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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Not sure if this has already been talked about but the sword in the older Edelgard picture is Byleth's right? If so maybe this picture is from the routes where we fight her or we get possessed at some point in her route, both could work I guess.
  2. I never really thought about it but if they have a timeskip with the same characters (so no gen 2 characters) that means that those characters will also have to get a new design. Not just the lords but the other younger looking characters as well. Makes me wonder if that would have any impact on how many "extra" units we would get. Since every extra unit we recruit would also have to get a new design unless we only recruit them after the timeskip.
  3. I'll go with Wyverns Lords. I find them easier to use and generally prefer characters that happen to use a Wyvern instead of a Pegasus.
  4. Huh, that's a shame, she sounded pretty good. Seems like there's a complicated reason for it since she also doesn't reprise her role in an anime movie. Curious to know who will be voicing her now.
  5. Never played this game but I've heard a lot of good things about it and since I did like the first seasons of Spongebob a lot I would buy this one. I did own another PS2 Spongebob game but I'm pretty sure it wasn't this one. It was Spongebob curse of the flying dutchman. Never completed it. I just kind of got bored at one point of that one.
  6. I haven't read a lot of manga. The ones I've read and like are Berserk, Shingeki No Kyoujin and Majo No Ie. Helk was also a fun ride but dragged a bit too much by the end of the story. BokuHero I'm planning to pick up when I'm 50 chapters or so behind. I just can't find myself to care as much about BokuHero as I used to. From all of those Shingeki No Kyoujin is definitely my favorite. The story and characters are fantastic. Yams has done an amazing job shifting my opinions on characters from arc to arc and the plot twists are really well done. Can't wait for the next chapter, it should release in a few days.
  7. If I had to choose one I suppose I'd go with Drama but I wouldn't want to put the comedy part to the sides. Even FE4, which is considered the darkest FE game you still have some funny dialogue moments that enhance the experience a bit.
  8. @Ottservia 1. What's your favorite anime? 2. What's your favorite manga? 3. Is there any controversial character you like, and if so why? (don't know if you consider Severa controversial but don't say her xp) 4. What's your favorite Villain across all media? 5. How would you rank the four most popular Dere archetype?
  9. The open world look the game has is something I approve off. Not really interested in the Dynamax gimmick. We already have megaevolution and I quite prefer that. What kind of name is "Hop" xD. You'd have to do something crazy with the guy for me to take him seriously with a name like that. Did I understand that right... "Among some of these pokemon there are some you can only catch after you defeat them in Max battles" EUGH, that's definitely something I do NOT like.
  10. Jill. She's a well written character with a great arc, is a good unit in PoR and fantastic in RD and looks great. She's my favorite Dragon Lord. I also quite like Haar. He has some really great boss dialogue in RD, is a god unit in that game and is also a fine character. He's also a bit smarter than you'd might think at first.
  11. I did...good? Got a 6/20 and only 45% got lower. Social motivation 11/20 Escape motivation 14/20 Competition motivation 8/20 Coping motivation 10/20 Skill development motivation 6/20 Fantasy motivation 15/20 Recreation motivation 10/15 I used to play games a bit more for competitive reasons when I was younger but the online toxicity in games really burned me out of that. I'm also generally not that great in most genres and would got my ass whooped in most games.
  12. That doesn't change that she didn't need support to go through a well done character arc. Your problem has more to do with the gameplay side of FE4. Eh, at least Tine has a good character arc. When I grind supports you never know what you're going to get. You could get an awful support like Camilla X Corrin or something more interesting like Camilla X Niles.
  13. Ah, you're right. I guess they didn't came to mind because I always saw the Loptyr and Grimleal as evil cults.
  14. Doesn't surprise me and doesn't bother me since 1. It doesn't seem like a plot twist 2. FE has never done a full blown "the church is evil" so it's only fair they get their shot at it :p
  15. *Surprised Pikachu face* If the Empire ends up having its share of issues (every faction should) then I'm sure my girl Edelgard will end up fighting to fix those issues and restore the empire to its glory!
  16. Hmmm, so if such a system were in place even with free story orbs and the like it would cost more for the Beglian players and they would miss out on fodder which is certainly important. ------- Well it is what it is. I'm a Belgian player and I'm personally not a fan of the practice behind gacha/lootboxes. I knew this was going to happen eventually and I'm fine with having these kind of laws even if it means having to give up on Heroes or other gacha games (I would have loved to play FGO one day). At least my phone's battery will be very happy.
  17. Then what if they made new units very pricey? What if people could buy new units for the same price as the NY OC units (I know that people who bought those units also got other bonuses)? So every new unit for €74.99? You buy a lot of orbs right? Is it reasonable to get +10 version of a new hero if you get the amount of orbs you would get for €824.89? Depends on the reason. If for some reason a country were to call the goombas racist and get a lot of support then yes they would change them. Nintendo still likes to present them as a family friendly company after all.
  18. I’ve read on r/feh that another game, Apex Legends made it so that Belgian players need to buy skins ouright and “can’t roll the dice”. They also can’t buy battle passes (the same as orbs?). You can only get them through game content.
  19. I'd argue that it's not necessarily about first impressions but that the characters don't get attention in the story. One of my favorite FE characters, Tine has a fantastic character arc despite being stuck in a game without supports. She does this through a few talk/boss conversations and only one of those is locked if she has a lover/doesn't have a lover. IS should strive to have more characters have interactions in the story because not everyone's going to go through +10 supports just to see if there's some good thing behind said character even if they started out as a one-note character.
  20. Louise looks a bit funny in her first Chibi art: If I didn't know the character I would think that she's a Yandere with the way she's looking.
  21. As a writer the stuff he writes is just too dark and unfitting for a FE game. He has even written a VN that is darker than the anime you mentioned, the VN being Saya No Uta.
  22. She already has fantastic art going for her, so here's hoping they also give her good stats to go along with the great movement and weapon type. Charlotte probably won't be a TT unit so I'll get her quickly and use her for the extra TT points.
  23. *Hears loud Norwegian screams in the background* Mangs is gonna lose it. Glad to see it’s Fjorm and not some kid. I didn’t expect Tanith/Sigrun but it’s a Funny couple to put in bridal gowns.
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