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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. It's nice to have prove yet again that there's a big female fanbase in for FE. Some people like to pretend that those don't exist. I think the "FE is more of a dating simulator" complaints would fit more considering how highly placed the self inserts are.
  2. 1. I really like the story and the characters and because of the changes like voice acting and side characters talking more the game feels more like the groups have this bond. It feels really nice. Edelgard is also a great character and I love what they did with her. 2. This one's really difficult, I had to think about this one for quite some time. 3H has had some really good stuff with "The Edge of Dawn" or "Blue Skies and a Battle" but I've always had a soft spot for 3. Hmmm, I haven't really listened that much to normal music anymore and mostly to OST stuff like the geek I am but I'd say that rock is probably my favorite. 4. Yes, they're both great characters! 5. Fruit juice I guess. I seldom drink it anymore and instead drink plain older water instead :p. 1. a-d Those look cute e. Hahahaha, I never knew they made Wario say that in the Japanese version of that game f. Ashamed to say that even though I have German roots I didn't even realize that he said something in German and not "D'oh, I missed". I like it more like that anyway. g. Awww, it's been ages since I've played Yoshi's island...That's what the doggo is from, right? h. A cute cat. I have a feeling it's from a JRPG but I'm afraid I haven't played the game the cat's from. 2. Nope. Never watched it because I don't live in America so I never heard about it either. 3. No because I don't have any of the splatoon games so I can't do that. I heard that those games are great if you can go online but I refuse to go online with the switch. 4. Nah, same problem as with "Jeopardy". Though I did take a quick look and it looked alright. 5. Nope, he should do nothing!
  3. 1. Which house did you choose first? Black Eagles 2. Who is your favorite Black Eagles character? Edelgard 3. Who is your favorite Blue Lions character? Ashe 4. Who is your favorite Golden Deer character? Lysithea 5. Who is your favorite miscellaneous character? Hanneman My overall favorite character is Lysithea.
  4. In the first Japanese poll Lysithea got fifth spot for people who didn't play the game and third spot for people did play the game. For a non-lord character that's pretty good. @DragonFlames Favorite Nep character?
  5. I remember someone saying that the song in Japanese is called something along of the lines "The maiden of Hresvelg". So yeah, it's probably her song. EDIT: Just after I posted I saw @0 Def Cleric's post and it seems I was close. So yeah there you have it, definitely her song.
  6. To be honest, I always had a lot of trouble believing she was in any danger, especially when you learn her true identity. I think Byleth just jumped in because he's a shonen hero and those aren't the brightest (he makes the same stupid mistake with Solon).
  7. Seems like you're not the only one. A lot of Japanese also really seem to like it. https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/ctif4p/heres_nintendo_dream_poll_results/
  8. 1. Very positive. I've spent a little bit over 200 hours and love it. It certainly lived up to the hype for me, of course it has some flaws here and there but every FE game has flaws. 2. I don't really have any series that I like aside from FE I like overall so here's some of my favorite games: Fallout New Vegas, Ar Nosurge Ode to an unborn star, Dues Ex , The Witch's House, Dark Souls, Saints Row 2, Dragon Age Origins. Problem with some of the games I have mentioned that have more in their series is that they end up messing some things in some way or another. 3. Back when I was a trainee someone at work approached me to ask if I wanted to work there. That really made me happy because I spent a year almost practically shut in my house while being in a sort of project where they helped you get a job. It was really cool to be acknowledged by the first people that I had to help as a trainee. 4. geeky, quirky and shy 5. Because her character traits don't get too bad, she has a great backstory and also a very interesting outlook on things. When you take everything about her into account she's a very admirable person. She's also Illya from Fate StayNight done justice. 1. I JUMP IN BETWEEN THEIR FIGHT! BEST FE GIRLS SHOULDN'T FIGHT! Buuuuut if I really had no choice...Lys 2. Raiden deserves some love so yeah. He gets the most delicious waffles! 3. Nooooooooooooooooooo...? ..Should I :p?
  9. Jar Jar didn't bother me that much and honestly I think that they were being kind of harsh with what they did to him in the disney canon but yeah the movies would've been better without him. I barely watch any movies anymore. I watch anime or the occasional netflix show but the last movie I watched was Detective Pikachu and that was mostly because "hey guys let's watch that movie for nostalgia!". Also, my sister wanted to watch it with me so I had no choice.
  10. Yugioh game for the switch just arrived and I got 3 free cards with the game and I'm already looking at the descriptions thinking 'what the fuck is this' Oh well I'll just play the game for the old stuff and hope that the newer seasons have some tutorials because wew this is going to take some time to learn. Not really since the original three movies are considered the best. My sister actually cried when we watched that scene when we were young.
  11. Ewan McGregor is my favorite but Ian also did a great job. It's just that I've seen so many prequel memes that it's one of the first things that come to mind whenever I see it. I also love this
  12. P R E Q U E L M E M E S R E Q U E L M E M E S
  13. I agree that there's no clear cut answer and that we shouldn't shove her in right or wrong. Just didn't agree with that comparison was all.
  14. 1. I disagree. I'm not really charmed by someone that gives up on his duties as a king and instead decides to become some crazy hobo. You can't make me believe that if you make a FE lord character act like a murderer that everyone is going to be fine with him. Just saying that it's not ok is not good enough. People should have left him when they saw what he had turned into. Hell, he's so obsessed that without Byleth he dies along with most of his friends very early on and pretty much dooms the kingdom by the chapter "Blood of the Eagle and Lion" in the GD route. 2. Well yeah I don't doubt that. Rooting for a certain outcome and defending the actions of a character isn't the same thing. People could still like Thanos for what he did and think he might have been in the right while also enjoying Endgame. Hell, a good story would have this kind of storytelling.
  15. 1. You can't really compare the two though. No matter the route Edelgard moves forward with her goals to make the world a better place after the timeskip. The first thing Dimitri does post timeskip is to become a serial killer hobo who's only interaction with other people for 4 chapters or so is to act like a deranged individual. Honestly, the BL route would've made more sense if they had someone else step in for a while. It feels super weird to see people follow this guy. You can't apply that logic because Dimitri never wanted to kill Edelgard for the betterment of Fodlan, he wanted her dead for revenge. 2. Even as someone that hasn't watched Infinity War, I have difficulty believing this. People LOVE Thanos and I have seen people defend his actions saying it makes sense and some even saying that he's the good guy in the story. I even remember getting vids recommended to me after the movie came out with titles like "Thanos was right" or "Thanos is the hero".
  16. Make it as happy as possible so that it evolves in best poké, Umbreon.
  17. The idea is that Edelgard puts the platform on fire where Bernadetta is standing on. At least that’s supposed to happen. That being said, I still don’t see how Edelgard is a hypocrite.
  18. Can’t she use warp in any mage class as long as you train her faith?
  19. I’ve always turned her into a Gremory. The only way she’s going to kill with a sword is by using the thunderbrand and that weapon only has 30 uses.
  20. True, which is why I hope that IS will continue to write more well written characters like them. I don't mind a obviously evil villain from time to time but I much prefer one that has more interesting goals. That makes it all the more satisfying to fight them. @Flere210 Claude only managed to pull his plans through because he made use of the war.
  21. Yeah, come to think of it, I really don't remember having issues with Ballistas in FE4 whereas the FE5 ones were a lot scarier.
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