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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Arden from FE4. His dialogue when he gets the pursuit ring and the event were he's really happy that he got himself a 'wifey' are so heartwarming. His conversations with Fury and Ayra are also really cute. You go big guy!
  2. Sure, this could be fun. Azelle 6.5/10: Not sure about him and I've jumped from a 7 to a 6 back to a 7 so I think I'll give him a 6.5. He's a mage knight with minor holy blood. If you have Holy blood even if it is minor you're considered special, you stand above the 'normal' fighters so anyone who isn't a dancer or Corple is an automatic 6/10 in my book. He gets half a point for growing strong enough (thanks to his holy blood) to use some really strong fire spells but I didn't give him a 7 because his 'character' can't back up his power imo. Haven't played Chad's game Frederick 8/10: Not giving him a 9 because 9 is the kind of ranking I would only give to characters that have the power to fight small armies or beings similar to armies. Frederick is more of an 8/10 kind of guy imo. 8/10 meaning that he's incredibly strong. I even think that in the story of Awakening he's supposed to be one of the top 10 strongest playable characters (not including spotpass characters) and considering how super powerful some Awakening characters are I think that's an impressive feat.
  3. Just watched the first two episodes of Zombieland Saga. Definitely did NOT expect to like this one but by the end of the second episode I had the biggest smile on my face. Bless MAPA for making this original anime. Can't wait for the next episode.
  4. Ah, right, I forgot about that. Well in that case my nr. 9 Sara gets a vote.
  5. I would vote for my top 7 favorite FE characters: 1. Julia 2. Finn 3. Tine 4. Jill 5. Ike 6. Arvis 7. Eirika
  6. Just finished Torna and man I had a blast. This is the kind of DLC companies should aim for. Overall I liked it more than the main game and I was impressed when I saw that Monolith soft listened to the criticism and improved on the combat and made a stronger story (not that the main game had a bad one).
  7. So I've been playing Torna and I've been enjoying it a lot. Maybe even more than the main game, I'll give my thoughts about it when I'll finish it. Got a little question here about the side quests though
  8. Not just ORAS, Pokémon X and Y was also incredibly easy for a Pokémon game. I much prefer games like HGSS, BW2 or Platinum because they're at least not as easy as Gen 6.
  9. I pre ordered the physical edition and my store has this weird "will be delivered between 14th and 21th september message" so I'll be joining you guys later. For now I wish you guys a lot of fun playing through Torna!
  10. First direct I fully followed since I own a Switch and I wasn't really impressed. Sadly no FE or Metroid Prime news. The only thing that looked cool that I didn't know off so far was that mecha game but aside from that nothing really impressed. EDIT: GF game was also interesting since they normally only do pokémon I'm curious to see how they'll handle anything else.
  11. I'm sure that this happens to any hardcore FE fan at some point. It has happened to me as well. Just take a break from the games and chances are that after some time you'll end up playing them again.
  12. Shingeki No Kyoujin Manga/Anime S3 - Never thought I'd say this but Eren has become one of my favorite characters in anime/manga. So much good development in the manga. The S3 anime is also very nice even if it misses some parts of the manga. At least anime only people can now see how good Historia is. Overlord - Watched S2 and caught up with S3 and I really like the role play sessions feel we have now. Watching the viewpoint from so many different characters is also an easy way to fix the OP MC problem.
  13. Better: Ayra Amelia Deirdre Dorcas Worse: Julia Seliph Robin Titania Mathilda Lachesis
  14. I hope we'll get to see FE16, Metroid and Xeno stuff.
  15. My guess is that in the prologue of the game we will be a very young teacher teaching a lot of lords. One of those is Edelgard and over the course of the prologue Byleth and Edelgard establish a strong friendly relationship. In the last prologue chapter Edelgard finishes her training and when she leaves she says: "promise that you'll never forget me". That's my guess anyway.
  16. As long as the person you're saying it to is overweight I don't think there's a problem. I'm slightly overweight (my BMI is 27) and I've been working to lose some weight the last few months and some people have actually pointed it out and it feels great whenever someone says something along the lines of "Have you lost weight?" or "Have you been working out?". It makes me feel great because I don't just feel my body becoming healthier but other people can also see it.
  17. Can't really tell if you're being serious because it's posted in FFTF but since this is the internet I'm going to assume you are. Not a fan of either shotacons or lolicons (I've been clear about that when the BrideSanaki stuff happened) but as long as they're not harming any real children I'm not about to "join a lynch mob".
  18. Yes but in my grandfather's case we knew there wasn't anything we could have done. Chemo eventually didn't help anymore and trying to get rid of it through an operation was never an option according to the doctors.
  19. People who are suffering because of an illness deserve a way out. I've seen my grandfather die to lung cancer. If at some point in his last years with cancer he wanted to have a doctor commit euthanasia I wouldn't have held it against him. Luckily, Belgium has good laws in regards to euthanasia. There has even been a case here where a 9 year old who had a brain tumor was allowed to die through euthanasia.
  20. They'll need a two chapters to promote which really isn't that much. I remember Edain being promoted in chapter 3 and Lana being promoted chapter 8 but Lana could probably have been promoted earlier if I didn't kill her on purpose in the previous chapter to deny her falling in love with Seliph.
  21. Edain, Lachesis, Claude, Lana and Coirpre are all foot healers. Edain starts out with the Mend staff which gives you 30exp per use so she'll level up crazy fast and when she promotes she can use a Wind Tome. Then she'll be just about strong enough to defend herself on the battlefield, which as a mainly healer unit is good. Lachesis gets the MK promotion that is super good and gives her a horse but even ignoring that she has the Miracle Sword which can help her win some arena battles before her promotion. Claude's bases when joins are good enough that if you buy him a basic tome he'll be able to stand his ground, just like Edain he'll be someone that mainly heals but can also do a decent job at helping out fighting the enemy. Lana pretty much does the same thing her mother does in Gen 2 but unlike her she doesn't get a Mend staff but she makes up for that by joining at the very start of Gen 2 instead of almost a full chapter later. Coirpre is a waste of space.
  22. Most of them can fight and for the ones that can't staves aren't really that pricey so as long as you don't let the enemy destroy one of your castles you'll get enough money every new chapter to repair them.
  23. I don't disagree that the inventory system wasn't good but I've recently started another FE4 run and the buying/selling thing is only an issue if your unit isn't strong enough to win in the arena. Really the only unit where the inventory system annoyed me a lot was Coirpre.
  24. The things that come to mind right away are her HP and Spd growth, especially spd. My Micaiah couldn't kill a lot of stuff because she either couldn't double or she didn't have enough health to survive a single hit from an enemy.
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