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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Hard doesn't have ambush spawns, Maddening does have it. Hard does have some specific moments where certain bosses do move. Like a certain knight in the village chapter.
  2. Which is weird because the game gets you a reward if you complete in a non NG+ run, which seems to imply that they do consider it a mode you should play on just a NG file. Yeah I've heard about that. Not sure how much about that is true because I've also heard that the green units are buffed but then again they're probably not buffed by a lot if they are. ---- I think that if someone wants to have a difficult and fun experience with 3H the best way to go is to go Hard NG+ (so you can have the easiest customization options) and do as little auxiliry battles as possible so you don't get overleveled.
  3. To clarify, the skills I'm referring to are things like pass, poison strike, bow range +1 and multiple Axe/Sword prowess lv 4 (my highest prowess currently is lv 2).
  4. I feel like T776 was still a lot fairer than 3H, at least in early game, I'll have to see if it keeps that up. The stats increase isn't even a big issue. The biggest problem are some of the absurd skills units get. I'm early game and enemy units already get skills that I could never have at this point. If the stats were the only things that were increased I feel it would've been a lot fairer. You're right about the game lying to you. I just tried the first DLC auxiliry and it said "Rec. level: 7". I enter the map to see a lot of units that are level 10. I had to do the other auxiliry map but even that one straight up lied about the levels.
  5. I actually quite liked the mock battle but the story map after that has almost everything doubling me, some units even doubled my Byleth who I gave a +3 dlc spd item. Thieves have pass and can double kill your mages quite easily, Archers already have poison strike, Bow range +1 and because of the halved exp. gain units like Ferdinand, Petra and Caspar end up doing pitiful damage because they can't keep up with the better units like Byleth, Sylvain and Edelgard. I still really want to power through it because I want to get the new title screen if only because I like 3H that much. I'm just hoping that like most high difficulties in FE games the game gets easier the further you get.
  6. I consider the hard difficulty fairly easy, some difficult moments here and there but overall even doable for someone who isn't great at FE games (like me). Maddening is a ton more difficult. You need to use all of your units just to take out the usual 2-3 enemies and you need to make sure they're all dead or else some thief just passes through your units and double kills them >_> Just for context, it took me 32 turns to finish the first real story map. On hard it would've taken me 10 at most.
  7. I'm kind of sick of debating El's actions because it's so tiring so I'm not even gonna bother with the rest of your post but this particular point always really bothers me because it's so untrue in the FE Fandom and I hate when people even try to use this in the FE Fandom from all places. No. Arvis, the character that mostly resembles her gets far less overall hate and even gets the "luxury" of getting jolly memes that minimize have his evil actions. I find this comment especially annoying because female lords tend to get it way harsher than male lords and I have no doubt in my mind that if the genders in 3H were reversed that the popularity of the lords would have been different.
  8. I've always wanted a mecha game and if the game at least succeeded in "making you feel like you're in a mecha" I might get it if it ever gets a price drop in the store. ----- Also started 3H on NG Maddenig with the bought season pass and wow female Byleth looks sooooo much better in her dlc outfit.
  9. Ah, I see. I saw some people saying that it’s almost identical so I guess that’s not true.
  10. Wasn’t the mined version also difficult? Yup, I just did the mock battle and had to restart 3 times. Maddening is way more difficult than normal or hard.
  11. True, I still found the game harder than VC1. VC1 you can complete 85% of the game with scouts + orders and it gets only easier when you get super Alicia. In VC4 figuring out how to one turn takes a lot more effort imo and your rank is not punished as hard by the game as in VC1. Yeah, they need to find a way to make lancers better now that they introduced mortars and the apc/Tank only needs one CP to use. I never did that because it felt too cheap imo. The only time I saved every turn was when I had to redo the final boss on hard to get the true ending. HOW DARE YOU IS! I heard about maddening. I also heard that it's barely changed from what people managed to mine out of the game >_>
  12. That's not Soulsilver. In VC4 you can unlock the equivalent of paralogues for fodder units so that's good. VC4's story is alright. Most VC fans seem to prefer VC1. I think both have some good story beats and never reach average levels so eh. I prefer the villains if only because they have Waltz, he's one based soulmate. VC4's improvements are mostly gameplay based. There's a new class, a lot of new orders aaaaaand some well needed balancing...as someone who first played VC4 and then played VC1 I was blown away by how OP the scouts are. Especially Belgian bread girl GODLicia.
  13. Definitely all the lords. All three lords get very personal with Byleth in their routes so Claude and Dimitri should also have been bisexual.
  14. Camilla and Tharja also get flack for their design, so in that regard Faye is less hated because of her design. She still is overall not that well liked and was considered one of the worst SoV characters at release. Not sure about now but people still don't have a good opinion on her afaik. I agree with the things you're saying about Berkut and Rhea and I agree that people overrate them (their reception in Heroes was positive even) and I also agree that people go easy on SoV (probably because they were just happy not to have another Awakening/Fates game) but even so I still don't think that people would dislike Rhinea/Berkut more than Camilla.
  15. At least AFD still seems to overall have a negative reputation. Can't say the same about Belgian's nazi party. People love to defend them, even if they haven't voted for them.
  16. Assuming they're in either of those games and they would have the same basic story then they would probably be minor villains. That would in turn diminish their popularity by a lot. Still, no way they would be more hated than Camilla, she's easily one of the most hated controversial FE characters, not a single doubt about that.
  17. That's no excuse for not acknowledging your emperor!
  18. I see. If you're looking into this of an outside perspective it almost looks like the Scots are far more fed up with all of this with how much power the SNP seems to get and how much they're pushing for their indyref2 so that's why I was curious. I have no goddamn clue. I just know that Trump, Brexit and the radical right will make life more difficult for everyone and that really sucks and worst of it all is that we can't just blame this on a king or an emperor rising to power, nah, people voted for these things >_>
  19. If I may ask, how do you as a someone from Scotland feel about the whole Brexit deal. Looking at the Scotish places communities and comparing them to UK communities on the net are almost like day and night.
  20. Maybe another FE Switch game. Assuming that it's not a remake of course. I expect remakes to be handled by another artist.
  21. I never got to play the game (my sister had a Wii but I wasn't interested in those games back then) so I'm really excited to play this game. I've had a blast with XB2/Torna and I've heard that this game is even better so this is definitely a pre order. Hell, I might even try to get a limited edition if there will be one. I also got that version for XB2 (though I have to admit that was a coincidence).
  22. - Trials of Mana looks good. Definitely getting that one. - Huh? Tokyo Mirrage coming to the switch? Nice for the people who wanted the game but it's not for me. - Divinity Original Sin 2 on the store right away?! YES! Please let this CRPG actually be bug free. So I guess that's it, I'm not really a big Animal Crossing fan so I guess that's it- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YEAH BABY! I WON'T HAVE TO BUY A USED XB WII GAME! FUKIN NICE! XB, HERE WE GO!
  23. That doesn't change anything. I can also choose not to play Revelations yet the mere existence of the golden ending the route provides ruins any grey choice the game could've had with its other routes. It would be the same with 3H. If the students and house leaders don't die in this special route then there's no reason it wouldn't be a morally better route. People tend to care more for developed characters as opposed to newly random introduced characters.
  24. Absolutely not. If they introduced a route like that they would diminish the other routes in the progress and make those routes a lot more meaningless.
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