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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. I like Yune but not enough to snipe her color. At least not on this banner. Still, there’s a good amount of good units so I’ll spend -/+ 50 orbs pulling every color and see what I get.
  2. Not sure what to expect. I feel like it's been a while since we've had a normal Awakening/Fates banner and I also think IS feels safer about those games so I'm expecting one of those. That's just a feeling though. As for what I want. If the people in the legendary speculation banner thread are right I would prefer not to get a banner I actually like till June because the speculated May Legendary banner seems really good and I'm hoarding orbs for that one. So I don't really want to see a Thracia (Sara), Radiant Dawn (Jill) or Genealogy (Tine/Arthur). Of course I would still use my orbs to get any of these characters but a part of me would hate it knowing that a good legendary banner would show up.
  3. This is how I feel about it. No reason to start doing collabs when we still have enough fe charaters to go through.
  4. Huh, after being the first 5 star I ever sent home Fir was my free 5 star pull. I guess since she really wants to stay I’ll keep her this time. She’s +res-def so I’ll have to promote my 4 star +atk-res and give her the nameless blade but she should perform a lot better than the old one because of no bane and her good weapon refinement.
  5. Managed to get into tier 18 this week and I'm getting closer to tier 19 by the day. Currently lift 7.660 and rank 65.021. If I'm lucky I'll probably get into tier 19 next week. The only thing that sucks is that the players are getting a lot better and because of that my defense team doesn't work anymore. Hell, the only win I got was a fight where the guy who fought me gave up at the very start. I've got no idea why though his team looked good enough to take mine on.
  6. Yes it worked! Thanks :) First I tried using Oscar but his defenses were just too low no matter how I tried buffing him so then I ended up using a Finn I got with Grails (he wasn't a waste since I was planning to get him anyway). I only had to give the unit next to Finn Hone spd seal and it worked!
  7. I've tried, Wallhart's problem is that he's too fast and strong and Mathilda can't damage him to put him in the WoM range. With Frederick it's the opposite, he has a Spd- flaw and can't even survive a round with her. I've tried using seals to change their stats but I didn't manage to buff him enough.
  8. I don't have Groom Marth either. I stopped playing around the Thracia banner and started playing again when Camilla got her hot springs alt. I tried it with Walhart and Frederik but since they were both 4 star they missed out on something to kill Mathilda. I do have Valentine Titania but I assume that because of Ethlyn's def. stat + her bond skill activation she only had to deal with the AI Mathilda attacking her. When I try to do it with my cavalry ranged units Bartre/Flora try to kill them instead of going after Titania.
  9. The ones I've seen have used a 5 star Naesala, 5 star Ethlyn and 5 star Laevathein and I don't have any of those.
  10. Damn, seems like the HM farming guides all use f2p units I don't have. Oh well, more luck next week. Yeah it really sucks because there's some units I'm interested in getting like Tana, Julia, Hector and Elincia. Either give us banners for them or just demote them already so we can actually get some of the BHB units more reliably.
  11. Oh wow, thanks guys! I didn't know this was actually a thing and it's going to help me out a lot.
  12. I recently saw a discussion on the heroes subreddit where people argued that all of the Gen 1 units except for maybe Hector (because IS wouldn't demote DC) and the Braves should get demoted. Any opinions on this? Gen 1 units don't tend to have the best skill inheritance at this point and they're generally not that great either compared to units that were introduced later. Wasn't she just released? How did you grind out her HM that quickly? I would love to know because I really need the feathers for merge projects.
  13. Sucks that I don't have any of the bonus units but I'm excited to use Loki anyway so it's not a big deal.
  14. My favorite Awakening character! She’s my first +10 unit and she has helped me out a ton! I even gave her my only Hector for DC which was a pretty big deal but damn fog of breath is so good. She’s always my star player in AR and thanks to her FOB refinement even the other dragons don’t stand a chance.
  15. Went from almost 7.000 all the way to 6.420 when the season started only to be very lucky and get very good match ups and now I’m precisely on lift 7.000 and back in tier 17. BLESS ADULT TIKI AND HER DRAGON BUFFER/SUPPORT SERVANT
  16. Nice to see alts we haven't seen before but I'm also glad that no units I like got an alt because I need my orbs. Glad to see a Flying bow loki alt. Not because I like Loki but because flying bow units are rare and I would love to use one.
  17. I really don't have a clue who the character on the right could be. My first guesses that came to mind for the left character were Eirika, Micaiah or Ayra. I hope it's going to be Ayra if only because she hasn't gotten an alt yet and her in bunny uniform would be quite funny.
  18. I'm tier 14 in the Black Knight group. Can you even see who wins at the end? I didn't see any results at the previous Grand Conquest.
  19. We got the English version of the song:
  20. >Some; it'll be a part of the plot but overshadowed by other elements >Some; make it a part of the story but don't let it swallow the story I don't want Sothis's powers to be reduced to just a mila's turnwheel but I don't want them to be the focus till lategame either. Have the focus on the three factions, the different politics and the church and when we get to points in history that we need a little time travel power to fix things then I don't mind it. As long as they don't overly rely on it it will be fine.
  21. After spending 150 orbs or so and sniping red I finally got Idunn...buuuuuuut she's +Spd-Atk which I'm sure is her worst boon. She still has a great weapon, skills and good BST so it won't be too awful but I'm actually considering trying to get a second Idunn since the banner will only end in 32 days and that's a long time I can grind orbs. For now I'm just really glad I got her and didn't get pitrybroken by some random red unit.
  22. I think I'll wait with building her for now since I don't have Special Spiral and for Life and Death I'd need to invest feathers which I don't want to do for now. So I'll just keep using the standard DB3, RT3 build but I'll probably use the first or second the moment I get Special Spiral. They seem very good builds after all.
  23. I'm actually looking forward to this Forging Bonds because Idunn doesn't have a lot of screentime in her own game so maybe she can get some wholesome moments here.
  24. Wow, Idunn looks amazing. I might try pulling for her. I hope the gacha gods will be nice with me and give me lots of red orbs to get her and some fodder + eirika/lilina merges.
  25. I accidentally gave my Lilina Fury 3 without realizing she already had Death Blow 3. Which of the two A skills would be best for her? I'm planning to +10 her.
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