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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. I just realized that Louise went from 72 all the way to 12th spot. Mangs supports her but he also did that the previous year and sure his sub count has grown but as far as I know it hasn't grown that much that it should jump this high.Which makes me wonder if in this CYL even less people voted than CYL2.
  2. Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well. As for your last vote, no one you want to vote on the top 10 male/female mid vote results?
  3. So this is my full ballot now. I'm really hoping to see Julia rise a bit compared to last year and for Micaiah to get a brave version. Now that PoR and RD characters get tallied I expect to see a Haar and Jill somewhere in 2019. As for Tine...my only hope is that whenever they do another FE4 Gen 2 banner they'll use Tine as the token OP girl but I'm not sure that she could even be that lucky because Larcei, Fee and Lana still aren't in the game.
  4. Mostly watching Shield Hero, Love is war, OP Slime, The promised neverland and Mob Psycho II.
  5. These were the mid results from the second CYL: Celica stayed on top. Veronica went from fifth to second Camilla dropped from second to third and Eirika went from third to fourth. So we have a character that was WAY behind jump all the way up to the second spot and we have Eirika and Camilla who were always fighting back to back (there was only a 603 votes difference). And back when CYL2 happened many people just voted for Veronica after the mid results dropped because they were interested in seeing what IS would do if she won. I'm just saying that people who voted for Veronica didn't all do it because they wanted to get rid of Camilla.
  6. I've barely seen anyone mention those Ike slaying thot memes after that Voting Gauntlet ended (You're talking about the one where Camilla beat Lyn right?) so I don't think that Ike's reputation took a serious beating. This isn't the first CYL event so this time people know what the prize is. People now know about alts and that the top 2 male/female get a Brave alt so when people see the mid votes results not everyone thinks of kicking Camilla away, some people simply would prefer a Micaiah or FCorrin alt instead. When the mid votes results happened last year a lot of people voted for Veronica for other reasons then to keep Camilla away.
  7. This doesn't surprise me in the slightest. 4chan loves to trigger people + some of Camilla's personality quirks your supposed to question actually appeal to them.
  8. Another vote for Micaiah today. I'll probably end up giving Julia my last vote because Selpih has gone from rank 120 to 15 on the male side so a part of me is hoping that Julia has gotten a similar boost (obviously not as big since she's not as popular).
  9. There was one. I just tried to check it again but it seems he deleted it? The only thing I can tell you is that when I clicked on the post on this thread in FE subreddit I was linked to a community post where he encouraged people to vote for Female Robin. I wish I had saved it now but I didn't expect that he would delete it.
  10. Yeah...that's really not helping smash bros's reputation as a community. Seems really pathetic if you ask me.
  11. IS first needs to show that they can actually write a female lord with the respect that they deserve. So one that doesn't share her game with another male MC (Eirika and Celica) or loses focus to another male MC (Micaiah and Lyn) before I would ever trust them to write a female lord character with a rape backstory. I do disagree with the idea that FE games have gone too far because as far as I know they've never said this stuff outright. Even in Fire Emblem 4, one of the darkest Fire Emblem games we don't actually know what exactly happened to Leen after Ares rescues her.
  12. I wouldn't be against this. I'd also be fine with them only allowing you to vote if you have a Nintendo account. That way they can stop people who don't have any interest whatsoever in Fire Emblem from voting for a character. My guess is that people who like the "Touch fluffy tail" meme vote for her and give her a boost over the other two.
  13. Everyone in this thread is selfish. This is a popularity contest where the higher a character scores the higher the chance is that they'll get released in the game/get an alt. Even I'm selfish by voting for someone as Tine because even if she only placed somewhere around the 300th range there's definitely someone in this thread who votes for a character that scored even lower so by voting for Tine I'm reducing that person's changes to get his/her character in game. That's my view on the selfish thing anyway. Anyway, another day, another vote for the Silver haired Maiden:
  14. Yeah, Kouhei Maeda. Although from what I've heard he only took over Heroes in the second year. Don't know who the guy was that did it the year before.
  15. Ah, that explains a lot. I can appreciate the honesty in the video, it's quite refreshing really.
  16. CYL Haar Round 1/2: 104/64 CYL Elincia Round 1/2 112/118 Mia beats him both rounds and Nephenee only wins the first one, she loses the second round by six spots (ranking 70). So yeah people do like Haar quite a bit. Specifically his RD version, that one gets the most votes.
  17. Oh and yeah like some other people I'm also dissapointed in Eirika and Camilla's placement. Camilla has way more alts and they're a lot more recent. Eirika lost some votes because of her alt last year after all.
  18. Oh right, you're right. I knew about Ishtar but I forgot about Blume.
  19. By chapter 8 her viewpoint has changed. Tine: You drove my mother to her death, remember Or do I have to remind you?! - Im her battle sgainst Blume @Etrurian emperor You're not wrong and I agree that they have a good character. Personally it wouldn't feel right for to me to vote for them. But that's just me.
  20. Well you're not wrong about that but as someone who likes Tine and Tailtiu a lot I just can't ever give the guy (or his wife) a vote. But you're right about Dannan's popularity. The guy was only a few places above Bloom in the last CYL.
  21. You monster. Bloom and Hilda are the two FE characters I hate the most. Haar having good dialogue, great boss dialogue and being a god of a unit in Radiant Dawn is what people (that includes me) like about him.
  22. I was planning to give Sara from FE5 a vote but seeing these results...I'll do anything to give Miccy the support she needs to get to the top spot. Eugh, I'm sick of Camilla but Eclipse does have a point, if she does get a brave character we'll never have to see her in these polls again. Anyway from now on my votes go to my tenth favorite FE character: Oh and holy shit, Mangs's meme power is even stronger than before! Louise managed to take the twelfth spot!
  23. I personally prefer a story related promotion. Promoting through items/Castle makes the promotion feel less impactful.
  24. Another day, another vote and this time I'll give Tine a vote. Oh wow, I never realized how low she scored overall in CYL1 and CYL2. Poor girl only ranked 358 and 396. She does lack somewhat when it comes to the unit part of the character but she's a great character.
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