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Everything posted by Charmeleonbrah

  1. Seems like the pattern IS has established is this: have one fan-service unit and 3 "normal" units per banner, with the fanservicey unit generally being the best of the bunch (Summer Corrin, Brave Lyn, Halloween Nowi, Rhajat, now Tharja).
  2. I LOLed at this. Inb4 CYL Camilla is a armor unit with Lucoa-sized knockers dressed in a Hooters outfit with 40 base Def and Res. It's a pretty common JRPG trope, actually. I remember the old Dragon Quest games had Bikini Armor as the best in their game. Here's how it makes sense: The majority of videogames are designed by and for men, and men like skimpy outfits on women, which leads to #2 Makes more $$$ It's a videogame, they can design it as they please. It's hilarious when bikini units have massive bulk.
  3. I have a feeling that because she has Vengeful Fighter, Tharja will be on the slower side. If so, Wary Fighter may be the better skill. Stack Bladetome/Owltome, Wary Fighter, Armor buffs and Close Counter, and you have a ridiculously tanky unit. @Anacybele Bikini Armor is ridiculously strong pretty much across all videogames. Since she has Close Counter, mark my words that she will have the highest defense of all mages.
  4. I actually am pro fan-service for the most part, at least in Fire Emblem. I think the fan-service characters are some of the better characters in the recent games, as the male units have been somewhat underwhelming. Too bad Kagero isn't a part of the Fates DLC. Honestly, I feel I'm reaching Camilla overload: literally every trailer, video, DLC, Voting Gauntlet, etc. has her as the marketing bait. Screencap this: In 10-20 years from now, Camilla will be considered one of, if not the most iconic character in the franchise.
  5. Obviously this is blatant fan-service...are you guys looking forward to this feature or not? I think it's kind of ridiculous, but probably a good marketing strategy in the long run, as it gives off a certain Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball vibe that IS could market.
  6. Be prepared to endlessly fight Holiday Tharja in Arena, ya'll. Bladetome + Armor Buffs + Close Counter + Armor March + Vengeful Fighter...you get the picture.
  7. Good lawd. Tharja changed out of her skimpy outfit, and into an even more skimpy outfit. AND comes with Close Counter. AND her Slot B skill is Heavy Blade without any stipulations, and Brash Assault until she drops below 50%. AND has a valor skill and Iceberg. Someone at IS must really, really like Tharja. It's kind of amusing that, for a "fan-service" character, she gets so much backlash on this forum. I wouldn't be surprised if she has the highest Def for a mage in the game. Bikini armour is notoriously powerful; Summer Tiki has armor-tier Defense, and she's wearing essentially underwear. My theory is that it's based off kunoichis using their sex appeal to distract male warriors to win battles. Here's to Kagero getting onto the next round of Summer Heroes. Since this winter banner is only two weeks, I'm wondering what will be on the New Year's banner, and if that will be when the next Legendary Hero banner is. Also, does anyone else think Robin looks like Micaiah in his artwork? How many Rauorblades ya got?
  8. I like the Quad/Desperation build better too, but Camilla and Cordelia already have that moveset for me. Also I want Tana because she's one of my faves from Sacred Stones. Recently in Arena, I fought a Cordelia with Firesweep Lance+, Galeforce, Hit and Run, and Quickened Pulse with a dancer, and that was hell lol.
  9. For the Distant Counter set, the emphasis is on tanking mages, so +Res is the best. You could dump either HP, Def, or Spd, depending on what the player wants. With Quick Riposte as Slot B, -Spd is actually optimal as it increases the chance the enemy (hopefully a baited blue mage) will double and thus cool down Camilla's special. For Slaying Axe+, the emphasis is on increased damage output from increased Special usage, so +Atk is probably best. Honestly though, if Camilla has a Fortify Fliers and/or Distant Defense 3 Sacred Seal, you probably don't have to worry about taking much magical damage anyway. I made the budget build separate because the second build requires a lot of investment (L&D 3/Swift Sparrow, Desperation 3, possibly Galeforce) and the budget build is pretty easy to build. Thanks for the input; i'm going to edit the sections pertaining to IVs.
  10. @Soul~! I'm hoping to summon Tana on this current banner so I can run this 'sweep build: Firesweep Lance+ Reposition Moonbow Life and Death 3 Hit and Run Quickened Pulse Sacred Seal With a +Atk nature and flier buffs she'll be a monstah.
  11. I do think lack of content could eventually drive the oldheads away from the game. My point though, is that there is a lot of content already in the game, it's just that as seasoned players we have cleared through all the maps already. I'd estimate I've put somewhere between 100-200 hours into this game, which is more than most games I have played. With that much investment, it was only inevitable that I would run out of things to do. I wouldn't mind DLC maps aimed at the hardcore though.
  12. Is it confirmed that there will be a New Years banner in addition to the Christmas banner? The last holiday banner, for Halloween, lasted thirty days, and it's safe to assume that the Xmas banner will run for 30 days as well.
  13. I know for me, I've played this game almost every day since I downloaded the app this summer. When I started, I was legitimately excited when I summoned new units like Beruka, Oboro, Camilla, etc. as well as characters from older games that I never played. My first five star, Summer Tiki, I thought was so good at the time. She mowed down most of the beginning chapters. Now, even if I summon a unit I really wanted, I automatically check their IVs. If it is a suboptimal nature, it's like taking the air out of the balloon. So basically I've done everything there is to do in the game (Story chapters, Paralogues, Chain Challenges, Squad Assault), and there isn't much to do besides Arena, Arena Assault, and the occasional BHB/GHB/TT. My team is to the point where even Infernal difficulty is not super challenging. TLDR; if you're a nerd like me (and you probably are if you're on this forum), we played this game alot, got a ton of OP characters, beat everything there is to beat, and are bored now. @Prince Endriu you could always download Heroes on another phone/OS I suppose.
  14. Camilla, Bewitching Beauty can be a very fun, and effective, character to use if built properly. One thing in common with the first two below-listed builds: they are all quite expensive and will require skills that are uncommon. In addition, in order to make full use of these builds Camilla will need to be run on a Flier Emblem team. One upside to Camilla is that she is a relatively common character, so getting high merges is more doable. Big Sister is an excellent choice for summoner support, particularly for the DC build, as it increases her bulk and raises her speed to top tier with Fortify Fliers. Her best IV boon overall is +Spd, which increases the stat to 35. Stats at Level 40 5* HP: 34/37/41 ATK: 26/30/33 SPD: 29/32/35 DEF: 24/28/31 RES: 28/31/34 Distant Counter Tank Standard Brave Axe Build/Quad-hitting Build Budget Build Shouts out to Gamepress for some of the ideas for this post. Here is a link for their builds.
  15. My Summer Tiki is +Def -HP, so I run close to what your Budget Build is. I have Axebreaker 3 as Slot B for now, and decided to upgrade the Melon Crusher+ to increase defense. At base her Defense is 39, not including the +2 boost from MC. With Axebreaker and Close Def Slot A and Sacred Seal, she becomes basically melee goddess against axe and lance users. It's fun to use in Arena Assault. For your speedtank build, do you recommend the Desperation build? Her HP is naturally low, so it would be easy to get into <75% range, and with Slaying Axe+/Moonbow combined with her high attack would make her a pseudo-Ayra.
  16. IMO I'm not sure there will be a TT based on the Christmas banner. The previous trials were based around a series, such as Genealogy and Echoes. I suppose if there is a TT based on this upcoming banner, the reward would be a seasonal unit because, if they aren't, they would be the "odd man out".
  17. That would definitely start the new year off with a bang, if you know what I mean. What's eating at my soul is that, in addition to the aforementioned banners, I want to get Tana as well from the BHB banner. Decisions, decisions.
  18. Oh god. If they do that, I won't know what to do. IS has already released 5 really good banners already this month, with potentially two upcoming banners with new seasonal units. The Christmas banner just had to coincide with Tana/Amelia's BHB, didn't it? I killed off Cath because she was so annoying; I assumed others did the same, as she's the worst thief in a game that gives you two others earlier in the story. We have literally the same taste in waifus. Here's to Camilla or Cordelia getting a Rockette outfit for Xmas.
  19. As the topic creator, I'm a little disappointed no one has commented on my LotR reference in the title. Here's my take on your debate: all four CYL units at the time of release were very powerful; the #1's Ike and Lyn were S+ tier, and Lucina/Roy were S tier. Arguing that the runner-ups were screwed is silly; Lancina is the best infantry hone in the game and is a very good melee unit, and Roy is the best sword cavalry unit, with a great default skillset. As far as the "well I have X unit to counter Y unit so Y unit is meh" argument goes, what unit DOESN'T have a counter? You guys are missing the real difference between B! Lyn and B! Lucina; Lyn's artwork is much hotter. Her thighs are 10/10, and also gets boob armor and cute boots.
  20. Same; all my Arena defense wins this week are from Brave Lyn-led teams, with a score ~580. Brave Lyn players very unhappy with me--that's ok, I'll still keep ORHOing that garbage.
  21. Pretty much this: also, Linde's cottonballs give her super strength.
  22. Great choice. If their passionate love affair doesn't produce a Minotaur, then probably their child will have beautiful, snow-white hair and the ability to shred Horse(sh*t) Emblem.
  23. Know who's a great counter to Dierdre? Brave Lyn. Ok guys, I guess Brave Lyn is back. Sorry for misleading you. Also Loli Tiki can handle Dierdre pretty well.
  24. Hopefully in 2018, new maps are released to give us a new challenge. It's lonely at the top. Also, I believe I know what your problem is: you've been getting only infuriating red support units. I've solved this little dilemma by going back to good ol' Reinhardt.
  25. Idk, I kind of enjoy the VG. Get ~10k feathers in one week Use whale units for free Chill fights with my bros that don't cost stamina ~150 Sacred Coins to upgrade the latest seals from TT ~20 orbs to use on Xmas/CoF banner Seeing people get irrationally upset over a competition between cute anime characters is kind of very amusing. I don't like checking my phone constantly for multipliers, but I don't mind the format. It gives units with less fan support a chance to win, like Shanna.
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