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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. I don’t disagree. She has trust issues and it’s only around the climax of part 1 that she sees Byleth as someone special. That doesn’t mean she was heartless or didn’t care for for Byleth or Jeralt, she just puts her ideals far higher.
  2. I don’t disagree that she’s an associate but you’re example isn’t 100% correct. It would be more fitting if there were other schooters/plane bombers ready to kill you and even FBI protection couldn’t save you from being killed.
  3. She’s right that the church changed history though. Had they not done that then things would have turned out differently.
  4. Ah, gotcha. About the rusted lances. I think that you need a hogher professor level to make the good stuff.
  5. There’s Lysithea and Mage Godess Lysithea now. Haha inb4 Attack on Lysithea happens. You’re not forced to do those are you?
  6. Yeah, she's one of the few who's look I like less post timeskip. If ch 7 is the chapter I think it is those pegasi are strong because they have a special class. Their pegasus knight class is one specifically made for them in that chapter.
  7. Always be careful when placing her in solo range. 3H has some crazy speedy/high hit rate enemies at times. There were times when I was a bit too ballsy and had to return Lys out of range because some crazy strong myrmidon was going to wreck her.
  8. Finished the three main routes (not gonna bother with the church one) and had some time to let things sink in. BL I agree with most of what you're saying about the BL route and even found it somewhat odd at the time that it was so "easy" for Dimitri to get his troops. It would be like if in FE9 it turns out Crimea still had enough soldiers to fight Daen for some reason. Dimitri should have had to ask help from Claude and even if necessary make concessions of sort like giving more lands to the alliance in order to convince Claude to break the neutrality and aid him. I just don't see how the kingdom had the manpower to fight the empire head on. It also would have shown that being a blood crazy warrior has its costs and that by not going back sooner he failed his kingdom. Speaking about the whole PTSD arc he seems to suffer from. I thought the setup was well done but the events in post timeskip were a bit lacking. I also would've liked it if at some point some of the BL got too fed up with Dimitri and some left for a chapter. I still like him for what he is, a character that takes the Marth archetype in some interesting ways but I feel like they could've done more with his mental issues. BE I really like this route for reasons you've mentioned like having a far less traditional FE lord. Edelgard is very refreshing and I quite like her. She might even be my favorite FE lord. It's my favorite route for that. About the students staying with you no matter what, yeah that is definitely weird. The BE students I can somewhat understand. Most of them have an allegiance of sorts to the empire except for Dorothea. Recruited students make a lot less sense. I've started my final BE Edelgard run where I'll just recruit my favorites like Lysithea, Ingrid, Ashe and Marianne. Aside from Lysithea I really can't see those other characters staying. Hell, in Marianne's like list the first thing is "The godess" so I'm kind of curious to see what she'll say throughout the story. GD I don't really have anything to say on the GD route. It's not my favorite one but I think it's the best one. -------------- Something I think they did better than Fates is the avatar but I couldn't help but be annoyed how much emphasis some of the students put on the professor. Some even change their allegiances because of you. I'm still fine with Byleth because in the end he's more of a creation and I find his backstory interesting enough. Those are also some of my favorites :D!
  9. It'll be obvious when you get to choose who to S support Byleth with. As far as I know you really can't miss it. Just be sure to get the guy you want to S to at least level A and do a specific red side quest. (you probably already did it)
  10. The post timeskip designs are great in general. They really did a great job with some of them no doubt. Wait, unless you suddenly went through the game a lot faster I'm pretty sure you're not locked in his S support. You can't S support till very very late in the game.
  11. Started my final "headcannon" BE 3H run where I recruit all the other Houses characters I liked. So my team is going to be: Byleth, Hubert, Dorothea, Petra, Marianne, Ashe, Ingrid (I like Felix and Sylvain more but it feels wrong to recruit them over), Lysithea and Edelgard. I also kind of want to recruit Lorenz just for his holy weapon to give to Lysithea but I feel like recruiting 5 units would be a step too far. So a 3 range magic user instead of a 5 range user it will have to be. Death Knight's dislikes: -Lysithea
  12. (I missed this page) RIP my third favorite 3H character. NO! You're going to get them recced whether you like it or not! That way you'll know which boy to S support by release! Oh god I like that. Lysi mode! Sounds great.
  13. Stopping Witcher 3 for another game. Shrimp, how is this possible?! You don't like playing Divinity alone?
  14. You just mentioned two games I would absolutely love to play but can't because I can't play them (at least for now, TW3 is comting to switch). You evil maniac!
  15. I disagree. I completed BE, BL and GD and I think that if I try put my own feeling aside as much as I can I'd rate GD as the best route with BE second and BL last. The only interesting (and mind you it is really interesting) that BL does is deconstructing a marth like lord in Dimitri but aside from that there's a lot that doesn't make that much sense (the kingdom never should have been able to send reinforcements) and some of the maps are straight up worse versions of the same maps in the GD route. The BL route also doesn't deal with TWSITD, not in game or in the ending slides.
  16. There is a center villain of sorts in 3H. TWSITD would fit that role, they just don’t seem like it because some routes focus more on them than others.
  17. I wouldn't call her evil but she does some questionable stuff. Just to name a few: Falsifying history and therefore indirectly approving of the crest system, Hoping that Sothis takes over Byleth, Creating her own people.
  18. Eh, not a big fan of those myself. I'd rather have an Arvis or an Edelgard any day of the week instead off some of the other FE saturday cartoon villains.
  19. There's parts in the game that shows that they needed more time. It's not just the BE route (though that's the obvious answer) but also other stuff like how they didn't bother making another cutscene for Ch. 21 for the GD route. Or, you know all the identical maps.
  20. Jeralt. You get a lot more interactions with the guy and I genuinely
  21. Huh. Well good to know it wasn't a bug or such but that seems like something they definitely should have fixed because it felt really weird.
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