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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. I had a defense win where my Veronica danced her way to victory and my enemy surrendered before Veronica killed his last unit. Tiki and Nowi even got slaughtered by his LMarth. It was really disgusting and I almost felt bad but then I realized that he also had a Veronica with the almost exact same build on his team and that he used 5 units against my four units so eh, he had plenty of chances to turn the fight around. And because of that fight I realized that I really shouldn't have used my aether stones like crazy on getting more aether and traps because now I don't have enough to unlock the fifth team spot >_> So for these next two weeks I'll just have to bear with it and play super careful because I'll probably start fighting people with 5 units with my 4 units.
  2. People still liked them but in general they weren't liked anywhere as much as the Awakening children if we're to believe this Fates poll from Japan.: I agree. I've read a lot of different theories on Sothis and a lot of them sound great. If IS could build around some of the things I've read with some surprises here and there (without going into weird Azura plot twist territory) I would consider that a success.
  3. That would be such wasted potential. If they pull the time chamber nonsense again I would be really disappointed. I really hope IS got the message with Fates that people didn't like kid units that much anymore and got rid of them for 3H.
  4. I'm surprised to see that there are that many named locations. Shows that they at least that they pay more attention to the world they're creating, at least compared to Fates. Curious to see what Almyra is about. It's rather large and it's separated from all the other three territories.
  5. I like her art, it took some getting used to after the first trailer because it's not what I expected to see from fire emblem but I've gotten used to it and quite like it so far.
  6. Joined Tatiana in my first Grand Conquest. Is it just me or is Soren's team small?
  7. I can't see them selling a game for a standard release price and have it choices that have game changing consequences like Fates so far that reason I think: 1. The routes will merge in the late game. Just like SS we'll only have some chapters that are changed. 2. Mostly the same. 3. Yes but it probably would only be a few chapters at most. 4. You will recruit other houses' students. Could be that they won't let us recruit 2 characters or so at most for replay value like how you could only recruit Yukimaru in Birthright but I expect to be able to recruit most of them on any route.
  8. Anyone from Europe already managed to order it? My country doesn’t have it in any stores so far and I’m curious if it’s just here that they don’t have it yet.
  9. With all of this talk about power imbalance I have to ask what the difference is between Chrom marrying any of his romance options and a Bymeth marrying his student. Just to be clear, not trying to do a “Gatcha!” thing here. Chrom (or really any of the noble fe lord units) have a lot more power over their spouse than Byleth would have over let’s say the future empress.
  10. The good thing is that I have none of these characters. The bad thing is that the only one I want from a character standpoint is Myrrh but I'd be happy with anyone but Lynn since the others are at least better than her in their own ways.
  11. Kind of a stupid question perhaps but is the UK special edition the same as the European one? EDIT: Seems to be the same one. Now I need to make sure to check every store so I don't miss it this time unlike Fates and Echoes SE.
  12. 1. Oh jeez, if they could write a likable relationship between Byleth and Sothis and have this be the twist chances are I would feel depressed and I mean that in a good way. It would be so depressing if it turns out that the being that has been helping you and have a good relationship with is already dead. 2. True. IS hasn't shown to be the best at writing things like that and if she uses you she would need good reasons to do so. I would still love a twist like that but I know that IS has a lot of ideas that they don't always execute as well as they should. 3. I wouldn't actually mind if Sothis falls in love with the MC but it would have to be handled well. If anything her falling in love with the MC could made the twist where it turns that she's just using you/turns out to be dead all along all the more powerful.
  13. If she does end up giving Byleth powers I want her to be manipulative. Hell make it so that her child form is an illusion and she's actually an older manakete but she's using the child form because it's easier to trust a child, right? I also wouldn't mind if she because of Byleth (but this needs to be done in a careful way) regrets her way of thinking but only after it's too late and she needs to redeem herself. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who noticed the way she talked in the Japanese trailer felt "different" to her English version. For anyone else who wants to see both voices: Sothis talks at 00:51 and 04:50
  14. Any guesses as to what Red/Colorless units may get in the voting banner?
  15. Doesn’t surprise me. I’ve heard that the composer can be a difficult person. Oh yeah I’m also interested in RF5. I just didn’t mention it because I still needed to finish RF4. I’m actually a little bit spoiled when it comes to DQ11 so about your spoiler:
  16. When they show Dragon Quest 11 off they went out of their way to mention that you can play with Japanese or English voices so I don't think we're going to get the option here in Fire Emblem 3H. Awakening was also the only game were we got the option. Of course they could always give us free DLC in the same way XB2 got free Japanese language pack dlc if there's enough people who want it. Personally, if the game has voice directing as good as Echoes it really wouldn't bother me to play the game in English.
  17. I have no doubts that there are going to be S supports. There won't be any marriage or children because in this setting of the story it wouldn't make sense but I'm expecting to have supports end with your partner admitting their love to you (or you the character) and then the ending slide saying you got married/stayed with your partner for the rest of your life. Kids got less popular with Fates. In the release poll I think there was only one kid that even got in the top 10 so I think IS understands that just randomly throwing them in doesn't make for good writing. Shipping is still waaaaaay too popular for them to get rid of the S supports so I don't think they're going to get rid of that.
  18. Because of how excited I was about 3H I forgot to mention that aside from 3H I'm also interested in Rune factory 4 (because my 3DS R button broke before I could complete it), Astral Chain (because Platinum Games is making it) and Dragon Quest because it's confirmed that we can not just choose between JAP and ENG but also change the music which was apparently a big issue for the people that played since the music isn't that well liked.
  19. I'm going to assume that they'll just help out with the technical part of things since it's been a long time since IS worked on a console.
  20. I'm going to guess that the prologue will take place in the academy and afterwards we will only use the academy for the teaching stuff. Maybe we will have a conflict with the church in the prologue and we'll kick them out of there.
  21. Manfroy was truly a mastermind. He knew that Verdain was a lot smarter then people believed so he manipulated events so they would be taken out first!
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