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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. It's been 3000 years.jpeg Man, I was honestly starting to give up hope with how long it took to give us something. I swear that Awakening and Fates had more and sooner news after their first trailer than 3H but eh whatever I'm glad to hear we're finally getting more. And I hope that we're getting a release date.
  2. Don't know about the others TT because until now I never tried to get the best feather award but I'm currently ranked 387 and I have 81.854 points.
  3. Bertram would be a good pick and one I would love to get. Huh, you're right. I knew she got the highest score of all the Thracia characters that still need to be put in the game but I didn't expect her to be number 162 overall. Far a Thracia character that's honestly pretty damn good. I still hope that she gets put on a Thracia banner because it's as you said, if they do put her in a FH2 banner I doubt that we'll get another Thracia banner since Sara is the next Thracia character on the list and she's only number 328.
  4. Right, I did think of Mareeta but figured that a Thracia character probably has no chance of showing up but she also fits the bill. Delthea does have a chance as well and as far as I know she's decently popular. So far aside from Berkut I don't see any other male character they could add in. Anyone any idea what kind of male character could show up on a Fallen Heroes banner?
  5. Got all the rewards and I'm sitting at rank 209 for now. I'll try to keep myself in the 1-1000 range to get the 10.000 feathers reward when the TT ends.
  6. If we do end up getting a 2nd fallen heroes banner I doubt that Greil is going to be on there since he's only had his valentine version just now. Rinea or Berkut, Idoun and Julia are some of the characters I would expect on a Fallen Heroes 2 banner. Maybe the evil verion of Morgan from Awakening could also fit?
  7. Oh, a tempest trial where I already have two of the bonus units and they're both 5 stars (OG Ike and Oscar) before I get Titania. This one's probably going to be one of the easiest ones to go through because of that.
  8. So in my first pick I got Shigure who I don't really care all that much for but today I got a seasonal from a character whose original unit I spent a decent amount of orbs on but didn't get... Namely Hoshidan summer Micaiah! She looks pretty good statwise as well. Considering I could have gotten far worse I'd say I'm happy with the results.
  9. Sanaki, she joins very late which already is already a negative but she's also too slow and can't hit hard enough to kill enemies when she joins.
  10. Camilla, she's an amazing unit on the conquest route and on the revelations route she's still a great unit but I really don't like her character.
  11. I gave all of my 2 day votes to LTiki. Since she's a blue hero chances are that LAzura might beat her since she's really good. Green is probably going to be Surtr. No idea who's going to be the Red/Colorless.
  12. I decided to join this minigame and gave three votes to Legendary Tiki. I already have a +10 Adult Tiki but I don't have her Younger form so here's hoping LTiki at least makes it in the summon pool.
  13. I decided to use my grails to get both Aversa and YoungAzura and wow, those two did not dissapoint! Never had a flying mage so Aversa is a really welcome addition to the team and for a dancer Azura can pack quite a punch.
  14. Speaking off grails, any unit I should get using those that I missed out on that is really good or should I just grind them to merg? I've gotten all of them up until Finn appeared.
  15. So I stopped playing when the Thracia banner happened so of course I've been getting a lot of orbs through missions and I've been using them to get as many Julia's as possible through the Julia/Deirdre/Seliph banner. I've always wanted another Julia and with the change coming to the boon/bane system I need another Julia so I can improve her awful +HP-Atk nature. So please Deidre, stop showing up instead of your daughter. I've gotten 3 Deirdre's so far ;(
  16. Ah, that seems fair enough. It's cool that they did this, that way you can +10 a TT/GHB unit without summoning.
  17. 1. Can you choose a TT/GHB character whenever you want (assuming you have enough of these Heroic Grails) or do you need to wait till a specific date to get a specific one? 2. Oh good. I heard that they introduced a new difficulty mode so it's good to hear that she'll be a lot of help there.
  18. Overall I don't really have any favorite FE characters that I would consider awful or even bad so I do think that it probably matters a bit at least. After all characters like Julia, Tine, Tailtiu, Sanaki, Micaiah and Nyx aren't considered the best of units.
  19. I haven't played this game since the Thracia Banner. There's a lot of new stuff I need to figure out but for now there's two things I'm interested in. On another site I saw someone talk about how they were planning to use their chalice to get the Black Knight and then they asked if that was a good idea. I thought tat the BK was a TT and buy once only event so can someone explain the chalice thing? I remember vaguely hearing that Veronica is the best CYL2 Brave so was I right in choosing her? Is she really as good as Lyn used to be back in her days?
  20. Can't tell if you're being serious or trying to troll but even if you were it's not really funny or amusing.
  21. I wish Tine and Arthur were higher but hey at least it's kind of cute how close they are to each other in the rankings. FE5 characters are very solid. Forsetii man, PUGI EX man, Mareeta and especially Sara are my favorite FE5 characters.
  22. I also checked out Tine's position and I'm glad to see that she went from 396 from to 279. Still not one of the top 5 most wanted FE4 characters but it's nice to see her rise through the ranks. Also happy to see that Jill raised a lot thanks to her votes being tallied. Yeah, I've heard about it. I wasn't a part of the FE Fandom yet back then, I only played RD 2 years ago after buying it for way too much but it always surprised me when I read how much hate she used to get since I quite like her and think she's one of the better female lords.
  23. Camilla does have a lot of alts. Micaiah only has one. From what I've heard Micaiah got a lot of undeserved criticism thrown her way back in the day so I'm glad a lot of people voted for her meaning that most people don't feel the same way about her anymore and unlike Miccy I do think that Camilla deserves the criticism she's been getting since her release.
  24. The biggest crime of these results is that Julia only went from 146 to 142. Oh well, unless Eirika manages to push herself to the top 2 next year I won't vote for anyone but Julia next year since the only other character I really like and that had a chance managed to get in (Miccy). I still think it's crazy that Camilla got a win since she already has the most alts of any character but whatever, we won't have to deal with her next time and I'm glad that a character that actually deserves a lot more attention from the fanbase managed to beat her and take the number one spot. Really glad for Micaiah. Surprised that Eliwoord took over on the male side. I guess FE7 still has a lot of power going for it.
  25. Hmmm, that could also be the case. Makes me wonder if we could see a Brave Louise in CYL4/5, assuming of course that Heroes is still a thing by then.
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