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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Thanks! Your Marth has been really useful so far. Guy can hit hard and even take some hits.
  2. You know...playing a game and completing it a week before the banner launches in Heroes certainly was never my brightest ideas...because now I really want to pull
  3. Any Soren players who can help me out? I joined him now because I like him more and I actually have him but he has a bad boon/bane combo and only has his standard build and I'm not getting good randoms either so it's pretty difficult to win matches. My ID is 6753941607 and currently I have an AdultTiki as main but I can change that to Deirdre, Duma or Nowi if you need another color.
  4. Cecilia, Morgan and Soren winning were the expected winners so no surprises here. I'll keep on supporting Lewyn but his fight against Morgan will be difficult.
  5. I chose to upgrade the amount of units I could put in my defense team and I'm damn glad I did! Last week I had 8 or 9 defense fights and I failed every single one of them. As of today after putting in only one more unit from the 12 defense fights I had only 4 ended in failure and only one of those was a fight where the other guy defeated all my units with me not being able to kill a single one of his. Still, I'm only in Tier 14 so it's only going to get more difficult from here.
  6. I'm hoping that IS getting rid of some orbs is a sign of a new game mode and not them trying to get f2p players to pay. But I'm skeptical about that since they also gave less orbs for the tap battle quests, and changed the orb rewards for the forging bonds (even if some people think the holy grails are a fair trade the point still stands). They should have changed the training quests. I didn't even bother doing those last month because they were far too annoying too complete. At least give us 3 orbs for completing the tenth stratum ones. Oh, and good to see Sophia getting a refinement. I'm curious to see what they'll give her.
  7. From my own experiences with I don't think that an extra 5 or 6 res would save her from the blue mages that show up in Arena or AR. Now the +Res boon would be good to turn her into a tank that would have less trouble taking hits from mages in general and it's certainly not a bad boon. Personally, I just prefer her as a unit that can destroy every melee unit on the field and deal with the occasional Red/Green mage. (a little bit exaggerated but you get the idea)
  8. That would make sense. Now that they've introduced a decent amount of beast units they also need to give us a weapon that is super effective against them and a PoR/RD banner would be perfect for that.
  9. Yup yup and that summoner support is really useful at times since it makes her even tankier than she already is. Special Spiral is a good choice for her and if I had multiple Lewyn's I would use one to give her that but I don't have a single one. I'm personally planning to give her wrath. --- Pulled on the legendary banner and got LRoy, Dancer Miccy, Gunnthra and Surtr and wow Surtr really is as strong as people say he is. Mine even has -Atk+HP which is bad for him but despite that he has been really good.
  10. Unless they introduce a hero banner with Jill or another banner with an alt I like I’ll keep grinding orbs for May’s legendary banner because I need LEirika, LTiki, Duma and Hrid.
  11. I sacrificed my only OG Hector for this sweet unit and so far I don’t regret it one bit. She tanks so well and hits so hard thanks to Breath of fog. I never expected her to get a refinement but I’m damn glad she did!
  12. Interesting skills they gave Roy. Despite being mostly indifferent to the boy I wouldn’t mind getting him...if his legendary banner actually had characters I cared for. Micaiah is really the only other unit I like. Well, I might always try to spend a few orbs on the reds since Hrid is DC fodder.
  13. I don't have Lewyn but I've gotta support my Jugdral boy. In case anyone on Lewyn's team needs some more friends, here's my ID: 6753941607
  14. Huh, so he's pretty strong and the -Res shouldn't be too much of a problem. Upheaval will also be really good in Aether defenses and having a fifth dragon on my AR defense team will hopefully help me not lose against every person that fights me. Was that really necessary?
  15. I got a +Atk-Res Duma. Planning to put him in my dragon defense team. How bad/good of a nature is he?
  16. Thanks for the link. Damn, if only I'd rejoined Heroes even a month earlier I could have had more chances to summon her. Oh well, here's hoping they either rerun the BHB one day or put her in another VG.
  17. Has there been a case of a grand hero battle being revived for the second time? The Seliph and Julia BHB was made available 05-06-2018 and revived 03-12-2018. The only way I see myself getting another chance on pulling Julia is probably when they revive the BHB so I'm hoping they'll rerun it in give or take 6 months or so. (I spent every orb I could get on the BHB banner back when they reran the BHB banners this month but I only got 4 Deirdre and not a single Julia)
  18. Oh please no, I always disliked how they reused Awakening characters in Fates. Anna is the only one I wouldn't mind.
  19. Right, might have missed that ichor detail when getting back into Heroes. Oh yeah you can read Japanese. So possessed Levn and Micaiah? Forsetii would certainly be interesting. I would be more interested what they would do with a Yune/Ashera. Would they give her something similar to Sutr's skill since she actually had something like that in her game?
  20. Eir is a "normal" human and is still a mythic hero. What other human characters in the FE series do you think have a shot at being a Mythic hero? It certainly seems a more impressive title than legendary so my guess would be Anri or Altina but I don't really know any other humans aside from maybe one of the hero's from the Elibe game? I haven't played FE6 so I don't know enough about that one.
  21. Oh, you’re right and unlike CS you don’t need to promote Panne to unlock it. I just didn’t notice because I wasn’t on the look out for that skil.
  22. Panne’s has chill spd? Sweet, my OG Eirika needs that skill.
  23. This was one of the easiest GHB for me so far. I just had to put Nowi at the very right of the map while my +10 ATiki keeps the middle busy. Veronica attacked only once at the start and after that used her healing to help Nowi out while Ninian danced and took care of the red mage.
  24. While I personally don't care for these characters I quite like this banner because the units are all new and are not alts which is great. Glad for the people who wanted these characters. I do look forward to Panne since she's one of the handful of Awakening characters I like.
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