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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Illya is from an Visual Novel called Fate Stay Night.
  2. I still need to complete GD so for now I'll take your word for it (140 hours in and only 2 routes completed, not even reached the GD timeskip, god this game is long). Even then Edelgard still pushes Claude very hard on the war offensive which shows that she's really competent. I did complete the BE and BL routes. She's definitely better than Dimitri, his breakdown while understandable is something a ruler has no need off, especially not in a time when your country is in great peril.
  3. Well then you're at least willing to have more done to save lives than some other gun nuts. I swear I've seen Americans who care as much for their guns as a parent would care for their child. Not referring to you obviously.
  4. Speaking about that, is there some special condition to triggering that? I've heard that you need to have at least a C support for her to show up there/have her want to join you. Is that true? I'll probably never see it because she always gets recruited right away but I'm a but curious.
  5. In the church route after you kill Edelgard, someone delivers you a letter written by Hubert explaining the TWSITD threat and their location so it seems that even then they already know a lot. Sorry, I have worded that a bit badly. I didn't mean to say that thanks to her crests she became a strong emperor, I meant that aside from her crests from the day she was taken away from Dimitri and he gave her that dagger and the events that transpired afterwards she trained herself in every possible way to become as strong of an Emperor as she could be. In the BE and BL route she wrecks the enemy nations at the start of the timeskip, don't know if it's different in the GD/Church route. Her uncle counts on her fighting the Kingdom of Fargus and does seem to have certain expectations of her (he mentions at some points that he's glad to see them fight and weaken themselves, not sure what route though). Had she been an awful ruler he probably would have disposed of her and used someone else for his plans instead.
  6. 1. It's important to note that Jews didn't have the ability to turn into dragons that could kill armies. The church never told anyone about Rhea's identity and also went out of its way to twist history. Twisting history is never a right thing to do, even if you're twisting it to make things look better. The church have partly themselves to blame if they go out of their way to hide the truth, because without proper history you can't expect people to learn out of the mistakes made from the past. The moment they were manipulating history Edelgard didn't have any reason to believe any of their words. 2. I've always had the impression that Edelgard was a more competent ruler than either Dimitri or Claude because she was "created" to be the best emperor...which is why I also believe that after she gains the power of a unified Fodlan she has enough power to break free of the shackles of TWSITD and strike back at them. This also seems somewhat implied with some of the scenes she has with Byleth, Hubert and her uncle. So yeah I guess if you want to leave it open you can but I fully believe that she manages to deal with them.
  7. Eh, she has Hubie on her side and has unified the continent. I always thought the implication seemed to be that they do defeat TWSITD but it takes a really long time which is why Byleth's endings with certain character change quite a bit.
  8. @Tenzen12 "Fodland was finally one unified nation, under the rule of emperor Edelgard and the Adrestian empire. Embracing her newfound power, Edelgard could at last set about destroying Fodland entrenched system of nobility and rebuild a world free from the tyranny of crests and status." It's right there. And yeah obviously she hasn't "solved" discrimination. Even in our current day there are still a ton of people who love do nothing more then to discriminate against others, some of those people even having a ton of power at their fingertips. The points is that she improved the system. Yeah and I get it, you think the ending is full of plot conveniences and I frankly don't. The ending wasn't even my point. My point was that comparing someone who is in one of the worst, most evil and disgusting human beings to ever live on this earth 3 to Edelgard is absurd. She wasn't anywhere as evil as people like Mao, Stalin, Hitler or Leopold.
  9. Even if you're saying this to poke fun at people it sounds absolutely absurd. Edelgard wants a world without crests and one where there's no discrimination based on whether you're a noble or not. She even succeeds in her ending in creating a better world.
  10. I'm surprised something like this didn't happen sooner. In Japan there was this one gacha were they also didn't show the odds and things got so bad that the government had to step in.
  11. Quite amusing when you take into account the actions the tiny girl commits in her story.
  12. Why not? As mentioned before in the thread, Switzerland loves guns but they have a lot of rules and you don't see them in the news every week with a new shooting. If you can't ban them wouldn't some "harsh limits" be preferable to even more deaths?
  13. Good to know. I skipped through that paralogue and it turned out a green unit died. Glad I didn’t actually miss out on anything.
  14. Eh, I'm still willing to bet that she'll get a very high spot on the next CYL assuming they'll do a fourth one of course. Not that CYL is a great metric but its the only one we'll have.
  15. I much prefer the lords in the story but I don't mind playing as Byleth instead of playing as Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude because I like the role of a teacher and I do like his supports and the way some of them are handled. I'm just glad he didn't overshadow any of the lords and while he certainly is special I find his backstory interesting enough that it doesn't bother me.
  16. Since you're curious, someone asked something similar in another thread and this was my answer: Did BE first and then BL after that. Edelgard is still my favorite lord but Dimitri is a close second. I like them both a lot and while I have to let both characters sink in a bit more I do think that they're both top 10 favorite FE characters material. Hell, I think they might be both my favorite Female/Male FE lord across all FE games.
  17. No denying that. At least she realizes the kind of danger they pose and deal with them after the ending.
  18. Ah, gotcha, my mistake. Well, I believe that she simply didn't believe that either Dimitri or Claude (even Byleth since he has to push himself on her route) would be willing to as far as her for her ideals and stand by her. Which is a flawed way of thinking sure but understandable from her character and really there's only one timeline where she doesn't get punished for her way of thinking.
  19. There's nothing selfish about admitting that your country isn't doing great and wanting to improve your country. My point was that repairing the empire to its former glory was in no way her primary goal.
  20. 1. Claude has his own desires. He mentioned how he had his own plans for Fodlan if you spared him in the BE route and I could never imagine Dimitri going against the church. He might be willing to support reforms but he would never fully go against it. At no point did I get the impression that Edelgard wants to become her own Emperor of sorts so I really don't think it's about re-uniting the empire. Her experiences that she had when she was younger are emotionally far more important than a dream to become the ruler of Fodlan. Becoming the ruler of Fodlan was only a means to an end, to fix the things she finds broken. 2. You're right but that's what I like about her. I really liked the last scene in the BL route because of that. 3. I already more or less addressed this in my post about how she's essentially a hostage from the TWSITD. I don't believe she has enough power to prevent some of the things TWSITD did pre timeskip, perhaps after she has conquered Fodlan but not before. As for Dimitri's misunderstanding. I like Dimitri, but I honestly never understood why he assumed a 10 year old Edelgard was involved in the Duscur Tragedy. I mean Edelgard is talented in a lot of things but not that talented that she can pull that off as a kid. 4. How can her goals be selfish if she wants to prevent more suffering by breaking the nobility and crest system? She even steps down as Emperor in most endings and appoints a successor, a selfish person would want to keep the throne for themselves. This assumes that the people who do this are the same people. I'm sure there's people people who dislike Edelgard for those reasons but don't dislike Micaiah or people who like both (me).
  21. Just to be clear my post wasn’t really directed at you. It was more something general I wanted to bring up because I feel like some people think that she has as much control over TWSITD as Thales. I’ll get back to your post with multiple points when I can get on a pc or when I have a break.
  22. It should be noted that her uncle put her in the TWSITD after she and Dimitri met as kids and that till her ending she doesn’t have enough power to take any meassires against them. Had she actually done anything significant against them they would have probably murdered her. In a way she is a hostage to them for a large part of the game.
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