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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Eh, I'm not impressed. I'll still try to get all the rewards because I need feather rewards for my Nowi. I don't have MM but I don't even care for her (probably just going to send her home for feathers because she doesn't even have any skills).
  2. I don't think that she had to use propaganda because Ike or the Laguz were never very much liked by Daein to begin with.
  3. Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well. Good to hear. It's quite the unique title.
  4. No I'd prefer not, I don't have a problem with S-ing a unit but the childs are unnecessary imo. Especially if it's handled like Fates. It honestly felt like I was picking up pokemons when I did the children missions with the whole time chamber nonsense.
  5. Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryoukou is great. It's my favorite anime this season. I love how in some episodes we sometimes see the girls discover things we take for granted while in other episodes they use the simple mind of a child to show some interesting stuff like in episode 9
  6. While I myself only joined around Awakening someone I know linked me to this:
  7. Came here to say something along these lines. As a matter of fact, when Awakening was released and people started loving it I never heard anything good about the story or gameplay around the parts of the internet I visited. You know what I heard? I heard about waifus and husbandos (mostly Chrom, Lucina, Tharja and Severa) and IS was lucky in a way because back then I was younger and I wanted to play JRPG just for the waifu romance so I bough FE:A just for that.
  8. Ah, a Doki Doki literature club thead? I played through this a few days after release and managed to go through it blind. I loved it so much that I spent the few days after that watching streamers play it, that's something I've only ever done for one very specific rpg game maker horror game (I normally don't like watching streamers all that much) before I played this game. I also used best girl as an avatar for a few weeks here. As for who that girl is...
  9. This is really difficult but I had to go for GoTHW because it has some really good ost. SoV was my second choice.
  10. I agree and that's also why I never bother with summoning most seasonal units. IS could make the best power creep unit the game could offer and I still wouldn't bother. On the other hand I really liked the Brave Heroes and the dancer summons because the classes don't seem too far fetched.
  11. I agree and that's also why I never bother with summoning most seasonal units. IS could make the best power creep unit the game could offer and I still wouldn't bother. On the other hand I really liked the Brave Heroes and the dancer summons because the classes don't seem too far fetched.
  12. I like Yune in Radiant Dawn a lot. She has some very nice moments like When the final cutscene happened and
  13. Corrin. I can't stand him. He's so unlikable and while I dislike a lot of character from Fates to an extent he takes it to a whole other level especially after a certain moment in Revelations.
  14. Just did my last Tana banner pull and managed to get an Amelia. She's -HP+Res so that's not super but I mostly need her for her Armor march skill anyway.
  15. Never visited gamefaqs except when I needed help in a game but god that sounds like some weird combination of /v/ and neogaf.
  16. IS, you had one job! To give us Santa Hector! It's a shame we didn't get Santa 'OHOH' Hector.
  17. This was...surprisingly easy. I didn't even has to use a SP this time unlike the Hinoka/Takumi one. I just used BLyn to destroy everything on Tana's side while Lilina/Deirdre + Dancing took care of everything on Amelia's side.
  18. I had a lot more problem with the previous Developer maps...well except for the Effie map. Seriously, screw that one. I now know that I would never stand a chance in Tier 20 because of stuff like that.
  19. Already in the game: Ayra and a better natured Julia, those units are the two I really really want. There are honestly A LOT of units I want so I'm going to keep it simple and just give my top 5: Finn Tine Lewyn Ishtar Yune
  20. Ephraim Disgusting.jpeg First Julia and now Sigurd. It seems my younger self had the right idea killing Tharja in Awakening without talking to her (I mean I also killed Gaius without talking to him but that's beside the point xD).
  21. So yeah I'm going to spend my last 400 flags in this 7.1 multiplier because it's getting pretty late here and I'm really sleepy today. Other Sigurd supporters, I wish you the best of luck for those final multipliers!
  22. The first time I played through it I bought it because of the whole waifu deal (I was into Romance JRPG games back then) so when I went through I enjoyed it. When I replayed it 6 months ago after having played a lot of the older games and cared more about the story and gameplay it was kind of a chore to get through.
  23. I won't spend any flags on the multiplier right now. It's too soon, I might run out of flags if I already spent them now.
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