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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Dragon Fang Banner might have Julia so I'll be spending my orbs there till I have my second Julia and fix her Flaw. That's been something I've wanted to do since the very first banner I spent orbs on when I started this game. I hope I'll still have some orbs for the legendary banner but if I don't get LEirika or LTiki that would be fine. I have ATiki and Eirika already made them +10 so it's not like I haven't shown my love for them.
  2. Because of the free 10 orbs we'll get soon and the 4 free tickets I decided to use 50 orbs. I'll still have a good amount of orbs for the legendary banner because the chances for any character I like to get a bride alt are super low so I'm not worried on that front. Anyway, pulled a colorless orb, couldn't skip the summon and got excited...only to get a -Spd BowHinoka. Thanks, I hate it. I would have very much preferred a Gen 1 Genny.
  3. Huh, that explains why my Hoshidan Miccaiah suddenly decided to disappear in a rematch. Not surprised to see someone with the name 'FrickYou:)' use this glitch though. I hope this is fixed soon because if it isn't I won't be able to reach next tier.
  4. Well if you'd ask "Going full anime" in regards to an FE artstyle imo Kozaki fits (the artist for Awakening and Fates) a lot more. The artist for 3H mostly does Otome stuff so I wouldn't call her artsyle "going full anime".
  5. I would actually love to have a "Empress Julia alt" in the same way we have an "Exalted Chrom" but since Jugdrall isn't anywhere as popular as Awakening I doubt that would ever happen.
  6. Well yeah I know that. Doesn’t mean I have to like the units IS chose for the banner.
  7. Oh right, that happened. I still don’t consider it a good enough reason compared to the other heroes.
  8. Not gonna lie, I’m a bit salty. Berkut and Mareeta make sense and it’s berkut first alt. Tiki has enough characters + she barely looks any dufferent from her legendary version. Corrin also has enough alts bit unlike Tiki she doesn’t even have any story excuses and even if she had the adrift banner already has a weird corrin. Also, this was the only chance I could see us getting another Julia.
  9. They don’t look good but I don’t care for graphics so it’s not an issue for me.
  10. There's nothing political about wanting to have both the Male and Female avatar in 3H have a professional look and not have one of them look like some kind of escort. Can you link me to a poll for Fates where we can see what characters male/female players voted for?
  11. Not sure what to make of it. I've read that Awakening had an option to have Robin be a silent protagonist and that doesn't surprise me. He seems very fitting for that role since Lucina/Chrom have a ton of dialogue themselves BUT in this case I don't know if it would work because Byleth will probably be important if his connection with Sothis leads anywhere. Ah, I see you're a fellow human of culture as well. Bought Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time a long time ago on my Vita and it's one of my top 10 favorite games and one of the reasons is that it handles choices in game through dialogue so well. If 3H did have a system similar to WoT I'd be all for it. Ha! That mental image gave me a good chuckle.
  12. Kind of a random question here but have you ever been on the Bioware Social Network? 

    There used to be a few cool guys on there with avatars of the same character you have.

    1. Onestep


      I wasn't on the Bioware network, no. I just like the character.

    2. Strullemia


      Ah, I see. Must be something about the character that attracts people with similar tastes. I should give the show a watch one of these days.

      I also saw your post where you said that TNO one is a good protagonist which I fully agree with and it's also one of those older games that reminded me of the people there.

    3. Onestep


      It's a great series, though Xanatos is what really makes it.

      Planescape was amazing. In general, I love games that allow you to shape (and actually take note of) the character's personality. I think we mentioned it in another post, but Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time was also great in this regard. So many little details of both your own character and the overall plot that you could shape.

  13. x12 multiplier for Nino in the last hour? Yeah, I think we’ve got this one.
  14. Started to get back into AR and got back into tier 18 after barely playing and dropping from 19 to 16. Bless LAlmBigGay for being so angry at LAlm that he/she put four Lv. 1 units and giving me a free +100 score.
  15. Eeh, I've watched a decent amount of anime and I can tell you that most anime does not look like 3H does. SoA, Re Zero, Shield Hero, Goblin Slayer, Sword Art Horizon are all the typical "modern anime" and if anything they look more like Awakening/Fates. Chinatsu Kurahana is the artist for 3H and aside from two other anime she's been mostly working on Uta no Prince sama, which compared to some of the anime I mentioned before really isn't all that popular.
  16. So Nino won. Still, good job team Yune, I had no idea who was going to win so it was pretty tense. I think this also might be the first VG that I participated in that didn't end up with one character I dislike in the finals. May the best green haired girl win.
  17. Put 800 Flags/8 Ballots in Nino to get the most points out of it. This might be the last multiplier I'll be awake for after all. Ended up with a score of 2.525.600 and currently ranked 6, I'm sure that'll change by the end but that's the highest I've ever been at any point in a VG. Now I'll have 200 flags left that I'll either use if we get another multiplier or I'll just take them with me to the final round.
  18. Yeah I figured that that's how they'll handle it. I'd also prefer it be three full different routes as opposed to just a few different chapters but I can't see them doing that. I'll just hope that the exclusive content we do get is going to be worth doing another playthrough.
  19. I know that a lot of have been assuming that we'll choose what class to teach but has it ever been fully confirmed that we'll choose a class? (if so I might have missed it) Claude's dialogue straight up tells us we'll choose our class so that seems to confirm it.
  20. Poor Lugh, he didn't deserve to lose against some OC. Tiki, go kick her ass. Nino won so we're now up against Yune. I honestly wouldn't mind if we lost because I like Yune. I just hope I get more multiplier chances to use my flags, I only managed to use 800 flags on the first round.
  21. Black Eagles, gotta see how IS handled Edelgard. Like what little I've seen and read about her and also like the designs of the Black Eagle students the most.
  22. Fire Emblem: Tiki X Robin: I like that Tiki finally finds a guy after all that time to take a special place in her heart. I also find it a very amusing one because of their backgrounds. Seliph X Tine: What I really love in this romance is how by the end of Tine's arc she herself has the power to tell Seliph that he doesn't need to be afraid and that she won't let what happened to Deirdre happen to her. Attack on Titan: Eren X Historia: I really want this to happen. They might not have had a lot of interactions but I every single one of them they do have has always had a lot more chemistry than whenever Mikasa tries to be obsessive. I love how they both have moments where they've supported each other when no one else did.
  23. This might be useful for some people in the next rounds: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/bjakl8/psa_you_can_clear_voting_gauntlet_quests_without/?sort=new
  24. I wish they did weekly 4 star banners. I'm sure that if they do them weekly everyone would eventually get a banner that has a unit that they'd love to merge and spend orbs on. At least I would if Tailtiu showed up in one. I want to start a new merge project and I want it to be a different color this time but I only have one Tailtiu to merge >_> ----------------- Heard about the update. Glad that they're changing the seal menu, that one has always been a mess. Never was a big fan of Blessed Gardens so I don't mind getting the rewards in the new mode.
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