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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Well, like I said that boss is more the exception than the norm. GD also has slightly more difficult units to use imo. Both Ignatz and Lorenz are lacking in some ways.
  2. Stop it Mercedes! Yeah the turnwheel is really useful at times. I've also had to use it for some parts.
  3. I was interested to see how you felt about this game. You always have rather interesting posts on some FE games. Good post that does bring up some rather good points. I’ve finished BE and BL route but I’m still going through GD so I’ll come back here later. I feel like there’s still some important GD stuff I need to see before I get into this. I’m curious though, who is your favorite male/female character?
  4. TWSITD are just fine. They're not great villains because not a single one of their characters are interesting in any way but I do like the backstory behind their group and think that redeems them somewhat. Death Knight was kind of boring. He's only interesting as a sort of gameplay challenge. The game shines when the Dimitri, Rhea or Edelgard have the role of the antagonist. When either one of those characters are put in that role I feel like 3H is easily one of the best FE games storywise. The dialogue and fantastic moments they provide is something I definitely will not forget for a very very long time.
  5. I'm 75% or so in the Golden Deer route. I decided to go for a little break and start Pillars Of Eternity for the switch since that's the last route I'll do. Fun CRPG game so far but I swear this game has more text in some single box conversations than Planescape Torment had. Which is not really an issue, it's just a bit of a surprise.
  6. I do like those kind of bosses. They'll be easier to deal with once you'll get used to them.
  7. Figured it was that one but I was somewhat confused because you called it a dragon. That one particular enemy is fairly hard to defeat. It's one of the battles where I need to be careful no matter the difficulty but gambits should be really useful. Also don't rush that fight, when I rush that fight it tends to get me in more trouble than it's worth.
  8. Overall I'd say I like them yeah. I do hope that they expand on the exploration part and maybe give us some dungeon like areas in the future FE if they give us the option to explore in future fe games. It would be cool to have multiple places to explore instead of just the monastery.
  9. Haha seeing these comments reminded me of the LOTGH quote:
  10. Lysithea holding on for her dear life! Well, I have completed BE and BL on normal and I'm now GD Hard and early game was a bit more difficult in GD because a lot of my units still had to snowball before they got better. No kidding, Hilda gets soooo strong. Right now mine just tanks every hit and I almost always see NO DAMAGE, NO DAMAGE or NO DAMAGE.
  11. Enjoying it so far? Any favorite students aside (not counting the leaders)?
  12. I never really said anything in the original thread talking about the LGBT options. I think the way IS handles this was pretty bad. They gave 5 FxF options while only giving 1MxM option. To me that makes it almost feel like they only wanted to pander mostly to straight guys because they probably thought that straight guys think lesbians are hot while gays not so much. I mean I'm happy for the people who wanted FxF romance of course but I'm not 100% sure if I can trust IS intentions after learning what happens in Alois and Gilbert's endings.
  13. Simultaneously? Huh, that's an unique way of doing it. I see you're a man of culture.
  14. Just because one has a certain belief towards a character and their actions and defends them in a video game/movie/comic etc. does not mean they'll feel the same when a similar person would appear in real life. There's another character I like from a manga that wants to use his power to destroy 95% of the people living on the earth thereby committing mass genocide so that his people can live in peace. Also, a girl that is really obsessed with the concept of love that she kills hundreds of people just to get the power of a demon. I'll defend both characters in the context of their stories but if this was real life I'd want both of them dead.
  15. You were the one that said "Some of what I'm reading here makes me seriously consider if some of you people wouldn't be WW2 sympathizers. " so it looks like you can't see the difference between the two. Because you came to the conclusion that some people here would symphatize with WW2 based on the opinion they have about a video game character. That's why I brought that up.
  16. Some of what I'm reading here makes me think some people think that we can't differentiate video games from reality. Which wouldn't surprise me since America seems to think that video games causes us to be violent.
  17. How far are you in 3H? I wouldn't worry too much about that thread title. People already compared those characters even before the game was released.
  18. She doesn't do that though? She unites Fodlan, she doesn't 'burn it down'.
  19. Signed. I doubt it'll make a difference but it'll at least be nice to get the message across and hope that they address this in the next FE game.
  20. I also like Edelgard but has the hate on her really gotten that bad on places like youtube that it's considered an unpopular opinion?
  21. She seemed very surprised for someone who knew what was about to happen.
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