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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Tiki's is really sad when you know how much her death quote changes through out FE SD --> FE Awakening SD: "No...I don't want to be...alone..." New Mystery: "Mar-mar..." Awakening: "I won't have to be alone...anymore..."
  2. I think they won't wait too long with the Thracia banner, it's the only banner (I think?) that they've announced way before release so the 11th April seems like a good date. Not that I would mind if they'll wait till the end of April because that means I'll be able to spend more orbs on the banner.
  3. Mangs, get back to doing your Shadow Dragon let's play :p. At least it's not a mod, I always find it scary when I see a mod in the list of "recent profile visitors". I remember having had like 5 mods visit me back on another forum (BSN), nothing happened but I still thought that I might get banned any second xD.
  4. Nah, no avatars, Robin is the only one I liked and even he was somewhat close to pushing it in the last chapters in his game. That's not to say that lord characters are perfect either of course but avatars just as a concept feel a lot more pander like so I care less for them. S-supports I'm fine with assuming they'll give us less (3-4 for every character instead of 8-9?) so the few we do have make more sense.
  5. I hope I'll snatch a 4 star A.Tiki along in the Thracia banner so I can complete my first +10 unit. I've sort of fully built her now and she's pretty good in the arena, she can even somewhat deal well with some blue mages because she has warding breath for now (I don't want to sacrifice my only BIke). No Cavaly/Infantry unit can hurt her so far and it feels so great to see those 0 zero damage hits and even when she can't damage them right away the moment she procs Ignis most stuff dies. ... Don't mind me, just somewhat gushing about my A.Tiki xD.
  6. To be fair, Ike has gotten a lot more criticism over the last year or so while Micaiah has gotten a lot more support. At least I've gotten that impression because I haven't seen anyone call Micaiah a Mary Sue since I've finished RD half a year ago.
  7. Depends. Seasonals like the Halloween, Christmas, Easter, bride, Valentine, summer...you get the idea. Those I don't like. They could offer a cute as all hell Valentine Julia and I still wouldn't bite. The possessed (does this one even really count since the units are now in the summoning pool?) and dancer banner I do like because those are banners that feel like they fit with the characters/classes and the events and they don't really feel forced. So overall I'd say that I'm not interested in 90% of the seasonal banners.
  8. I see. I still hope we'll get an effective dragon refinement because dragons have gotten way too powerful as of late.
  9. I haven't played FE6, does Forblaze have effective dragon damage? I ask because a lot of people think that Forblaze will get a bonus dragon damage dealing effect. I wouldn't actually mind a buff like that considering we have a Tiki/Nowi GHB coming up and knowing IS and their dragon maps they're going to make this one very difficult. Also, my +HP-Atk Julia doesn't cut it anymore when she goes up against Nowi.
  10. If I'm to guess why some people sooner bring up Sigurd or Leif when talking about flaws and making mistakes it's because their mistakes tend to have much more grave consequences than the rest.
  11. So we're almost there? Kind of weird to believe this series might end with the Cell saga. It's been going on for so long and I followed it way back since the start.
  12. He doesn't need it, he is so beautiful that he deserves to be nr. 1 in any top 10 in regards to things of beauty.
  13. No I don't because Veronica has had a whole book + some appearances in book 2 for her character.
  14. At the time of the CYL2 there wasn't a 'whole picture'. Even now there still isn't. There have also been other manipulator characters in the FE games so Loki isn't all that special. I remember some people saying they would be interested to meet Loki but not enough people that I would use the word popular. I do know that after the Book 2 trailer came out the subreddit and youtube comments were full of THICC comments. But Loki's personality seems to be very much secondary so far? You do understand that we're still talking about the CYL2 right?
  15. The majority of the Rev. chapters. The first Rev chapter is one with a fog of war where you can only use three units and get Gunther only at the end. Then there's the snow chapter that's just a huge pain in the ass. There's fuga's wild ride, the boat chapter and some of the valla chapters where you need to wait in order to progress.
  16. But as of right now the only thing we know of Loki is that she's a trickster. That's all there is to her. She's really one note.
  17. Did it with BIke, A.Tiki, Nowi and Genny but the A.Tiki and BIke did most of the work. Nowi was mostly there for distraction sake and genny for one heal.
  18. Crap, I'm really not good at this. Nyx's outfit really doesn't fit her character I don't mind Ike but he should have been a sort of gotoh like character in RD and the laguz chapters should have had Ranulf as a main character for part 3. Micaiah I've come to appreciate a lot more as a character after my second RD run but I've gotta ask whose idea it was to give her that awful speed stat/growth. You can somewhat fix her health but even if she does good damage you get one hit killed by a lot of enemies because they double you.
  19. Might as well mention some other characters. Tharja can do the same thing Julia did back in FE4. Nosferatu tank like there's no tomorrow, that's pretty cool. Perri...I've got nothing. Camilla has an incredibly interesting backstory and if it was given to a competent writer she could have been one of the best FE characters out there. FemCorrin looks sort of nice I guess.
  20. Supposedly Makalov can be a good unit if you give him some levels. Of course I wouldn't know about that because I try to have him killed ASAP.
  21. Yup yup, let's do our best. I'm normally not interested in VG's all that much anymore but I like Catria so despite messy time zones I'll still try to rank in some good points when I can. Thanks.
  22. Not sure about the other OC characters but I expect a Veronica unit reward at some point at the story.
  23. I'll join Catria and if she loses I'll just join the best feather merc candidate because I don't really care for the others in this banner. So if anyone on team Cat still need some friends here's the number: 6753941607 Lead is an A. Tiki Lv 40+9 -spd +def.
  24. Glad to see that Lilina is getting an upgrade. She was the first character I promoted whose game I haven't played yet and she has helped me a lot.
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