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Posts posted by Charmeleonbrah

  1. A big problem with Fates is the lack of good male characters, either as playable characters or as villains.  Quite a few of them are these weird effeminate types that irritate me, and have these ridiculous dialogues.  Whatever happened to making a badass character like Hector, Black Knight, etc.?  I didn't like Owain, Izuma, Zola, Jakob, the irritating guy with the "greatest hair in the realm" that traps you in his castle, Iago.  The list could go on and on.


  2. @LucarioGamer812 Weirdly enough, when I played Awakening I didn't care much for Cordelia, and never promoted her nor married her off.  It wasn't until later, when I became more active in the online community, that I found out she is one of the most popular characters in the game.

    @SavageVolug You're not necessarily marrying them, per se.  Did you see the new Blade Runner?  K has a remarkably realistic hologram gf created by the technology from Tyrell Corporation.  Nice call on including the redhead wyvern riders on your list.  They're top tier; hoaping for Jill and Miledy to be added to FEH everntully.

  3. Since this is a 2d waifu-respecting forum, I've decided to bring to the table an important question.  The latest Blade Runner movie features in it a gripping love story between Ryan Gosling's character and his hologram gf Joi.  This got me thinking; what FE character would I like as MY hologram waifu?  At the moment I am leaning towards Tiki.  She has everything I like in a woman: great figure, worldly wisdom due to being alive 3,000 years, and the ability to protek me by transforming into a dragon.

    Feel free to post whatever filth exists in your collective dark minds: lolis are ok, as well as handsome men like Reinhardt and Marcus, etc.

  4. Camilla x Arden:  The best possible scenario: a hard-working, pious family man defends his realm by day, gets to go home to his DD-chested waifu who will comfort him by letting him rest his weary head on her lap and wash his back.  She can also nurse him back into Pursuit Ring range by supplying him with 100% Cowmilla milk.

    Hector x Lyn: Lilina (sorry Florina fanboys! Not)

  5. I'm complaining here about a common joke/meme I see in comments sections etc.: calling certain Fire Emblem characters (ex. Tharja) thots.  It's pretty pathetic to post stuff like that about a video game character.  You can't be on "thot patrol" for someone who does not exist.  Just go on Twitter or Facebook and bully real thots instead.

  6. 7 hours ago, XRay said:

    I read what you wrote. Again, the 10 additional stats and unique skills in itself is not power creep. It does not matter if the character is obscure or well known either. If new content does not overthrow Reinhardt or BH!Lyn, it is not power creep.

    The videos explain what power creep is and is not.

    This guy gets it.  Ayra is nowhere near as oppressive as Reinhardt and BH!Lyn.  They are our standard for powercreep.  Compared to Ayra, Sigurd is a good counter to those two, but more as a bait-type unit.  I would not say he's powercreep.  There's a reason that every Arena defense team has that dreaded combo of Rein/Lyn. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Sartek said:

    As far as how she got released:

    I'm kinda numb about it. Since I played Fate/Go since its japanese launch, I kinda accepted bait banners as part of the mobile gacha experience. While I understand how people can see it as a dirty move, part of the issue is the playerbase, since I saw so many players assume that she would be the tempest rewards or GHB and I think that they hyped themselves too much and the fall was even harder thanks to that. (It doesn't help that I feel like the players are a bit spoiled in FEH too)

    I'm not quite sure why people assumed that Ayra would be the TT reward unit.  Most of the FE Youtubers, even PM1, believed she would be the reward. 

    1 hour ago, Okigen said:

    I hope so. That will confirm FE4 remake!

    I feel like Binding Blade will be the next remake...FE7 is one of the more popular games in the series, and I'd assume some of the Western player base would like to finally play the sequel.  Aka there's a market for it.  Also, they need to clean up that mess of a game! 

  8. 2 hours ago, Okigen said:

    I'm a bit indiferrent about the whole thing.

    I don't have any problem with her not being free. People forget too quickly that IS has been quite generous with free units already. CYL, BK and Arden are all awesome. Arden isn't good-looking, but you can't exactly expect top quality service for free foods. I'm more annoyed by people whining about free Ayras as if IS had the obligation to give top tier free waifus all the time.

    However, I'm quite bothered by the way she was released. It wouldn't have been much problem if she was in Sigurd's banner. Given the game had amassed more than $100m of revenue already, one would hope they could sacrifice a bit of profit for the game's longetivity, or to prop up the FE brand to new players. Alas, I obviously don't understand the gacha industry.

    Honestly, that was my initial impression when everyone lost their collective sh*t about Ayra.  It seemed that the anger came mainly from the fact that they weren't getting a top tier waifu for free. 

    I know how my mind works, though.  I won't even care by next month when they release a new set of characters to drool over.  Players getting Black Knight for free was AWESOME at first, and now i'm totally indifferent about him.  Same with the CYL characters, Nephenee, etc. 

    2 hours ago, VincentASM said:

    Seasonal units have their issues, certainly. But at least you get a generous window of opportunity and they are widely advertised.

    Ayra just appeared out of nowhere mere days after the main Holy War banner and there was basically no good reason for her to be separate from Holy War, considering it was a 3-man banner and she could've been the 4th. Not to mention, by then, most people probably burned their orbs hunting for Sigurd etc.

    On a related note, I do think the Halloween banner was released rather unfairly, just days before Halloween starts, while other games tend to release them earlier. So a lot of people probably thought there wouldn't be one. (And of course, I had to burn all my Orbs on Performing Arts, ahaha.)


    Anyway, my position is mostly unchanged. I am not a huge fan of Ayra, nor do I really want her, but I am very annoyed with how they released her (as mentioned in my 2nd paragraph). Just less annoyed than earlier XD

    I thought this was strange too.  Why did IS wait until the day before Halloween to release this banner?  My guess is that they were waiting for Performing Arts to end, but they messed up 'the feel' of it.  On a side note, H! Nowi's voice acting is the most stupidly cute in the game.  "Yay!  Treat time!  Triiick!"

  9. 16 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    The problem isn't BK having it for a reason and Ayra having no reason

    I could care less about favoritism. If i can ask them for Hardin right now i would ask them for an exclusive Darksphere B slot that gives him one sided guard. and Super Gradivus with Killer effect. The one time you make Favoritism argument for one the other falls apart because i can say why the fuck did BK have Black Luna when Character XYZ doesn't


    The 'exception to the rule' favoritism never seems to last.  But I wouldn't say BK's stats are powercreep.  He has good speed for an armored unit, but 34 is not that great either.  Not to mention his resistance is complete shit lol.  Without Black Luna he's just a better Draug.


    11 minutes ago, Balcerzak said:

    Not at all. She has a history of special treatment. See the line of FE4 figures, for example.

    I wouldn't know.  We never got the gaem in the West. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    I don't have her yet, so the chance I'll pull her tommorow is pretty slim.

    I don't really mind her stats and skills to be honest. She might be objectively better then a lot of infantry sword units, but that's more a case of IS trying to make infantry sword users better then power creep really. She's not suddenly the best unit in the game, she can at best compete with them.

    What I don't like is how they implemented her. All units that appeared in the game without us being able to pull them have been free units before Ayra, so it's natural most players assumed she'd be free as well. Had I known I'd need to pull her, I wouldn't have used so many orbs to get Tailtiu. Had they shown the Ayra banner beforehand, or at least hinted at it, I would have been fine with all of this.

    That is one thing that irritated me quite a bit.  I spent a lot of orbs attempting to summon Sigurd, and then a few days later it's announced that Ayra will have her own banner.  I would have preferred to summon for Ayra, so that was a scummy move imo.

    37 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    I mean Regnal Astra is a dumb skill but everything else is ok. Its just that Regnal Astra represents a mechanic in FEH that i have always been hating since day 1 so i can't agree with it. I whined a shit ton about how Black Knight's Black Luna is a cancerous design and Regnal Astra is simmilar to it

    Black Knight getting Black Luna I think is okay...that is his signature skill, and he is one of the most popular villains in the game.  Ayra getting special treatment is kind of random, though.  My theory is the developers have a hard-on for Ayra, and gave her the special treatment because of that reason.

  11. This topic is meant to discuss the unit that launched a thousand shitposts, Ayra.  My slightly incomprehensible title aside, I would like to discuss here our luck on summoning Ayra, as well as if she meets the definition of powercreep.  Additionally, feel free to discuss your Arena experience here: whether she is oppressive, does she "invalidate" the melee infantry pool, etc.

    Currently, I have not summoned Ayra, and will in all likelihood not summon her by week's end.  I did get a very unwanted Eldigan, earlier this week, but no such luck with our girl.  I will not spend money on this banner, because even if I spend $100+, there's no guarantee I will summon her.  It's disappointing to not get the unit I wanted, but Lucina is a decent replacement, due to similar stats, and using a similar battle strategy (Desperation attacker).

    I believe she is powercreep in the sense that her BST, along with unique skills, are much better than the vast majority of units.  However, I don't feel she is particularly oppressive.  Her magic bulk is low, so you can add her to Memehardt's victim list.  She is pretty easily taken care of in Arena, because of her mediocre bulk, lack of Distant Counter, and limited movement. 

    What are your guy's thoughts on this topic? 


  12. 11 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

    Effie gets Wary Fighter 3 at 4* so if anything, inheriting Monstrous Bow would be the better choice.

    That's true.  Effie is pretty hard to summon though.  I've only got one of her, and I wouldn't pawn off Wary Fighter.  She's a badass! Lol

  13. Maybe they would "split", so to speak, the summoning pool?  Instead of having all units available for summoning, you could split them up into groups.  A select group of units would be in Group 1, then some in Group 2, etc.  The summoner would have the ability to toggle between what group he would like to have, on top of the usual focus units.  The problem of too many units was bound to happen eventually. 

    Personally, i'd like to see more chapters/squad assauts/etc.  I wouldn't mind paying for DLC maps.

  14. 3 hours ago, NoblePink said:

    I'm not sure what I should do with the 2 Jakobs I pulled while searching for H!Sakura. They're +spd -hp and +hp -atk respectively so they're not exactly optimal. My choice is to merge them both together for my armour emblem team, but I can't decide which H!Jakob should I merge into. The other choice is to give their Monstrous Bows to other units like B!Lyn or B!Cordelia....

    I would hang on to Jakob to pawn off Wary Fighter or Monstrous Bow. 

    6 hours ago, Poimagic said:

    And guess who just got a Nowi! This guy! She is +atk/-spd and I have an idea on how to build her.

    Oh?  You're a guy?  I imagined you as a young blonde girl with an affinity for leis, literature, and D cups.

    What's your idea for building Nowi Owee? 

  15. 12 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    Red hell is real. All I've gotten from reds on the latest banners was a -spd Sigurd off the FE4 one and a very unwanted Eldigan off Ayra's. I'm praying Nowi doesn't evade me like Ayra has. 

    -atk obviously isn't great, but a blade tome is exactly what can help her. Even my awfully unfortunate -spd S Corrin is still plenty usable thanks to her blade tome. She won't be optimal, but she'll probably still do well enough.

    I feel your pain, brah.  I got an Eldigan off that lame banner too, not to mention countless Henrys, Firs, Lon'qu and Eliwood...

    I feel (a little) bad for all the NEETs out there spending all their parent's money in vain on Ayra's banner. 

    To not totally derail this topic, what's the consensus on Nowi's special weapon?  It seems like it would be quite useful on Flier Emblem

  16. 6 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

    Well, I hope she does well for you. Just curious, but, what is your flyer emblem team? Mine would be Elincia, Su!Corrin, H!Nowi, and Cherche. Two mages and two brave users. If I ever get Sp!Camilla, then either Cherche or Elincia will be replaced.

    I don't really have one, lol.  My best flying units are Minerva, Brave Axe+ Cherche, and Camilla, so notta lotta diversity.  I'm hoping to get a +Spd or +Atk Cordelia to build up.  I would probably run Nowi, Cherche, Cordelia and Minerva/Camilla.  As far as doing well for me, I'm thinking of screencapping her art and sending it to a friend with the message "just got this cute girl's number at this totally rad costume party I'm at.  I think she's the one".  So, I'd say she's doing very well for me already if I can troll peepo.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

    Well first it depends on if I get her. Hopefully I will. And if I do get her, it depends on her nature on how I build her. +spd or +ark equal Blade build. If anything but that, than a support build.

    It's been tough being stuck in red hell the past few weeks, with Sigurd, Ayra (+ Eldy), and Nowi.  My H! Nowi is of course minus attaq, so she will not be getting the bladetome for me.

  18. 1 hour ago, Hilda said:

    nah that wont solve the problem. they should just make Dagger users by default effectiv against cavalry and halers effectiv against armorers.

    Kagero would become meta relevant again somewhat with her dagger and this effectivness (would that mean that sakuras dagger + this effectivness would give 100% atk bonus against mounted tome users? lulz). or like described above: A dazzling staff like skill.

    Is effectiv a meme? 


    3 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

    I would like to point this out, but H!Nowi is way better than Summer Corrin. A) She has more attack than an +atk Su!Corrin. B) Sure, she has less speed, but it's only by 2 points and that can easily be fixed with LnD and +spd. C) With flyer buffs, she has a really good combat potential and can help other flyers with hone flyers. And there are my reasons for why I believe H!Nowi is better than Su!Corrin. But I will agree that spring Camilla is way better than H!Nowi



    Fun Fact: Did you know that Su!Corrin has the same base attack stat as PA!Shigure?

    With H! Nowi I can start a flier emblem team that includes characters other than axe users.  She has perfect synthesis with a flying team due to her skills; she comes ready right out of the box.  And, besides the higher attaq, she has the +5 Atk/Res skill.  Are you making her a Blade Tome user?

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