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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. There have been too many + there is no convenient non magic sword version of the Javelin/Hand Axe. It's really annoying that sword lords can't counter enemies unless they have a magic sword or a legendary weapon.
  2. I see. It seems that a lot has to change before some people will think off changing these rules. Really, you'd think that after how many gun problems have occurred in America the majority of voters would start to feel different about this problem. Well, I hope that it will change because something has to change about this. The one good thing about Trump is that he's such a bad president that the chances of a republican winning next time will be low and if a democrat wins this is something they certainly have to address.
  3. That's the probably the most depressing thread title I've seen in a long time. I heard about what happened today and it just baffles me. I don't live in America but the first big school shooting that got a lot of attention was the columbine shooting and that one happened in 1999...why aren't guns controlled a lot more? Is it the money, some kind of weird sense of freedom or something else? When will this ever stop?
  4. So these will be the four units we can vote for. Take your pick people. I just hope that PAzura doesn't win. I mean it might sound selfish since I already have her but she's useless as fodder.
  5. Hmmm, it's difficult to say how I would feel about that. I honestly find it difficult to imagine a FE game with the Persona art style. I do love the Persona 5 art style. There has never been a game where I loved going to the menu as much as P5. 1. This is true but I'd like to think that some of those people were being genuine in their crticism. 2. Haha, just imagining a FE game with Jojo reactions gave me a good laugh.
  6. /v/, SF and Reddit are places where I saw people disliking Azura. From calling her a walking plot device to calling her an idiot for some of her actions in the story. She definitely isn't the second Lucina IS hoped she would be. I don't think that people dislike the anime look but that some people dislike the modern anime look. What I mean is, when I look at the older FE games (GBA and SNES) art the first anime that comes to mind is Record of The Lodoss war or at least an anime that looks like that. When you show me Awakening/Fates art the first thing that comes to mind is Sword Art Online. Maybe I'm wrong and my inner anime viewer is just speaking up but it's something I've always thought about. I also like Elise. Hell, she's probably my favorite troubadour in the series.
  7. Not true. Azura, Xander, Camilla tend to get a lot of criticism from the community.
  8. Despite what l'arachel says I'm still sympathetic to Eirika's moment because she deeply cares for Lyon and couldn't let go. Lyon was a very close friend. Celica gets outright attacked by the entire Duma cult and even Jedah at one point. I really don't mind MC's making mistakes but Celica's moment with Jedah just didn't sit right with me.
  9. Personally I dislike Celica because after her whole journey she STILL decides to trust Jedah. Eirika on the other hand I actually like and her one bad moment where she gives the orb to Lyon I don't mind because Lyon is someone dear to her-someone she couldn't just give up on just yet. Mind you I don't disagree with you that the fandom can be a little harsh on female lords and I admit I've criticized Corrin as well and ended up not liking Celica but man I can't help it (I do like Micaiah and Eirika). Celica just felt like such an extreme way of handling it. I doubt we're getting a standalone female FE lord after Fates's success. I expect IS to keep going with the LordAvatar idea.
  10. Eh, I'd say that the big maps weren't necessarily the problem but the amount of things to do in the maps is the problem. If the remake has the same maps but gives us more side events to do and enemies to handle at the right places I think that would improve a lot.
  11. The desert map in part 4 from Radiant Dawn was a special kind of evil. It's the only map in all of the FE games I played that made temporarily drop a FE game. I also really dislike the Kitsune map in Conquest. Conquest overall has good maps but putting units that are randomly invincible in a map is cheap nonsense.
  12. After reading OP's post I was going to say the same thing @omegaxis1 said. Even IF they care more about Heroes right now I'm sure IS realizes that in order to keep things fresh they'll have to keep making mainline games to introduce new units and all of that fun stuff. So in a way Heroes can be a good thing for the FE series. (assuming they don't take the wrong lessons from Heroes and apply it to mainline games)
  13. Current top 10: Vanguard Ike Hector Winter Tharja Performing Azura Brave Ike Summer Corrin Myrrh Ayra Azura Lucina I'm still giving my last votes to Ayra. I know she won't win but I hope that IS decides to give her a banner along with other characters in the top 10. And yes I know that's unlikely to happen but a man can dream can't he?
  14. *Kills Fae and then kills a Sophia who is out on revenge* A-are we the baddies?
  15. Myrrh isn't my favorite character of the bunch but she has my favorite design that's for sure! I just love how savage she looks. All the other dragons look sort of 'calm', Myrrh on the other hand looks ready to go on a war path.
  16. That paralogue was surprisingly nice. The first part had some nice moments between Lilina and Roy, the second had "Eli: What weapon did you bring?" "Hector: Armads" moment which was very funny and then the last one had a very touching moment between Hector and Lilina. Between this and Alphonse's moment in the last story chapter it's nice to see that they're actually trying to put some more effort in the story stuff.
  17. Yeah, that's true and if we ever get an echoes fe4 I wouldn't want them to shy away from scenarios like that. Eh, I'd say that makes it more effective. She was one of the last gen 1 characters I would have expected to end up the way she did.
  18. I want to promote one of my two Caeda's so she can get the winged sword. Between a +Atk-Def or +Spd-Atk which one is the best? Normally the choice would be obvious but because of the new effect on the WS I've seen some people say that triggering her special is better for overall damage output.
  19. I love how we have three Ike units in the top 20 xD. I'll probably give Ayra all of my last 4 votes. She's the one Holy War unit I don't have and the character I would choose if I could get one unit I wanted.
  20. Oh in that case I understand and I agree as well.
  21. Yes but she didn't. Right now, they both have two special units if we don't count the one the community asked for and I think that's enough. There are other characters that need more love but like you said money talks so I'm sure we'll get more Camilla/Lyn.
  22. The difference is that in the case of Roy, Lyn and Hector one of their special versions were voted in by the community.
  23. Gotta admit that these guys look really nice, especially Lilina. Also, lol at Hector's title.
  24. Only managed to pull Sanaki and Siegbert on the Legendary banner so I'm glad to see Ike winning this so far. I'll give him all my votes unless Ayra somehow gets in the final round but I highly doubt that will happen.
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