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Everything posted by Grandosco

  1. Agreed. The Winter Envoy banner has been very unkind...
  2. Either this banner hates me with a fiery passion or the game REALLY doesn't want me to get a 5* green armor unit who isn't Sheena. Or both... I'm willing to believe both with these results. Just pulled a 5* -Atk/+HP Camilla at a 4.25% pity rate. I've put about 200 orbs into the Winter Envoy banner so far and not a single focus unit. I've gotten a 5* Lilina, Tailtiu, and now Camilla, three 5* characters that are not focus and in all three colors of the banner, plus I already had them all and didn't really desire more... Now I'm at 0 orbs and really hoping that the Tempest Trial has as many orbs as possible on it. The Legendary Hero banner, almost no matter what it will be might not be my priority. A green armor unit is the last kind I need to fill out all of my team needs for now and maybe the Legendary banner would be good with Hector, Amelia or Halloween Henry, but I doubt it since they were all fairly recently on banners. Blargh ^^; Winter Envoy Banner, whatever I did to anger you I'm soooorrryyyy... just please give me a focus unit <3
  3. Sigh. Among the summons in around 80 orbs I got my first Seliph, who appeared at 4*. I did get two 5* units, however they were Lilina and Tailtiu, both units that I already have, though my first Tailtiu wasn't at 5* so that's nice! Free summon was a 4* Ogma. Also got two more Athenas, one neutral and the other +Def/-Res. The natures weren't great. So all in all, no Winter's Envoy units. I'm a bit heartbroken, but this is always a possibility. Besides, the banner is young! I have time :) Good luck to everyone and congrats with the good luck that has already been brandished!
  4. Man... gotta hand it to IS. There have been virtually zero banners that I haven't been excited about and this one is no exception. The characters look great, their weapons and skills are cool... I'm glad I'm coming into this banner with over 60 orbs, hoping to get at least one of the units. Though this'll fly in the face of my Legendary banner savings. Hopefully we'll get one copy of the next Legendary hero for free like with Fjorm.
  5. Free pull was a 4* Beruka and decided to try for a Tana on the only other blue present and got a 4* Oscar. Huzzah Lancebreaker 3 inheritance!
  6. Tried one last time for Rhajat. Got two neutral-IV'd Ninos. Well, Nino's cool! I guess I'll just hope that Rhajat is demoted to 4* or something... sigh. But gonna save up my orbs for the rest of December and we'll go from there! Congrats Team Tharja! That was a really close one from start to finish.
  7. Tried a little bit to get Rhajat before the banner ends... 3* Arthur 4* Barst 3* Barst ...Y'know, I think the game's trying to tell me something. This banner is clearly cursed. Oh well, at least I have Reposition fodder now! Yaaaay
  8. On Fjorm's banner, there was something that indicated both that Fjorm would only be available for summoning on Legendary Hero banners, and that she would next be available near the end of December, making it likely that there will be such a banner around that time.
  9. For my free summon I got a 3-star Florina! Hooraaaay... It's also funny that they'd release a weapon refinement banner the day after I decide to upgrade my Julia's Naga tome. I don't regret it at all even though I have a Takumi and Lyn already. Maybe someday you guys! :D Even though Takumi's weapon upgrade isn't the most stellar, I'm very glad they do allow it to be improved by that much. Really makes him and his weapon unique.
  10. I think my maximum so far has been around 60K, but I spent some shortly after that. Right now I don't have any units that I want to upgrade to 5* in terms of usability. I'm thinking of maybe promoting Fae and/or Nowi with the 35K feathers I have since my only 5* dragon is Y!Tiki at the moment and both Fae and Nowi are pretty good units in general. I like to save my feathers for legitimately good 4-stars with good IVs or characters that I really like. There's Athena, Hana, Clarisse, and others but I'd need to have a comfortable surplus to spend right now. We'll see what the future banners hold!
  11. Was planning on going only for Rhajat, though B Block seems really good! Free pull on Block A, no greens. Got a 4* Klein though! So that's good. Second attempt at Block A. No greens... okay game. Third atte- Nope, no greens again. FINE! I hope she gets demoted to 4-stars :/ We'll see how many orbs I can scrounge up and go from there. Good luck in the Voting Gauntlet everyone! Maybe Priscilla will win this time?
  12. I had 24 orbs and decided to pull despite reading quite a few horror stories of this banner. 3 colorless, 1 blue, 1 green. I have all of the colorless units now that I got Genny :D and aside from Fjorm, none of the blue units are high priority, so I went green. ...3* Bartre. I think now that Brash Assault is a Sacred Seal, a 3* Bartre is literally the worst green pull in the entire game. Him or Arthur since Bartre has Smite at least. Anyway! I ditched the rest of that summoning session and went to the next one. 2 reds, 2 greens, 1 blue. 19 orbs. Let's do this. 4* Fae - Yay! She's adorable and fantastic Renewal 3 fodder. Now that dragons have received quite the significant buff, I think I'll actually raise a 5* Fae at some point. 4* Camilla - Wrong Camilla! Oh well, at least she's not a 3* Bartre! Or Beruka. Or Arthur... etc. and finally... 5* Celica! :D Oh YEAH! Been wanting her since she appeared and now she's here! She's +Spd/-HP too! I might be done with this banner, I feel like any more expectations would be pushing my luck. Not totally stoked for the Children of Fate banner, but that's pretty much only because I'd have to spend orbs to get them XD Monthly quests are upon us tomorrow, so a heaping helping of orbs are on their way! Maybe I'll save up for the Christmas banner. Nothing wrong with Santa Robin or Tharja the Reindeer if they decided to keep those designs. Happy December and good luck summoning everyone as we enter another month!
  13. Summoning :D 4-stars: Bartrex2 (blugh now he's only good for Smite ><) Wrys Priscillax2 Athena Frederick Reinhardt Lucius 3-stars: Frederick Cecilia Sophia Gunter 5-stars!: Genny <3 New unit and one that I wanted, huzzah! :D Ike! I have one other Ike BUT my original has -Atk/+Res, his worst IV set... in comparison, the new Ike has the exact opposite in +Atk/-Res :D Still kind of deciding whether I'll merge them or fodder off my original Ike to someone for Heavy Blade 3 or Aether, though if I really need Aether I could just 5-star a Chrom. So far that's all of my 5-stars, but I only pulled a handful of times. Sitting at 13 orbs at the moment and grinding the rest of Tempest Trials for more. This banner though XD
  14. Free stuff yay! I had actually forgotten about the Alfonse quests and coincidentally upgraded both him and Anna to 5* last night to train them up to take advantage of the Double SP Weekend. Now I have guaranteed Arena units FOREVER! :D 40K feathers, but a good long-term investment. Anyway, back to Alfonse and his quests. He's... not a spectacular unit, but he's not the worst at all. Good defense and rather high attack, he's good against low defense ranged units who can't hit back, and generally green units. Keep him away from mages, defense-tanky dudes, brave weapon users and swordbreakers... and yeah, that's a lot. Still! He was not my least favorite unit to raise to 5* level 40, which is probably one of the healers. Some skill inheritance and he's good to go. The quests were easy enough. If I was given the job and told to make them harder, perhaps I would take advantage of the Tempest Trial and have one of the quests be: "Clear one of the final maps in Tempest Trials with Alfonse on your (winning) team." This could be cheesed by getting to the end with a super powerful team, forfeiting and putting Alfonse in I suppose, but hey, it's something! It requires effort at the very least.
  15. Agreed! I wanted Charlotte so much back in the bridal banner. I got Cordelia... so I can't complain, but I really hope Charlotte gets a revival at some point! As for my pulls, I'll definitely pull green as Deirdre is my personal "worst" pull, and she's still extremely good. Have never gotten Hector so that would be amazing (I like Sheena but...), and Spring Camilla is a cool green flying magic unit! Red as well because Ike is my "worst" possible pull and my only Ike (who kicks all sorts of butt regardless) has literally his worst IV set at -Atk/+Res. Blue... has Fjorm. The others would be okay as new units but I've heard they're not great, so blue will be of low priority for me. As for colorless, I am blessed to have Bridal Cordelia with an amazing nature and I got B!Lyn as my choice pull, and while I wouldn't particularly mind either of them, I would prefer having a new and unique unit in Genny. So yeah! My priority would be Green > Red > Colorless > Blue. I'm saving orbs and that monstrous 8% rate will hopefully get to work! :D Good luck everyone!
  16. Getting another banner with Hinoka on it... and me wanting to save as many orbs as possible for the mega-Hero-Fest banner... why IS? Whyyyyy Anyway, I really want Hinoka, so I decided to pull a little bit on the BHB banner. 2 blues, 1 red and 2 colorless. Okay! Free pull makes it 4 orbs for two pulls. C'mon Hinoka! No Pega-Princess unfortunately, but I did get a 4-star Tailtiu! :D She's a new character and I think she's absolutely adorable. Being voiced by the same person who did Colette from Tales of Symphonia helps tremendously. Plus her backstory just makes me want to give her a hug >> Yikes. She's -Spd/+Res, so not the best nature, but I like her anyway! Other pull was a 3-star Donnel. Move along, nothing to see here. He has Reciprocal Aid at least, so that's nice! I really need to save up my orbs for the next Hinoka banner or something... though now with how often she's been put into banners lately I'm afraid they're not going to put her in one for a long time.
  17. Hmm... the person symbol is the same as that for stuff like Hone and Threaten Speed, so maybe it has to do with the Speed stat? I'm not sure about the other symbol though. My best guess is that it's a drop of water, so as has been said, maybe she can traverse water? That would be pretty interesting. So excited to see what the next chapter has in store for us :D
  18. Units that I've wanted specifically and have gotten them quickly include, most recently, Deidre who I got on my free pull on her banner. I thank my lucky stars for that one! Other notable ones are regular Azura and Takumi from the first Hero Fest, both of whom I got on my very first summoning session on that banner. Ironically, that banner remains the one I spent the most money on... and still no Hector! D: Other than those, there's Brave Ike, Julia, Lyn, Delthea, Male Robin, Summer Tiki, normal Ike, Soren, and Kitty Sakura! Wow, looking back I've been pretty darn lucky >> But other than these, I've had to spend quite a few orbs to get the units I want, and of course don't have all of them to this day. Like Elincia, Summer Corrin and Summer Elise, all of which were at the very end of those banners. Still, rather happy with their presence :)
  19. After going the entire Performing Arts banner without a single focus unit, I got PA!Olivia! Huzzah! :D From that banner, I got a 5* Reinhardt (-Atk because of course it is), Jeorge (also -Atk because of course), Raven (didn't check his stats), and Olwen (ALSO -Atk...) before I got Olivia (-AtJust kidding, she's -HP/+Res, which is perfectly fine :D) on the last possible day. It was... distressing. But I got my technically third dancer at last! It's a pity there doesn't seem to be any more coming for some time... Anyway, best of luck to everyone on the fabled Halloween banner! Also the flier banner, which, since I really want Hinoka (not just for Hone Fliers), I will be pulling on if I get the units I want on the Halloween banner. Admittedly very unlikely, but anything's possible!
  20. It seems the Holy War banner decided to give me a treat! Free summon was a +Atk/-Res Deirdre! YES! I wanted her the most so yay! I guess it’s to make up for not getting a single new dancer yet... I’ll take her! :D -Res hurts just a little bit but nothing Fury can’t fix! First free 5-star to start off this banner. Feelin’ good!
  21. Wow, looking through this topic there are so many good ideas! As for my own five: 1. Ashnard - He’s quite the villain in PoR and not only is his legacy felt in RD but this game is perfect for him! Heroes is about stopping an eternal war. He loves war! Sure he’d be fighting on our side for peace but until the whole game ends there’ll be plenty of heads for him to remove. 2. Myrrh - We need more dragons! More green ones specifically and Myrrh is so awesome and cute! 3. Marcia - Definitely one of my best units in PoR and we could use more food-based exclamations! Plus, it might be a good opportunity to get another unit with Hone Fliers (Hinoka come hoooome!) 4. Grima - Even if it’s just a pallate swap of Robin or something, this could be pretty cool. Might also be good to expand Grima’s character since the game ended with the dragon being fairly mysterious. 5. Ilyana - Hungry mage? Hungry mage. Someday, folks!
  22. Currently only have around 4k feathers due to promoting my one and only Effie to 5* :D She's -Atk... but that doesn't seem to be slowing her down (so to speak)!
  23. Saved up some orbs by doing the paralogues and managed to get enough for a full summon factoring in the freebie. The summon session included zero red orbs! Lucky! :D Free pull was a 4-star Boey! Not the best unit, no, but he's new! Huzzah! I'll take him and give him a good home. Got my first 5-star Reinhardt!... who is, like my other 4-star ones, -Atk. Whyyyyyyy. But on the bright side, one of my 4-star Reins that I thought was -Atk actually is -Spd/+Def, so not bad... maybe I'll promote that one and merge them. At the absolute very worst, cavalry buffs or vantage fodder, but I doubt I'll use him for either of those. Next unit was a 4-star Soren who is +Atk/-Def which is the best nature I've gotten from my Sorens! He has potential. I'll favorite him and see if I can use him over my current one down the line. Blue and colorless were Florina and Clarine, so... yeah. But honestly, my first pull from this banner wasn't too bad at all. I was thinking of not pulling on this banner until I saw the rest of them for this month... but then I figured that dancers are literally always good and all of these have unique weapon types for dancers so far. Mainly going for Azura of course, but I think I'd be happy with any of them, even Shigure who has Blue Tome Valor. I was super lucky on the Ylissean Summer banner and got both Robin and Tiki for their respective valor skills and they've been amazing. Getting SP isn't so much a problem right now with the Warriors maps, but once they're gone... *shiver* So hopefully at least Azura and Shigure are in my future. Though I wouldn't complain about any of these perky performers Good luck everyone!
  24. After pulling and pulling on the Dauntless Crimeans banner for days and getting all the way up to 4.5% with no 5-stars to show for it, I managed to scrounge up 5 orbs and did a Leeroy Jenkins pull. and I got a 4-star Effie! :D No problems there! She has an Atk bane... and a Res boon... but you know what? I'm fine with that. Her Atk is sky-high already so I doubt it will matter much in the long run, and the extra Res might actually save her from certain mages. Then I did a bad and bought the orbs for the rest of the summoning session because they were all blue and red... aaaand nothing of note. Dang it! But I had a few orbs left over from the purchase and Clarisse has made her dramatic return so I decided to do her relevant quests and get 9 orbs to pull for two units, hoping for them to be Nephenee and Elincia. A bit of a long shot, but since the banner leaves soon and that 4.5% chance was taunting me, I felt compelled to get something at least. I scrounge up the 9 orbs and BAM! 3 Blue orbs, a single Red orb, and a Green orb. Not bad! I'd better choose the right ones. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH The RNG giveth! Oscar has a Def bane and a Res boon. Elincia has an Atk bane and a Def boon. (Rezzy why) The RNG taketh away XD But still, I am overjoyed to have both of these units. Sure, would have preferred Nephenee over Oscar, but Oscar was a total beast in Path of Radiance and definitely one of my best units through the whole game, so he gets a pass. Looking forward to October's banners! Hoping everyone gets their desired units without too much hassle!
  25. So far there hasn't been one particular unit that showed up waaaaay too much for me... until recently. I've been trying to pull for Nephenee and Elincia and got THREE ESTS IN A ROW. And they were all 3-star Ests! D: I like her in Echoes, it's just too bad she's not that great in Heroes and has no good skill inheritance either :/ Although with the Black Knight, maybe her armor slaying lance will help? *looks at Black Knight's massive defensive capabilities and Black Luna* Yeah... never mind. Either Est or Jagen at this point. I have enough Jagens for Fortify Cavalry on my upcoming horse team, and now he's just wasted orbs... Ah well, at least I a 4-star Mae recently! :D New unit, I like her in Echoes, and she's a blue tome unit, which I don't have too many of. Perfect!
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