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Everything posted by Grandosco

  1. I recently compiled my wish list so this topic was well-timed! The stars after their names do NOT denote the rarity I want them at, but rather how much I want them. (8) Red Units: Gray (Gotta have that Sword Valor!) ***** Lucina **** Elincia **** Roy **** (Have never gotten him even at 4-star) Katarina *** Sanaki **** Celica ***** Leo **** (8) Blue Units: Nephenee ***** Effie ***** (Never got her at 4-star and with the Black Knight coming out I might have a shot at the monthly armor quest) Tana **** Hinoka ***** Brave Lucina ***** Ninian *** A non -Atk Reinhardt **** (I've gotten 3 of him at 4-star and all of them have had an Atk bane...) Linde **** (6) Green Units: Amelia ***** Hector ***** Minerva ***** Fae **** (Fed her to my Summer Tiki for Renewal 3 and have not regretted it, but that was my only copy...) Sonya **** Maybe a better Julia? **** (The only one I have has an Atk bane but she's still really good with a Spd boon) (3) Colorless Units: Innes *** Jaffar **** Genny ****
  2. Huzzah! A Deathblow banner! I've really wanted Effie ever since the game came out and, while I have yet to get her, I have hope for this banner so I'll be saving up. But now I'm torn, since I don't have any of the units from the Crimean banner... Oh well, I'll save up orbs and decide later. Incidentally, my free summon for the DB banner was a 4-star Sully! Not too bad, considering I rather like Draw Back and it's a nice alternative when I run out of Reposition fodder.
  3. My very first 5-star was I think a day or two after the game came out. It was a male Robin, +HP/-Res I believe. While he's dropped off in regular use for me for a while now, he's still incredibly good against bow units, and I have both Quick Reposte 2 and Bowbreaker 3 on him. Also gave him Draw Back and otherwise kept his regular set. He's a very specific counter, but he works so well!
  4. Since I managed to get 3 out of 4 of the CYL Brave Heroes, I wanted to try for the final one, B!Lucina. I'm 100% positive that I have never before pulled so many Ests in a row as these final few days of the CYL banner. There must have been about 5. And they're all 3-star! The game is taunting me...
  5. Finally got Brave Roy! He's +Spd/-Atk, so not the best, but I'm completely fine with that! With that Blazing Durandal his Atk bane pretty much turns into a +Spd/everything else neutral and I'm just glad I got 'em! Thank goodness for those free orbs! Though the free 10 that I got turned into two identical Ests... so that's sad. But Roy!
  6. So I got pretty lucky on the Brave Heroes Banner at first, picking up Ike fairly quickly after picking Lyn for my freebie. However, after that... not so much. I've been pulling for days, saving up and scrounging for as many orbs as I possibly could, pulling whenever I had a good amount. The only summons I've been going for are Lucina and Roy, so red and blue. So today I found myself with 4 orbs after getting them from the arena. I was up to 5% on the CYL Banner. Five percent! I haven't been that high on percentages since the first Hero Fest. So I was also grinding for a Destiny Knot in Pokémon Sun (yes this is related). For fun, I told myself that if I randomly found a shiny Pokémon while grinding, I would purchase the 20+3 orb bundle, since obviously that would mean my current luck is pretty high. Since I have the Shiny Charm, my odds of finding a shiny Pokémon is 1 in 4,096. Haha, funny joke, right? ...So I encountered a shiny Fearow while grinding, which happens to have a green tint to it compared to normal Fearow. After laughing hysterically, I tossed an Ultra Ball and caught it instantly with no trouble. Well, I told myself, I guess this is a sign! So I went ahead and bought the orb pack and summoned on the CYL banner, hoping and praying that this would be the one. Finally, I would get Lucina and/or Roy! The summon orbs appeared: 3 Red 1 Blue 1 Green Alright, awesome! No colorless horror for me, and only one green. A bit high on the reds and Roy is second priority, but I would welcome him with open arms. First red orb... 3* Henry. I immediately cursed my luck. After the 3*/4* switch I always cringe every time I get a 3* since 4*s are now more common. But alright, alright. It's just the first one, plenty of orbs left. Second red orb... 3* Draug. UUUUGHHH! I have had enough of this guy. This summon costing money and being possibly one of my last good chances to get Lucina and Roy just made it worse. I decided to get the blue orb over with since I really wanted to know if I got a B!Lucina. Finally, the smoke of potential and hope poofed from the summoning platform and... 5* Abel. NOOOOO! Now don't get me wrong, I like Abel. The problem is that I already have two other 5* Abels sitting on the sidelines most of the time and I already have a good number of lance units. If this were a normal summon maybe I wouldn't have minded so much, but this Abel single-handedly may have just ruined my chances of getting Lucina or Roy for a loooong time. So I didn't have much hope for the rest of this summoning, but since I had such a high percent I decided to see if my luck catching the shiny Fearow was worth anything at all. Third red orb... and I get Alm! He's +Atk/-Res, which is one of his best natures. Better than that though, he's a new unit for me and the first Falchion user I've pulled so far! (other than "Marth" from the Tempest Trials). So I'm actually rather happy about this and can't wait to have him get to work and for him to show me what he's made of. And finally... the green orb. After a banner of admitted mostly disappointment (Alm excluded), I wasn't expecting much. Maybe yet another 3* Bartre to rub salt in the wound. But, I sucked it up and summoned... and it was... Brave Ike! Huzzah! Now while I do already have a Brave Ike, I don't mind getting him in the slightest as Steady Breath seems fantastic and I can't wait to think about the potential on other units. The B!Ike I already have is +HP/-Spd, which works out just fine. This one is +Hp/-Def, which isn't great and I'll be keeping my original Ike for general battle purposes. So in the end, while I got neither Lucina nor Roy, I got three 5-stars in one summon, which is pretty amazing. But the one thing I noticed about all of my 5-stars... is that Abel wears green armor and has green hair. Alm has green hair as well. And Brave Ike comes from the green orbs on summoning. Shiny Fearow is GREEN. Of COURSE my luck would be green-related! I really cannot believe that actually happened that way and it actually makes the summoning worth it for the useful units and the hilarity factor. I'm still holding onto hope that I can get a Lucina and/or Roy on this banner even though my pity rate has been thoroughly sundered. I'm glad to hear that they're sticking around after the banner ends, but probably won't be focus units for quite a while. Long post is long! TL;DR - I caught a shiny Fearow and then decided to summon based on my luck and got three 5-stars, which are all related to the color green. Happy summoning everyone!
  7. Huzzah another Tempest Trial! Though it be mini, the rewards be just as wumbo! Those of you who passed up on Quickened Pulse last time it came around, now's your chance! It's 100% worth it and overall a really fun and helpful skill. Not sure how I feel about the Masked Marth rerun, but hey, it's a neutral Lucina with no skills, but it's a neutral Lucina none the less. Distant Defense was unexpected considering how unique it is, but that's great! Definitely going to try to get the maximum score this time. Still need orbs for summoning Brave Lucina and Roy. Good luck and strategizing all!
  8. Pulled my free unit on the BHB banner and got a 3* Odin! -Att, just when you thought it couldn't get any lower... but +Spd. I wasn't planning on using Odin by himself anyway, and I recently 5*'d and fed one to my Summer Corrin for Blárblade+. So he's a nice replacement! Also goes to show how Odin's a rather good unit for Skill Inheritance. Currently at 14 Orbs after spending over 100 of them on the CYL banner and getting Ike. Chose Lyn as my free unit because I happen to like Lyn and going through the colorless rigamarole is not my cup of tea. That said, I'm SUPER happy with my Ike! He's +HP/-Spd, which is pretty darn good if my experience with him so far is any indication. Definitely going to save to 20 or so and pulling on CYL because I really would like Lucina and/or Roy, and sitting at 4% is just too tempting to pass up.
  9. Hello! As you can see, my name is Grandosco. I've been a fan of Fire Emblem ever since I played through Path of Radiance a few years back. It was a friend's copy and my first introduction into the series. I loved it so much I even played through it twice! I wasn't able to play Radiant Dawn since it was extremely rare by that point and I didn't want to sink a ton of money into it. However, when Awakening was announced I was really excited to finally be able to play a new Fire Emblem game. Played through Awakening quite a bit and was rather fascinated by all the different mechanics that were introduced. I only found out later that it was supposedly the last Fire Emblem game unless it did really well and I am SO glad it did! Seeing a series with so many beloved characters and solid gameplay would have been a huge shame, but here we are! So far the Fire Emblem games I have personally played and completed are Path of Radiance, Awakening and Fates (all three paths), but I have also watched complete playthroughs of Sacred Stones and Blazing Sword, and am looking forward to a particular Youtuber playing through Radiant Dawn so I can finally see that game for myself. I am also still in the middle of playing through Echoes. Glad to finally meet you all!
  10. 4643810946: At the moment, my lead is Bridal Cordelia because I know how annoying it is to go into a Voting Gauntlet and have either the exact same hero you're using, or a... healer or something I figure Bridal Cordelia is pretty good against most units in the game to give y'all an easier Voting Gauntlet experience After the Gauntlet is over though, I'll probably be switching to either CYL Lyn or CYL Ike because hype! This is also coincidentally my first post on the site! I've been lurking a bit since Heroes came out, but I'm pretty well versed in the Fire Emblem series by now. Began with Path of Radiance in college and have been a fan ever since.
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