in general tend to get so much more shit. It’s obvious when you compare the existence of Arvis and compare his reception to that of Edelgard.
  15. People in general prefer order over change and rather have a messy system in place than go through radical changes. This is perfectly shown in the game because of how long the crest nobility system has existed and no one has tried to change it. Characters like Sylvain, Mercedes, Marianne would prefer a world without crests but unlike Edelgard they aren’t willing to put in through changes. Edelgard is the only is willing to bring change.
  16. NG, I wanted the golden title screen no matter what xD. Earlygame probably would have been a ton easier on NG+. Whoops, I forgot to specify that I used FByleth and even with her it was difficult to become Wyvern Rider. Originally I didn’t bother with going Pegasus Knight but because my flying skill wasn’t good enough when I reached Wyvern Rider I decided to become one anyway but that ended up being a very good thing because my Byleth ended up having both Death and Daring blow which in the long run made it so she almost never got doubled and she even managed to double the enemy herself from to time as long as she used a training+/iron axe+.
  17. Finished BE on maddening. Wyvern Lord Byleth, Edelgard and Lysithea were easily the stars of the show. The rest just ended up helping out. It's my first time I completed a FE game on the hardest difficulty and it had its high moments and low moments but overall I didn't like it that much. Earlygame (ch. 1-5) was really difficult and not in a fun way. Lategame I mostly used Byleth, Edelgard and Lysithea as "power units" while the others tried to overwhelm other enemy units. It made a lot of the units feel a lot weaker. Honestly in the future I'll just do other runs on hard while avoiding doing auxiliary battles as much as possible so that I don't get too overleveled.
  18. It wouldn’t suprise me. Remember that you could S-support Ganghrel in Awakening and Peri in Fates.
  19. I remember someone mentioning how difficult ch 17 BE and Petra paralogue would be on maddening here. Petra’s paralogue was really difficult and I only managed to complete thanks to Lysithea. Ch. 17 was only tricky at the start. After you kill the left part of the map it’s smooth sailing. Now it’s time for ch. 18. Yeah, maddening gets easier the longer it goes on because your units tend to snowball pretty good.
  20. Being the idiot that I am I forgot that you can lose units without consequences so I ended up restarting my first try even though I could have easily finished it <_> But yeah that map wasn't as difficult as I expected. The Miklan chapter was far more difficult.
  21. True, which is why she was a lot more difficult to use in the earlygame when she didn't have the Thyreus staff. After she got that staff everything got so much easier. The biggest problem in Petra's paralogue is when the reinforcement show up they show up with too many, they're way too strong to kill all in one turn AND they can probably one round at least one of your units. I was lucky and could kill two of them with Lysithea + Dorothea's dance and then I gambit the other two. The only other guy could only attack Dorothea one time and it didn't kill. The rest of the map was still tricky but manageable.
  22. Lysithea doesn't really suffer that much if she gets spd screwed on maddening. Just give her the Thyreus staff and she'll hit so damn hard with some of her spells that she almost one shots units that other units can't even one round. She's super good and she was so vital in the Petra paralogue that I almost lost all of her spell uses.
  23. That was my first SMT game I played and I played through the game and got the Chaos and Order ending but the neutral route had such specific requirements that I didn't bother. I'm still interested in the SMT Switch game, whenever that releases.
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