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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. So if I understand this right in half a year the justices in the supreme court will choose whether the law goes through or not? I took a look at Wikipedia and looked at all the current justices and the majority at first sight seem conservative and even one of the women wasn't against abortion so it doesn't look great. Of course this is Wikipedia so hopefully things in there are outdated or the conservatives on there don't all agree with this law.
  2. This seems way too early for a store to leak this if you ask me.
  3. Not American, I'm European (hope that not a problem with me posting in this thread) but what happened last week in Alabama shocked me to say the least. How are the Americans here taking the news about the abortion law they passed/trying to pass (it still needs to go through congress?)?
  4. My guess for the right one is Seliph (though I want it to be Sigurd) Left I have no idea so I'll just say Nowi because she doesn't have an Armored super bst unit yet unlike all the other loli dragons and she still has her fans that would whale for her. It's also possible that they put her hair in a ponytail to make it look like that.
  5. Even if Thani made this up, if Sothis ends up being recruitable I fully expect IS to give her an S-support.
  6. I really hope that this time there will be multiple gay options for people who want them. Fates having only a single choice between Niles and Rhajat (who is a child unit) wasn't good at all. So I hope IS learned from that and gives some more options this time around.
  7. The controversies leading up to the release to Fates didn't hurt the Fates release despite both "anti-censor" and people who hated the soleil support trying to bash it. As for the personal issue. Yeah, it is a shame but there's not much you can do about it because people like that would believe anything journalists tell them.
  8. Could be that we can only romance her after we recruit her, which might only be when she becomes her "true form"?
  9. I'm not going to say anything about the leaks themselves because I'm not sure I should say anything about them (even in spoiler tags) in this thread. I will say though that if they do end up being true this might will be one hell of an FE game and I'm going to have a blast playing it. Oh, and for the record, as far as I know the person who posted the leaks on the subreddit is a fairy cool guy. I've seen a lot of posts from him and he doesn't strike me like the guy that would troll about something like this to get attention. Of course this is the internet so you never know.
  10. “Liberation King Nemesis” sounds pretty hardcore. Seems like Byleth has a rad ancestor.
  11. You're not alone. I'm autistic and I also have Hypochondriasis (health anxiety). I have never been depressed so I can't imagine what you're going through. I'll just say that hope you get better and that there's other people like you.
  12. If we're speaking franchises and not single games there's only one franchise I'd say qualifies for me and that's the Ar Tonelico/Ar Nosurge games. They have fantastic world building, a good story, fantastic OST and some great characters. It's a damn shame I never knew of these games when I was younger because I would have loved to own the PS2 games.
  13. Hilda looks pretty good. Was Sophie the one who's personal skill got rid of the enemies clothes? If so yes, I agree please don't do that anymore.
  14. I should have specified that when I said that, that I meant it from a fan perspective and not from IS. I'm selfish as well. With every vote I give to Julia, Tine or Sara I'm not giving a vote to Will, Brom, Wolf, Tomas or Roshea thus making the chance that they'll get released in Heroes smaller and smaller and those are just random unpopular FE characters that came to mind.
  15. I'm all for banning this kind of stuff. As a matter of fact my country already banned lootboxes which is a good move if you ask me.
  16. Have I given the impression that this is about Julia not being in the banner? If so I didn't mean for that to be the case. After all, I do like Tiki and she's in the banner, she's one of my favorites so that was never the issue. And yes, I did say I was salty about her not being in the banner but that was days ago wasn't it? I'm not about to be that angry over a banner in a gacha game. I honestly thought it was just odd and even surprising how different the reaction was between the amount of alts between certain characters. That's all really. @Jave @Gregster101 @Landmaster @Sasori @NSSKG151 All of you have brought up good points.
  17. It's not bitching. It's about criticizing a choice IS made.
  18. The entire concept of CYL is selfish if you ask me. I'm honestly disappointed that there hasn't been as big of a backlash to the Fallen Heroes pt. 2 banner as there has been with Eirika or Lyn's last alt. Corrin and Tiki both have a decent amount of alts and should have gotten more flak.
  19. Got back into Tier 19 and I'm glad to say that only one guy decided to make use of the glitch against me. @Landmaster Haha, I didn't even know about the extra lift you can get by giving your units the AR blessings, I thought they only gave more stats. In my defense, I don't need the extra lift nor do I want to equip the blessings because I still need them for BG. Still, good to know if I'll ever want to (in the far future) try to get into Tier 20.
  20. The money they gain through Camilla fans must out gain the backlash they get because otherwise they would've stopped making Camilla alts a long time ago. EDIT: Taking into account your newer post IS might see her high place in CYL as another reason to give her extra alts.
  21. Really like the stuff we’re learning about the characters. Really digging them so far. Dorothea is my favorite non 3H leader character so far. Really like her design and backstory.
  22. I don't mind it if it doesn't take away from the game's story, themes or characters. FByleth however looks absurd for someone who's supposed to be a teacher.
  23. I'll make a simple one: - Unlike previous manakete little girls characters like Myrrh, Fae etc. Sothis will gain a mature form in the lategame.
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