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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Why let the way the fanbase talks about a certain character influence how you feel about them? I never understood that.
  2. 11. Dark. Umbreon's my favorite and I do like a decent amount of the other dark types. 12. Deucideye's Sinister arrow raid 13. Extreme Evoboost. The move isn't that special but I just like the little animation. 14. Nope. 15. No...I hadn't seen that but I'm now glad I have xD. Hahaha. 16. I prefer to kill some students when the time comes so in most of my runs I refrained from recruiting students. Only Lysithea was the one I always recruited. 6. Well, I've never cosplayed so even if I wanted to, to make the jump from just cosplaying to cosplaying as a character from the other gender would be too extreme for me. Well...there's also the fact that I would never fit in a Lysithea cosplay xd. 7. Losing weight is a one. 8. It's an alright game that got a bit too repetitive and fell of by the last 30% of the game. The Main Character is honestly the best thing about the game. 9. One with multiple routes, a timeskip, rewards through supports. Oh, and being able to choose different origins for your avatar that include actual chapters. 10. It was fun. Not something I'm used to I will admit.
  3. Sometimes when you try to recruit a character with a B support they might refuse at first but then ask you to join you on a random calendar day.
  4. I like Edelgard. I think Dimitri is overrated. I can see why people like him but I certainly disagree with him being the best lord. Blue Lions is the worst route. I personally like the Black Eagles route the most but even so I think Golden Deer is actually the best. It has the best gameplay, it's the most challenging route and has the best full story package.
  5. 6. Hmmm, probably warriors? It's the class I tend to use the least any way. As for favorite, I think I'll go with Flying Units. 7. I really like Wrath Strats so wrath would fit and I don't really like a lot of Personal skills. There's always going to be those personal skills that are really situation specific. 8. a Ahah! Those are the enemies from Octopath Traveler that give a lot of money or exp. I'm not sure which since it's been quite a long time since I played the game. I remember using the dancer's special class ability to summon those, I think. b. I'm going to assume that one's from an animal crossing game? c. Speaking off animal crossing, that's Isabelle! I haven't played her game but I do know about her since she's so popular, I do think she has a good design (and me being the awful smash player I am had a lot of trouble with her in the story). d & e. I don't know who they are but they do look like a cool duo. 9 &10. I haven't played Zelda OOT so I had to look this one up. Looks very difficult so I'd go with "no" I guess.
  6. It would have been better if they were the ones that got exterminated by the church because they didn't care about the goddess anymore. At least then I could have been somewhat sympathetic to them.
  7. Yeah, if you've got the renown points you can buy some stuff like professor levels, class skills, support levels and stuff like that. I always buy out my professor level first and some support levels. Oh, and over the course of three runs I've also used my renown to max out the four statues.
  8. Just do NG+ and buy her support. That way you can get her right away. Come to think of it, I don't know if that works if you played FByleth and then MByleth but you can test it out.
  9. My hit rate was also around that, I think 64% but my damage was definitely lower than that.
  10. On hard I could only damage the boss with Lys, Claude and Byleth. However Lys got killed after an attack and Byleth could only do damage with his special combat art. Claude was pretty much the star there.
  11. I found that the map a lot more difficult on hard. The boss has HUGE stats on that one. Definitely hardest map.
  12. Oh, I considered buying the second game at one point on the PS3 but I sort of lost sight of it. I did play ToV on the switch but that's the only Tales game I've played. 1. Nothing, she's the tactical nuke wizard! 2. I don't listen to rap anymore but back when I did I didn't really like it all that much. 3. The sun, if only because I was traumatized by that enemy as a kid xD. 4. Yeah, spent a looooooooooot of time on that thing outside with other friends when I was a younger kid. 1. It will go to B+ because every FE support needs to have conflict in their B support! 2. Yes. 3. If I'm still sane by the time you get 3H then you should join, if I've lost it by then you should grab the biggest bowl and fill it with a lot of popcorn. 4. Decided to use a random number generator and got number 19. Sora no Kiseki the 3rd OST - Dreamy and Boisterous Holy Land. Sounds kind of ominous in the first 55 seconds and then turns pretty hype. Good ost!
  13. Yup, which is why it took me multiple repeats of the theme till I managed to play through the map without laughing my ass off.
  14. I laughed so hard when I heard wub wub wub.
  15. Sorry but I’m not a fan of the “different cultures” argument. If I don’t like something, I don’t like something. Eastern countries being worse with this kind of stuff isn’t an excuse especially since even in the Western side of the world we’re still not doing a great a job in regards to LGBT people. You’re right that there’s more people that dislike her for other reasons. That doesn’t mean that I can’t dislike people who voted against her because she’s the first Bisexual lord character.
  16. When I said offensive language that doesn’t just include the unification part about her character but also the LGBT part of her character.
  17. I really don’t like the Korean poll, people are using really offensive language in there towards her from what I’ve heard. Even then she’s also voted second for the most liked poll on the Korean place.
  18. Golden Deer route right? If you really want to know which characters you need to pair her with
  19. @DragonFlames DON’T FORGET MY FAV HISTOIRE! Oh right I forgot you were FByleth. I’m so used to playing MByleth myself that I just forgot for a sec. No you can get a good ending for her with other units. But only with specific units.
  20. At least you like planeptune characters. Those are the best!
  21. Oh really? I didn't join the FE Fanbase till a little bit before the release of Fates so I didn't know that.
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