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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. I saw Trump talk about the recent events on the news here and he started talking about how the internet and video games are to blame. He doesn't seem to understand that other places in the world also have these things and somehow don't have these issues. There is however something to be said about the internet part. I have no doubt that a lot of people do get radicalized on the internet, however the very people Trump appeals to are the kind of people that tend to get radicalized. Gods it was hard to watch that news footage. I almost teared up, which is something I don't tend to do all that quickly. Living in a place where these kind of events are common place is quite horrifying.
  2. One of those characters is not like the other. I'll go with Rhea since she actually has enough of a presence in the story to leave an impression on me.
  3. 100% Agreed. I'll also say that I personally have a big soft spot for messed up characters like Edelgard that go to the end of the world to accomplish their goals and are also willing to use questionable means to achieve these things. Fantastic post.
  4. Eh, I disagree about that. I think the story did enough to justify the ending but I don't think we're going to get anywhere here. So if you believe it doesn't work that's fine with me. I mean the fact that they actually bother mentioning it in the ending slides at least tells me that in the BE route they do eventually solve the TWSITD problem or else they would have mentioned in the ending that Edelgard and Byleth got murdered by Thales.
  5. If that is what you consider plot convenience then every fire emblem game has plot convenience in some way or another. But she doesn't want to do reforms, that goes against her character. If she were fine with just reforms then she wouldn't be Edelgard, she'd be an entirely different character.
  6. I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Have you seen the BE ending? She unified Fodlan, defeated TWSID and destroys the entrenched system of nobility. She also steps down as emperor and appoints a successor so it does seem like she thought these things through. Or are you saying it's bad that some of her choices were based on her emotions?
  7. I'm still musing it over but she's probably one of my favorite lords, hell she might become my favorite (I still need to finish GD). She has a fantastic backstory, she's a really amazing unit and a really endearing personality. I just can't help how determined she is to see her ideals through no matter who stands in her way. She's just so refreshing as a FE lord, there's no FE lord quite like her.
  8. A lot. Probably slightly more than battling, which is why now that I'm on my third run doing a NG+ GD run I'm trying to limit my time in the monastery. I mean it's fun the first run but after that one I just now spend time eating with my students to get their motivation up, do the monthly side quests and then skip ahead. I've even limited the amount of battles I do because they're just not fun after a while (and they also end up overleveling you which is another problem).
  9. Did BE first and then BL after that. Edelgard is still my favorite lord but Dimitri is a close second. I like them both a lot and while I have to let both characters sink in a bit more I do think that they're both top 10 favorite FE characters material. Hell, I think they might be both my favorite Female/Male FE lord across all FE games.
  10. Ah, I see. I'll play through the GD route and then check the posts. Thanks for the info.
  11. Can someone put in spoilers what the church route reveals that the GD route doesn't? I've completed BE and BL and I was planning to do the church route now but if it's true that they're almost identical I might as well just watch the juicy lore bits on youtube and play the GD route instead since that one has at least different students. I really don't want to make the choice that puts you on the church path ;_;
  12. A lot of Lysithea's supports but one I really liked was the Edelgard X Lysithea support chain.
  13. To add to that there's a country called Dagda which could be a reference to Dagda from FE5. EDIT: Got sniped by @Acacia Sgt and he also put it better.
  14. I went with Flayn. Her faith magic is really good but as a combat unit she's not that great so the dancer pick was perfect since she could still use magic even as a dancer.
  15. I've only completed the BE route. Do the majority of the crests have the ability to heal people? I'm actually mixed on this and I need to know something before I have a hard stance on this. Can someone who has completed the church route clarify something?
  16. Eh, I'd say that's the best solution. Sure humans could still discriminate based on other factors but getting rid of one like this is better in the long run, at least that's my belief.
  17. If what I've heard is true and only the BE route handles the crests problem I guess I would go with that route. BL would be my second choice if it weren't for the fact that they don't even bother with those that slither in the dark (at least that's what I've heard from other people). Still, I don't think any route comes close enough to be really canon because every route focuses on different plot points and only by playing them all will you get most of your answers.
  18. So far I've come to like Dimitri, Edelgard, Sylvain, Dorothea and Lysithea a lot. Lysithea's probably my favorite of that bunch but a lot can still change since I've only completed one route. That being said, aside from Bernadetta there hasn't been a single character I straight up dislike.
  19. From what I've gathered: - You need a C Byleth x Edelgard and a C Byleth x Hubert (not 100% sure about Hubert) - Go with her to her coronation when she asks you to By doing those two things you unlock the option to pick her side in ch 12.
  20. I already recruited Alois, Shamir, Manuela and Hanneman before the timeskip and none of them left me after I sided with Edelgard.
  21. Edelgard is my first S support I did. It just felt like the right thing to do with all the dialogue she had with Byleth. That being said so far my favorite 3H girl is Lysithea and I'll probably S support her in another route.
  22. I never trained her in reason/faith magic so even if she could mine wouldn't have been able to since she has no skill for the spells whatsoever.
  23. Edelgard and Lysithea. I just finished the BE route and Edelgard got so strong by the end that I could just sent her forward with an hand axe with the occasional physic support and she would just wreck everything. Sometimes she didn’t even have to double to kill the enemy. Lysithea is one crazy strong glass canon that also learns some really good spells and just like Edelgard she sometimes doesn’t even need to double to kill.
  24. Ah, in that case I'll try giving her some gifts and grinding her supports. She's the one character I need to have in my BE group. Thanks :)!
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