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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. In that case maybe it shouldn't be that much of a problem? God killing plots aren't exactly new at this point and as far as I know don't cause the same kind of controversy anymore as they used to.
  2. Oh, that it is! The FE fandom has already found their new trailer meme xD
  3. That part of the trailer gave me a good laugh. I wonder if IS took that class on purpose to show off and give us a laugh. Oh, right, I kind of looked over that fact. Although if I'm going to be honest. I never saw SMT IV as a particularly M rated game. (it's been a long time since I've played the game though so I might've forgotten the finer details) That's also a good point in regards to Radiant Dawn's plot.
  4. They still do that? The 3DS had a game where you could kill yvhv. I don't think it would be a huge issue anymore.
  5. Yeah, that's what I meant. From what I know the SNES games were all in one way or another set in the same world as Archanea. Awakening being set in the same world but thousands years later I just see as IS wanting to make their last game go out with a bang and include a lot of references and what better way to do that then to put it in the same word as the first game they made.
  6. This is how the special edition looks and I like it. I'll try to pre order it but knowing my luck with FE games special editions I might not get it. The FE special editions always get sold out super quickly.
  7. I don't think so. If only because I don't see IS letting another game take place in Archanea/Ylisse. I actually like that and hope the game will be less like Fate with how black and white that game was and tries to be more like Radiant Dawn (without falling in the pitfalls that game had). Couldn't you just keep the Yato in your inventory and still use the buffs? EDIT: Whoops, I only saw now that someone said this. Feel free to ignore my post.
  8. Don't jinx it now! I welcome this. Always liked the weapon skills. They do seem to give her a big role in the trailers so that might be the case. It really depends. I have played games that have a similar plot point and used it well. Not sure how to feel about it if it were a story thing.
  9. Yup, it really looks wrong. Fair enough. Maybe we don't need to do that and have an option not to do it? Yes, I noticed that as well. It looked like Byleth was first going to be killed but then saw the future...maybe thanks to the dragon?
  10. I kind of like that. It looks like you can really build units from start.
  11. Agreed, I honestly enjoyed the trailer a lot but that female design is not something you should wear if you're going to fight for your life.
  12. While I'm a fan of having choices like that as well I wonder how it's going to impact the game. Are the routes going to be shorter or for that matter why didn't they split the game in three different games like Fates? I'm not complaining if it does turn out that the game has choices and has good content but I just find it sort of odd. 2. Yeah, that I find super interesting as well. I also find the whole reclass everyone a lot more acceptable in this setting because you're in a school and you're a teacher.
  13. Really liking what I saw so far. MC is probably going to be special despite being a mercenary's son because of the purple stuff around him at the end + his dreams with the dragon.
  14. RELEASE DATE JULY 26 BABY, THAT'S IN MY VACATION :D Man oh man unlike the first trailer I really like what I saw! It looks like they're really trying new things out and I can't wait to play it. Really digging the art style and the way it looks.
  15. Gotcha! Thanks for the good explanation.
  16. I've been playing this mode for a few weeks now since I got back into Heroes and I've got a few questions: 1. Is there some way to refill my aether in the same way you can use Dueling Crests for the arena? 2. When someone defeats you, you can fight them again, is there a point to that? Do I regain more aether the next day or does it not matter? 3. For that matter how do you now how much aether you get back every day?
  17. Yeah but my guess is that the green haired woman is her mortal form since she seems so calm on the battlefield. Just pure speculation on my part. I hope not. I'm with Shrimp on this one. I'd prefer to see anything but a final dragon boss fight even if that means having another goddess and since the MC's name is Byleth I'm also expecting that. What about you?
  18. Don't know if the green haired woman in the first trailer is the goddess but she did have those dead looking eyes going for her when she took that sword.
  19. I don't have a problem with the naive female lords but I'll 100% agree it's time to see something different. I want to see a based, confident, strong female lord who leads the gang of lords this time around. Sooooort of like a combination of parts of Micaiah and Hector if that makes any sense. But yeah I do have a lot of expectations for Edelgard, probably higher expectations than either Claude or Dimitri.
  20. Yeah it doesn't really bother me either. Was just curious if you also thought about it. And yeah that whole letter Mikoto left is something I never liked because it lessened the point of fates and the character of the Hoshido siblings. Yup. I will never understand how Bioware thought that was a good idea when they were making the game.
  21. Dragon Age Origins was my first BW game and one of my top 10 favorite games. I love that game even though it does have its issues. It's a shame that they had to go the way of the voiced protagonist and change the way you could choose your dialogue. It's gotten especially bad with the likes of Fallout 4 where in some conversations every option says the same thing Yeah, the Cerberus plot in ME2 really was a mess. ME2 was a fun side quest game but the bare bones plot wasn't that impressive. I've heard about that and I hope they'll manage to put all three games on it. It really does suck having to download two more games after buying it on the disc. It's especially annoying for the people who don't have a SD card for their switch. Even if Byleth can still S support these major characters? Yeah, I feel the same way. Shephard has gone through so many things till that point, why care that much for that child in particular?
  22. Me too! I've always loved the Spyro games and I would love to play them on the switch. They've already done Crash so I'm sure Spyro shouldn't be an issue.
  23. Right. There really isn't so far now that I'm thinking about it logically. I guess I just let myself be taken in by people who assumed the game was getting delayed if we didn't get news by the end of January.
  24. Shephard joining Cerberus wasn't roleplaying and neither was comparing the genophage to the first contact war or him saying "we fight or we die" at the start of ME3. Hell, one of the things I remember a lot of people disliking about ME3 (aside from the ending) was the forced PTSD plotline.
  25. Why do people assume that the game still has a spring release? Because of the financial report? Or because Ninty wouldn't delay a game that they announce information for? Just to be clear, I would love to see the game release in the spring but they could always delay it, no? ... For a supposed grown up man/woman in an universe where he needs to play the role of a hero who needs to save everyone he has some really bad dialogue and idiotic moments.
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