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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. It's been a long time since I completed Thracia but I remember reading a guide that had a similar image and warping Leif in the green range spot. That way Ced ended up showing up very quickly. So in short just do what @FE_McFly said and don't waste a warp use like I did.
  2. I'm hoping she gets close to the top 100. I know that probably won't happen since she ranked 315# in the first CYL and 146 in the second and as far as I know nothing in the FE/Heroes community happened that would give her extra votes but I gotta at least try. Oh, and that's fine, we all have our characters we need to vote for.
  3. Second vote goes to Jill. Fourth favorite FE character and favorite Tellius character. Unlike last year I won't bother going full Julia because I've already convinced a few people to vote for her for me so I'll make up that difference that way.
  4. I see people using different browsers to vote for characters. I don't have a problem with that but back in the CYL2 thread I think I remenber people saying that IS can see if you're using the same internet connection and that they would probably delete all your votes if you did that? Anyone remember that?
  5. Sadly I doubt that a brave Julia would never happen no matter how many CYL's they'll do. Julia didn't even manage to get in the top 100 in the second CYL so I don't think that she'll ever get a brave. I just hope that she gets enough votes that IS would consider doing a Loptyr version of her.
  6. So characters like Jill, Finn and Marth aren't split anymore? Oh wow in that case I have no doubt that Marth will win the first spot this time no problem. Anyway first vote is in
  7. Last year I showed my loyalty to Julia by voting for her every day. This time I'll vote for Julia, Jill, Tine, Sara and then (assuming we'll get mid vote results) I'll vote for Eirika or Micaiah depending on who has the best chance to win.
  8. I've gotten a bit further and I still feel very much the same way about the game but there's something I had to say to the other people playing the game. Be sure to save every time you have a chance and save a lot! Apparently this game has been known to crash (software was closed because an error occurred). I myself have had the game crash three times since I've been playing it. I know that it has nothing to do with my switch because this is the first game where I have had this issue and other people have had the same problem.
  9. Karol doesn't really bother me, he's just a kid that acts scared sometimes and I'm sure that by the end of the game he will have a lot more confidence (that's how characters like him in JRPG's tend to turn out). It also helps that the gang isn't really bothered by his antics which I find really endearing.
  10. I've been playing the game for give or take 20 hours and so far I've been having a lot of fun. Gameplay is pretty simple. Not that the game doesn't give you a lot of stuff to play it, it introduces new gameplay mechanics almost every area but you won't need them because (aside from one boss) it's been an easy ride so far. Aside from Estelle the cast has been great. I have no complaints about any of the other party members that I've gotten so far. Rapede is a good dog, Rita and Karol really grew on me and YURI IS A FANTASTIC MAIN CHARACTER. I love this guy.
  11. Julia 11. Mia Finn 12. Micaiah Tine 13. Tailtiu Jill 14. Hector Eirika 15. Ninian Sanaki 16. Genny Sara 17. Brigid Leif 18. Tibarn Ayra 19. Reyson Ike 20. Haar Bolded = Is in heroes Red = Is in heroes but I don't like their representation (Finn should have gotten Reinhardt's master sword double attack weapon as a personal lance weapon, Sanaki should never have gotten a bride alt and my boy Leif deserved at least DC Light Brand)
  12. Never played the original but I pre ordered this one. I heard that it's considered one of the best Tales Of games in the series (along with Berseria) and I really want to play a fun JRPG so I can't wait to give this one a shot. The game should arrive today so I'm quite excited :)
  13. We really don't have enough information. I did like what I saw but we need to see more. If we don't get any info in the January direct (which isn't confirmed but I'm going to assume it'll happen) then it's probably getting delayed and that would worry me because a game that has multiple delays is almost never a good sign.
  14. Are you using the second player trick? Whenever you're catching a pokémon use the second joy-con so you have a higher chance of catching. As for Razz berries, you can find normal/silver razz beries on route 17. Just search the yellow flowers a lot. They respawn when you exit so you can do it as much as you want. You can also rarely get golden razz berries in the cerulean cave. When you go on the second floor you'll see these spots with white light, you can sometimes find a golden razz berrie there. So do I and I hope that the new 2019 Pokémon game will let us choose which catching mechanic we want to use. Pinsir is a very rare 1% encounter and people have said that it sometimes took them up to an hour to catch. I was just really lucky to catch one very quickly and without much issue.
  15. You can always relearn the Eevee exclusive moves with the guys that teach Eevee those moves. You can learn/relearn them as much as you want which is useful if you need to fight a specific trainer. You're right. The Elite Four do get a lot stronger. Do you know about Chansey grinding? Chansey grinding gives a ton of Exp very quickly so you could maybe do that? I also don't understand GF here. After I got Mewtwo I just fought the Gym Leaders daily to get strong enough for the E4 but I realized that was going to take too long so I just did some Chansey grinding. Yup yup, I never understood why they got rid of the VS Seeker after Gen 4. It was such a useful item.
  16. Yeah, Mewtwo is pretty damn strong if you try to defeat him right after the league. I managed to do it but only by turning off animations, using Eevee's Buzzy Buz to Paralyze Mewtwo's and also nerf his speed at the same time and then I also retried till I also managed to get Venesaur to Leech seed him. After that it was a matter of being lucky and hitting him with my strongest attacks like Pinsir's X-Scizzor and hoping for the best. I honestly think that GF expected players to grind to fight Mewtwo by fighting the gym leaders again and re-challenging the Elite four because your Pokémon aren't strong enough after defeating the E4/Champion to easily defeat Mewtwo.
  17. My favorite is Julia (also my favorite FE character) for her role in the story, her interactions with Seliph/Lana and her stand against her brother in the end. Gameplay wise she's the first powerful NosefuratuTank, a really good healer and despite looking like a very meek girl uses one of the strongest weapons in all of FE which I find hilarious. Tine is my second favorite. Her gameplay role needs some babying to really shine but when you do get her strong enough and put all of her boss conversations together with Seliph's conversations you get a girl who has a fantastic character growth where she starts out apologizing to Seliph when she joins him to the girl that has the determination to kill the woman that terrorized her mother and her all those years ago.
  18. The True ending to the video game The Witch's House
  19. Depends on what we're talking about. I'm not a big fan of Awakening/Birthright in the slightest and I thought they were quite boring. Revelations I consider the worst FE game I've ever played. If Fates Conquest had a better story it could have been easily one of my top 5 FE games but sadly it's one of the worst stories I've experienced not in just in FE but in all of gaming with one of the most hate-able main characters I've had the displeasure of experiencing BUUUUUUUUUT it has some really good gameplay and going through the maps is a lot of fun. It's not perfect but it's some of the best gameplay Fire Emblem has managed to offer. So I wouldn't mind if 3H had some influence from the gameplay part of Conquest but I don't want to see the story part from that game again. Oh, I'm also fine with S-supports as long as they don't give us kids again and don't let us S-support everyone even if it didn't make any sense.
  20. I played Super Mario World a lot but I only really got super into gaming when my parents gifted me a gameboy color with Pokémon Gold.
  21. Favorite Era: SNES era followed closely by Gamecube/Wii era Least Favorite Era: 3DS
  22. I've finished everything but the rematch with the elite four and a battle with another trainer. I've gotta say though, that as someone that read the Kanto arc in the manga I was SO HAPPY TO SEE The biggest problem I have with this game and why I probably won't replay it too much despite it actually being good is the new catching mechanic and the focus on it. It's a fun gimmick at first but it gets tiresome and rather annoying after a while. Also not a big fan of the gym leader requirements, especially the fuchsia city one, that one really annoyed me! Who's idea was that one! You can get a free Bulbasaur in Cerulean City if you've caught 30 Pokémon. You can also catch them in Viridian Forest but they're a special spawn pokemon, meaning that yes they are indeed very rare.
  23. Nothing wrong with showing favoritism to the best FE knight there is. Seriously though, getting Finn promoted early on will actually help you out on the long run.
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