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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. The only figure I've gotten so far is a Saber Alter figure. I would have loved to get a FE Figure instead but the only thing they had at the convention I went to was a Camilla figurine. --- On Ch. 15 BE Maddening and I just did the Bernadetta/Petra Paralogue. Didn't have to restart but it sure as hell was nerve wrecking at times.
  2. Oh, I'd be fine with that and have already considered that but wouldn't the problem here be that you couldn't use her for the a big chunk of the timeskip? Personally, I don't have a problem with that but some other people might be annoyed that the unit they have been training left and that they're forced to replace it. Though...they could make it so that you can only use her after you completed the game once?
  3. If I remember correctly in FE Sacred Stones you could use the villains if you completed a post game dungeon. They were obviously non cannon but you could still use them. I wouldn't mind it if they introduced Sothis, Rhea and Jeralt in a "you can use these units but they're 100% non-canon" kind of way. Trying to get them playable IN the story would be veeeeery messy (only Sothis could work somewhat and even that would be shaky) and they'd probably mess it up someway.
  4. The text says "certain routes only" which seems to imply he won't be available on multiple routes but it would be more interesting if he's only recruitable on the other routes if you have Mercedes (and Caspar) and do her paralogue. I certainly hope so! ... Imagine, Sothis killing the final BE boss. EDIT: We don't know anything about the free update for wave 4, do we? If so maybe as a final free update they'll make Sothis, Rhea and Jeralt playable?
  5. If you play on Maddening perhaps. On normal or Hard I barely had the need to use the rewind mechanic while on Maddening I'm spamming it (and not ashamed of it, some things in that mode are BS).
  6. Interested in how they handle Jeritza. Right now he's just a lot of nothing. I would love it if they made him an actual character, it could give some more character to Mercedes as well. Curious to see how they'll handle him joining you. He definitely should become a unit on the BE Edelgard route because of reasons. Maybe you should also be able to recruit him if you complete a certain characters paralogue. Anna? Well, no surprise there. As for wave 4, I really hope that Abyss mode is another story and that Juris, Balthazar, Constanze and Javi are characters from the age of Seiros. They could pull a Halo Reach on us. Yeah, I'm still really hoping for a prequel dlc ;_; And new classes are going to be nice, right now there's some units that I feel need more options. At least Wave 3 and especially wave 4 look better than Wave 1/2. ------ Kind of wished we got playable Sothis, Seiros and Jeralt. Yeah, I know it doesn't make any sense but it's DLC damnit. Let me have my nonsensical units!
  7. Speaking off wasted money for big games, I really didn't like Super Mario Odyssey and ended up selling it. I never really saw the big deal about it.
  8. Shining resonance is an actual good game? I saw it on the store a few times, even saw it on price drop once and considered it but didn't hear a lot about it. Ah, right. Well, makes sense.
  9. You know I don't really have a lot of "waifus". I do have female characters I like a lot like Ellen from the Witch's House and Vancey from VC4 but I wouldn't call them waifus.
  10. God yes Stella Glow music was soooooo good. SA SA SA HAYA!
  12. @Shrimperor Histoire, only at B?! HOW COULD YOU?!
  13. Oh, I see. It's just RNG, for a while I thought there was more to it. Thanks for the answer.
  14. Sometimes I and my tea time partner get charm, other times it's just them and sometimes neither of us get any at all. All of these tea times have been Perfect tea times. Is there some tea time mechanic I'm not aware off?
  15. Got to the timeskip. So far the game felt very very difficult from ch. 1 till ch. 6 sometimes even unfairly so but after ch. 6 the only maps I had to reset were paralogues but even those got relatively easy once I promoted Byleth and Edelgard into a Wyvern unit. Petra is one too now but she's not as deadly as those two, still an amazing unit. Flying units are just that amazing. Lysithea also got amazing once I got her the Thyreus staff. I'll continue tommorow with the first timeskip BE Edelgard chapter. Right now I have Wyvern Lord Byleth, Wyvern rider Edelgard/Petra, Paladin Sylvain, Gremory Lysithea, Dancer Dorothea, Bishop Linehardt, Sniper Bernadetta, Assasin Felix and Pegasus Knight Ingrid. So far those units have been doing very well although I might get rid off Pegasus Knight Ingrid if she doesn't gain some stats as a Falcon Knight (her damage output is really not that good) for Hubert, Mercedes or Caspar.
  16. Eh, I was never a big fan of her. I did only play the original three games though, I don't know if my opinion would change if I played the newer games. This is how I see it: Neptune > Plutia = Noire >>> Vert >> Blanc Sisters: Nepgear > Uni >>> Ram and Rom Histoire is still the best though.
  17. I can get behind that part but I still think their physical changes are rather odd. It’s one thing for their eyes to change but they don’t really look like humans that spent their life underground. It looks more like they were some experiments and as long as the game doesn’t tell us their exact situation I’m not sure what to think. ——— It also doesn’t make things a lot better when ypu think of Agarthans as a sub-race of humans.
  18. Shapeshifting right that makes more sense. Still doesn’t change that at no point anyone else aside from the agarthans use it.
  19. Because normal humans can’t possess the body of another human, only the Agarthans can do that. At least I don’t remember the game saying they can. I thought about the reason for their look being due them living underground but the game never adresses this. It’s why I really think we need prequel dlc.
  20. I know this isn’t super clear in the game but aren’t the agarthans a different race of humans?
  21. I always found the whole genocide Seiros plot point a bit odd considering: Wouldn't it imply that because Seiros her war caused a race of people that probably numbered in the millions to go underground that she also committed genocide? You don't need to kill every single person of a race for it to count as a genocide after all.
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