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Everything posted by Grandosco

  1. For me it's Raigh, and I'm certainly biased against him and his weird 'don't touch me' hand.
  2. Looks like everyone's getting such lovely luck! Huzzah! :D Well I got up to 13% on the Legendary banner and had to abandon it :( BUT I got Greil on my free summon on the new Valentine's Banner woohoo! He's +Speed/-Res, not the best but whatever! Quite the farcry from my terrible luck lately. Thanks Greil!
  3. Huh, I think these are the least seasonal-looking silhouettes of seasonal units yet! Not complaining in the slightest, just taking notice. I legitimately thought it was a normal banner until I read the forum post topic title XD The sword and axe look extremely normal. As for the silhouettes themselves, I have no idea for the left, but right could be Ike, or perhaps Draug or Gatrie?
  4. Sure could have. Siiiigh. At least the bunny prince is a new unit for me. Gotta catch ‘em all?
  5. Up to 10.50% on the Legendary Banner with zero five stars thus far... and I got Spring Xander for my free seasonal summon. +Speed/-HP, and he is new so alright... but Heroes has been rough to me in the pulling department lately
  6. I'm so jelly! I spent like 60 orbs on only green and got nothin'! My free pull was a Bartre... But congrats! Enjoy Splishy Splashy Hinoka :D This banner's going on for a whole month so there's plenty of time for me to also get one!
  7. So far voted for Hinoka and Black Knight. Doubt they’ll even come close, but there’s hope, and it’s more satisfying voting for favorites! Also going to vote for Jill, Ilyana, Selkie, and not sure who else! I think Marth might just pull through this year, but my conspiracy theory is that they used Marth’s brave variant for his Legendary Hero appearance.
  8. Do dream-pulls count...? I was going for currently-future Hot Springs Hinoka but there were no greens in the circle... until a few seconds later when there was one! Thanks dream! :D Alas, it was a 4* Sheena (my dreams are mostly harshly realistic). I pulled some more, did not get Hinoka, but I did pull a Legendary Ike... somehow. Thanks dream! As for real pulls, I did not get any greens on the New Power banner and both my Julia and Deidre would love a merge. Decided to go for blue instead and got a 4* Odin. Good fodder at least! He also has Blarblade just like Tailtiu, what are the odds?
  9. Seasonal Hinoka at last! :D And me with like no orbs... a pity. Weapons on all of them look cool and fun! A wild, free Camilla appears! The crowd goes wild! In more ways than one.
  10. If FEH didn't exist, not too much would be different for me, but I really like the game so I suppose I'd be missing out on some fun! If I got to go back in time and tell myself something about Heroes, I'd probably advise myself to STOP once I got past getting Young Tiki on the first Hero Fest banner, since Ryoma, while cool, was only my best sword infantry for a little while. Also, probably to save up for specific banners and Legendary Marth and Tiki. Also, if I came in really early on, "Don't send your Hinatas, Selenas, Barsts or Shannas home! EVER!"
  11. Was trying for Lewyn on the Hero Fest Banner after getting another Free Summon Ticket and got my VERY FIRST ORIGINAL HECTOR! I had borderline-whaled for this man on the first Hero Fest, failing horribly, and suddenly, here he is! And he's +ATK/-SPD, the best IV combination. I just CAN'T right now
  12. Hoping for Jill or maybe Zihark? They're both directly related to the Laguz in varying ways and it could make for an interesting Forging Bonds! Looking at the description for Mythic Heroes, saying that title is for characters who are "godlike," I would imagine Dheginsea, Ashera, and Lehran can fit that description. I've been waiting for the Black Dragon King! :D Here's hoping he comes at some point, since Lehran would be more popular in general and Ashera would make more sense.
  13. Voting gauntlet banner caught me by surprise, I want both units and their pull rate is better!? Welp. First summon circle had a glorious three greens and two reds. Surely one of them would be a focus unit, right? Right?? No. I got four 3* units and a 4* Frederick. Wow. Later on I decided to try one more time before possibly just waiting for later. Two reds, three blues. First pull Laegjarn! Huzzah! The luck is strong these past two days. She is +HP/-Def, not the best, not the worst, but either way I’m happy and can continue my saving for later on in December. Got 21 orbs but the ones spent were worth it
  14. Was having a bit of a rough day, so I decided to try again on the Legendary banner to see if I get any luck whatsoever (I do not recommend this as a typical practice, that's how gachas... gecha.) AGAINST ALL ODDS I GOT THE ONE UNIT I WANTED THE MOST Yeah, baby! Sometimes gambling goes in your favor! She is +Spd/-Def, the bane is a superbane, but I just wanted her so bad! She's been a favorite ever since Awakening and I hope she gets her normal version in eventually. Incidentally, I opened the red orb as well and got a 4* Athena, which I will take, I like Athena too ^__^
  15. Lucky indeed! Glad I got something if not my top priority (Noire). I’m saving up for this year and last year’s Winter Festival Banners. I really want Winter Lissa and/or Chrom. A non-minus Atk Winter Tharja would be nice, but I won’t hold my breath on that one XD Best of luck with saving and pulling! I know how hard it can be to resist new shiny units :3
  16. 15 Orbs got my Gunnthra to +2! Saving for December! 42 Orbs currently. Good luck to everyone!
  17. My thoughts were more lengthy than I thought, so I'll try to put it in spoilers.
  18. Got a free 4* Ares on the Vantage banner! I'll definitely take it, bring on the Ares's!
  19. Hoho! But you see, Hel is a Norse goddess, so there is a greater-than-zero chance that she will be a rather attractive-looking lady. Though given her characterization shown thus far, that shall not stop people from swinging thousands of weapons at her if and when we get the chance.
  20. Maybe! That would be pretty cool, getting the three units for free (especially female Robin, but they'd probably use male Robin) and have it tie in. I find it relatively unlikely, but that's rather clever as a thought!
  21. Got a +Atk/-HP Surtr in 26 Orbs! Yay! Superboon and superbane cancel each other out, but that’s okay! Now to continue to save for the coming months ^__^
  22. Bound Hero Battle banner, got two greens, summoned Hawkeye and Frederick, both 3*s. Maybe next time!
  23. Ominous Sharena is ominous. They’re not going to kill off a unit we have, at least permanently. Hmm... I do wonder if maybe Book III will have story chapters that we have to complete Squad Assault-style, so they could restrict a “killed” unit like Fjorm until we beat that chapter. (Also The Light is dying so they cleeeaaarly mean Lucius. RIP)
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