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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Yeah, I'd figured it would be something like that. She really relies on both her Atk and Res stat after all. I'll keep her and only fodder if I'll get a favorite unit that really needs one of her skills. Thanks for the info and sorry for the late response.
  2. I didn't mean that word by word of course. I meant that assuming that we won't get a lot of banners featuring these characters. Well, we'll have to see. Ishtar only got a rerun back in february and that was because every BHB got a banner rerun so I'm not sure of IS here.
  3. What makes you think that I wouldn't summon them if they had a focus banner? I did and will continue to do so but that's besides the point. IS has now lowered the chance of getting these units even lower than it already was. To add to that, what are the chances of the these characters getting focus banners when they removed them specifically because they were lackluster pity breakers? If IS was doing this in good faith they should've immediately announced that they'll do weekly gen 1 banners or something like that. They also didn't rerun Ishtar's BHB banner so why would they rerun the ones that are even older?
  4. But I do want them. I just don't want to have to spend orbs on let's say...the odd wave banner with Leavathein, Loki and Ishtar in the hope of getting Ayra, Julia, Tana, Elincia, YoungTiki, Linde, Faye, Ninian, Deirdre, Sigurd or Genny.
  5. This is exactly my problem with this. I spend more orbs on new heroes banners or legendary banners than skill/TT/GHB banners so I almost feel forced to spend orbs on these banners even if I don't want to.
  6. I went with Idunn because she's a character I genuinely like. Hardin and Duma I'm indifferent to and I dislike the rest of the characters so I'm at least glad she made it to the end so I didn't have to jump ship.
  7. Got a -Atk +Res Selkie on my free pull today. I she still usable? Her atk is very low already but I heard that her weapon works well with a +Res boon. If not, I'll just max her HM and IS her Atk/Spd to someone else.
  8. Yeah, not happy with this change. I still want a handful amount of these removed units and now I can only get them when they're focus units or by being pity broken in a Skill/TT or GHB banner. 1. How many people spend orbs on a banner in the hopes of being pity broken?! 2. They got rid of these units because most of them weren't as good as the other 5 star units, right? If that's the case then there's even less reason to make focus banners for these units since their skills aren't even worthy of a skill banner. Oh, and I also like to point out that they didn't rerun Ishtar's BHB banner last month. If they do that for every BHB that has Gen 1 focus units we'll have even less chances to get them.
  9. Just watched the Feh channel. The Roy pair up and the new mode is cool but I'm very very disappointed with the way they handled the "demotion". For people that actually want characters from gen 1 demoting them to 3-4 star would have been a far better solution. Now my only chance to get a Tana, Julia, Deirdre, Sigurd, BIke, Genny, Faye, Mia or Ayra is by waiting for specifics banners? I would take any of those units over any of the gameplay wise better Gen 2/3 units.
  10. It doesn't look like I should even bother spending flags for team Idunn right now. The difference in power is so big I can't see Julius winning at this point. I'll just keep the 1.200 flags I have right now in preparation of the final round against Grima who should at least give us a real multiplier at some point.
  11. I won't be able to watch this one. I'll have to see what happened when I'll wake up tommorrow. I'm expecting them to talk about the new game mode for the most part and I hope we get a mass demotion.
  12. Phahaha, you just made imagina Idunn as Jotaro and Grima as Dio. I can even kind of picture Grima as Dio xD.
  13. Oh wow, this guy wants people to feel bad.
  14. Just took a look at the first hour results and Grima is probably the only one that could pose a challenge to Idunn and give us a losing multiplier.
  15. Managed to rank 157 in Idunn army. Oh and Idunn won.
  16. Eh, I personally prefer it when a group with a ton more players wins. It was funny for a while to see winners like Shanna but seeing characters win time and time again because of multipliers wasn't something I was a big fan off. Now a multiplier upset can still happen but the chances are a lot lower if the team is bigger.
  17. Unless something big happens I don't see Idunn losing so I'll just use 8x ballots 800 flags when we get a 3x multiplier. That way I'll have 400 flags extra for the next round.
  18. Whoops, my mistake. I didn't pay enough attention to the new point system <_<. Thanks for the clarification. ---- Let me also agree with most people and say that the new system is a big improvement. I'm so glad I don't have to pay special attention to VG by playing at work when I have time or staying up longer.
  19. Wow, Team Idunn is going really strong. Here's hoping I get some victory feathers. Has anyone tried to use 8x ballots and 200 flags at once? I wanted to test out the system but the game didn't allow me to do that?
  20. Hmmm, I might have to invest in something like that. My strongest green tome user is a +4 +Atk Deirdre but I haven't actually had the chance to test if she's able to stand her ground against an Ophelia. Yup, Glennstavos is right. I just checked all of the cutscenes on youtube. Miccaiah says her name twice in the first cutscene of the game and Ike says it once in the last. I'd assume that the narrator also says it in part 4.
  21. A part of me felt lucky so I went for one more round and it payed off. I finally got my favorite FE Myrmidon...as a staff unit xP. I heard her staff is very good against Ophelia users so she'll be useful because Ophelia is one of the units I detest the most in AR.
  22. Spent a little more than 50 orbs, I think 70 and got LAzura and BLyn. LAzura will be useful for her dancing abilities and Arena/Aether and Blyn is a nice merge. Overall happy with those. Now back to grinding orbs since I only have 109 orbs now.
  23. Lord (all main lords, including Elincia and Micaiah, but not including Fates royals) Eirika (Favorite) Leif (Runner up) Corrin (Least favorite) Avatar Robin / Corrin Villager/Trainee/Noble Ross Mozu Amelia Cavalier Finn Titania Makalov Knight Arden Tauroneo Effie Myrmidon/Samurai Mia Ayra Hana Mercenary Gerik Saber Severa Fighter/Oni Savage Orsin Boyd Charlotte Pirate/Bandit / Soldier/Spear Fighter Lukas Oboro Aran Archer (also includes Ballistician and Apothecary) Brigid Louise Innes Nomad/Bow Knight Sue Selfine Astrid Mage/Diviner Tine Sanaki Ilyana Dark Mage/Shaman Nyx Salem Tharja Monk Artur Lucius Priest/Cleric Julia Sara Serra Troubador Ethlyn Nanna Maribelle Thief (includes rogues, ninjas, butlers, and maids) Patty Lara Cath Pegasus Knight Tana Palla Sumia Wyvern Rider Jill Haar Camilla Manakete (also includes Xane) Tiki Myrrh Grima Beast/Laguz (Royal) Tibarn Naesala Naila Beast/Laguz (Non-Royal) Reyson Skrimir Naeluchi Dancer (includes Bards, Singers, and Herons) Ninian Leen Azura
  24. Yune is Praising the sun to help Ike. ...Dark Souls has corrupted me.
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