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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. YES! Promoting Leif/Lachesis was always sooooo satisfying and then being able to use any kind of weapon/magic/stave was so useful and it made the unit all the more unique.
  2. Never liked him. I remember playing Awakening for the first time thinking what a boring and typical "I'M EVUL!!!" villain he was and I've never been a fan of those EVER. The Heroes and Echoes stuff is a little bit too little too late but even taking it into account I still don't like him any more than before. Echoes just gives him some backstory and I don't like his Heroes stuff either.
  3. Very interesting posts and you guys bring up a lot of good stuff about the ending and after reading that article and reddit post I appreciate it a lot more. I really hope that they'll make remakes or give us the option to download XB1 and XCX on the switch. I would love to play those games. Oh and I heard that XB2 was made by only half of Monolith soft because they were helping with BOTW? Is that true? If so, I'm impressed.
  4. Finished the game after 150+/- hours and overall liked it but it has some things that really held it back that became apparent when I got into the lategame. I actually enjoyed the game the most in the midgame because at that point you get a lot of fun things to play with while not realizing just how repetitive some of the other stuff is. Oh and I'm only talking about gameplay here, story was fine. Despite the things I mentioned I still enjoyed the game a lot and don't regret buying the pricier limited edition and I will buy the Torna expansion whenever that comes out. Still an 8/10 but if it didn't have those issues I mentioned it could have been a solid 9/10. Curious about how some of you feel about some end game things:
  5. Lilith's death in Conquest is the first thing that came to mind. In Birthright I was very indifferent to her death but in CQ seeing her die to some random faceless and seeing Corrin get all sad about it with the "Why does someone as pure as Lilith have to die so I might live" line from all things gave me a good laugh.
  6. Got Cyrus and Tressa. Also gave Olberic a Hunter secondary job and Cyrus a Cleric so now I've got pretty much all weapons covered. Oh, I met that NPC a little while ago as well. I first tried to purchase the harpoon and when that didn't work I used Cyrus's skill to see her information and I really liked it when I saw that detail they put in the game. I don't have a thief yet but when I do I still won't try to take that harpoon, it would just make me feel bad.
  7. Ah, so the boss isn't that much easier if you start with her. My biggest problem with the boss was that I could only kill one from those three respawning orbs before they destroyed themselves and thus in turn killing everyone except my knight.
  8. I've been playing for more or less 6 hours and I've started with Primrose then recruited Olberic and just now Ophilia. Game has been a lot of fun so far but I'm not sure how I feel about the bosses. They're really tanky and I the one I fought in Ophilia's story I had difficulty beating even though I was Lv. 10, which was 3 levels higher than the rec. level. So far Primrose is my favorite.
  9. Between 4-3 and Geofrey's Charge I much prefer the later. While GC isn't an interesting map in the slightest it is at least easy enough to complete and doesn't take that much time. 4-3 made me temporarily drop the game in my first run because of how slow it was. It's a desert map where the BK and Naesala were the only units that could push through while the others needed to stick together to be able to survive the wyvern knight reinforcements.
  10. Ha, I knew the exact words in this thread before I even opened it.
  11. So Lv. 23 chapter 3 right now and I've been having a lot of fun. The only minor complaint is that the quest markers are more of a hindrance in this game. After a few side quests I decided to only activate them once to get an idea where they're supposed to be and then I just explore that area. Aside from that minor thing I really only have good things to say so far. Minimal grinding, a story that's interesting so far, likable characters, a world that feels so good to walk in and explore and an amazing OST.
  12. Finished Hinamatsuri. It gave me some good chuckles here and there and had some very likable characters. Also still watching Bokuhero S3 and Darling in the Franx. Bones has totally delivered on that one the fight that happened an episode ago. I felt like a little kid watching my first superhero show again so that was some good stuff. And Darling in the franx has been one crazy wild ride since episode 18 or so. I can't wait to see how they'll wrap up everything.
  13. I own all of the gameboy consoles, the DS/3DS, Wii, Switch, NES and SNES. My fondest Nintendo console memory has to be playing Super Mario World on the SNES. I used to play that game sooooooo much back when I was young. Pokemon Gold also counts. I remember finding Red years later and just losing my shit when I realized I was fighting the previous protagonist.
  14. Reyson because he's the best mix of having a really useful refresh ability and a personality that develops really well throughout the story.
  15. Got my switch yesterday and decided to give both my new games a quick run...well I say quick but I ended up playing XB2 for almost 3 hours. I've been enjoying it so far even though I haven't done a lot. I think I only just finished the prologue. I'd say my biggest issue is getting used to the switch controller after being a playstation/xbox guy for the longest time. That A/B button switch has made me mess up the few instances of quick time events there were <_>.
  16. Nope. She does have some traits that could fool you into believing she is one if you only play part 1 like her fortune telling, her sacrifice ability and the fact that for some reason in an anime world where you have blue, green and red hair somehow her silver hair is special (this one I find funny more than anything). Of course anyone who has played the full game could tell you that she is not a mary sue despite these little things.
  17. Considering how much more popular FE has gotten I'd guess it would need to at the very least sell as much as Fates if not more.
  18. Bought the collector's edition today. I still need a switch but I'll get that somewhere next week. Anything I should know before I start playing this game in the future? Like anything I really shouldn't miss? I watched half of Chugga's XC1 let's play and I remember there being side quests that expire.
  19. Yeah after seeing the ban waifu thread and realizing it wasn't a joke I can see that.
  20. I don't know about those first two points (screw anyone who harasses fanartists for making the art they want to make) since I have only been on the subreddit for 5 months or so but let's not act like some of the "casual conversation" in the Heroes subreddit is something people should blindly accept. Did you see that post where that guy posted a picture of his sister cosplaying as Lyn and did you see how some people reacted in that thread?
  21. I just saw this and was going to make a thread here about it as well. I personally am not a big fan of otaku culture and it's waifus, loli's and what have you but I also admit I've sometimes used the word waifu in an ironic joking manner. Not a lot, but I've done it, I'm not going to deny that. All of that being said, I think this is going too far. Waifu isn't like the f word or the n word. The word husbando also exists and I've seen female gamers use the term when talking about FE characters and I honestly don't mind it. I might not be a big fan of the word but I won't stop anyone from using it.
  22. Really hoping you're right. After Emmeryn and Mikoto we need something more surprising.
  23. I like all three of them and if I had to rank them on what little we've seen I would say Edelgard > Claude >> Dimitri. We don't know anything about their personalities so I'll ignore that. Edelgard has a pretty cool name and black/red clothes going for her. Oh and gameplay wise she's a female Axe lord...that's really original and neat (I know she can also use swords). Claude looks very unique with his darker skin, his nice smile and...he's a bow lord?! That's really cool! Curious to see how they'll make bows good now that they have a lord that uses them. Dimitri Iooks alright. He's the one I'm the least invested in tbh. He does seem to be a lance lord so that's a plus. No kidding. I knew people were going to like her when I watched the trailer but I didn't expect so much fanart to show up so quickly.
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