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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. True. It would be pretty neat and new if we were a teacher to the lords but I'm just scared that they'll use the teacher position for more my unit pandering. They messed up RD's difficulty and cut the extended script. Also no Maniac mode for PoR.
  2. I've read on some other places that some people think that the game will start out in an academy of sorts and that the MC is a teacher over there. It's an interesting idea but depending on how your position is handled it could make certain S supports awkward.
  3. After letting it al sink in a bit more I'm a little bit more positive. I'm just really interested to see MORE because I really want to have more information on the stuff we did see but I can certainly appreciate IS doing something new and giving us some world building. Oh and I'm joining team Eldegard because she has a cool name, cool black/red clothes and because I really hope that she's going to be a good female lord.
  4. PoR, RD and SoV are also FE games I liked a lot so I can see what you're saying. I'm still interested in FE16 that's for sure.
  5. (Just me speculating) Those crests probably have some kind of magical effect on the people but because of how religious they are they don't believe that there's an issue with them.
  6. While I'm not a fan of their portraits I really do like the way they look here. The female lord has some really nice looking clothes. And speaking of her clothes, whenever you see a character in a JRPG game with clothes like that they 80% of the time belong to the empire. Wouldn't it be cool if we were on the side of the empire for once and actually fought for them? At least I would love that.
  7. I think that some people feel lukewarm because after how long we've waited to see something we didn't really get a lot. It's like Harvey said in this thread, this trailer didn't really stand out. Even Fates (a game I dislike) got me more excited.
  8. You know how the FE fanbase tends to overmeme certain characters? Expect the same thing to happen to Edelgard.
  9. I think that the teacher is someone else because of the "I will return here someday my teacher, promise me that you won't forget me" line.
  10. So first thought I guess: -I hope that Axe girl is a Lord and that the Tactician is just like Robin in the sense they're just a tactician. -Not a fan of the extra units that are running with you. It just looks weird. -Don't really like the portraits all that much -IS, you have a lot of money now so please get a better animation studio because those scenes with the goddess don't look that good.
  11. Could three houses refer to three noble houses you can choose from by buying different games? I certainly hope not but hey Fates had good sales so I don't see why they couldn't do that again.
  12. I knew that gameplay reminded me of another game.
  13. I assume he's referring to the little girl on the throne at the end.
  14. Selpih gets captured early on in Gen 2 so Julia takes over to save her big brother.
  15. Pretty much my feelings on it as well. Though credit where credit is due, if that flowchart is really as extensive as people say it is QC did a good job handling C&C.
  16. Since I live in Europe I went to the site and sent a message to every MEP from my country. It's the least I can do.
  17. Darks Souls 2 is the only game that really comes to mind. Lazy world building, cheap bosses, more hit detection issues, using a lot of enemies instead of using only a few enemies at once and no connected world. OH AND LET'S NOT FORGET THE SHRINE OF AMANA!! I played DS2 at launch and that place was easily worse than Blighttown ever was.
  18. Yeah when it comes to innovation the only FE game I feel really made me 'wow' that was made after Kaga's departure was Radiant Dawn. Thing is though, I recently learned that Kaga's PS2 game Berwick Saga and RD are crazy similar to each other which makes the theory that Tellius was made by stuff left behind from Kaga very believable.
  19. The Witch's House One day I decided to play those free indie Japanese horror rpg game maker games that were popular with the big youtubers at one point and The Witche's House was the last one I completed because I didn't expect a lot from it. Despite the game taking me only 2 hours to complete and it being very simple it's a game that left a special feeling with me and has one of my favorite characters in all of manga/gaming. Pokemon Platinum After playing Saphire and Emerald and trying out D/P I was done with pokémon. The Hoenn region never appealed to me after starting pokémon as a kid with Gold so when I finally played Platinum years later I was blown away. The game had the right kind of pacing, new pokemons, decent storyline and difficulty and I loved that. It's now one of my favorite pokémon games to date. Dark Souls I thought that I would end up dropping the game because of its difficulty. I even remember buying it just to see what the hype was about but I really didn't have much hope but boy oh boy was I wrong. The atmosphere, the story, the gameplay, the difficulty I LOVED IT. Sure the game kicked the ever living shit out of me the first time around but that moment you managed to defeat that boss you have fought so many times or you get to a new bonfire was euphoric.
  20. Strullemia


    Yeeeaaaaaah not a big fan of that either. I mean I don't really mind a quick stupid waifu joke here and there but the anime community (and some game communities) have taken it to another level of overuse to the point that one of the first thing you see are those THICC or THOT memes. Come to think of it, I do kind of dislike FE memes because they tend to get overused to the point people tend to only see the meme behind a character and not the character anymore.
  21. Strullemia


    You even see that stuff in FEH videos?
  22. Strullemia


    Yeah, I've read Youtube comments and they're really bad most of the time. And I don't know what videos you watch but I feel like a lot of the words you mention happen to be words used by people who are right leaning on the political scale. Not that I want to bring politics into this but that's just my experience.
  23. Strullemia


    You shouldn't pay attention to people that use meme words like "cuck", "alpha male", "soyboy". They tend to be used by questionable people.
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