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Posts posted by Myke

  1. now do zerker

    Anatomy is wacky in places but it's supposed to be a design piece? If that's the case A+ you get a certificate for excellence at trim

    One thing is that the V-shape thing on the bracers breaks the pattern a little, I'd recommend you duplicate it elsewhere (like on knee guards or as buckles somewhere)

  2. The whole future children paradox bothers me. Child lives through terrible future to return to past, assures terrible future never happens, child never grows up to live through perilous future and never comes back through time. Child disappears from existance?

    I don't think it works like that. Those events still happened in the past for the children: it doesn't unhappen for them. In essence, their timeline is the real one, and the universe just reverted to an earlier state at the point they jumped with time continuing to flow forwards normally. Both futures exist, one after the other.

    No, they are traveling through time. Otherwise, the whole "The Avatar can permanently kill off Grima" wouldn't work if it turned out it was only a dimensional counterpart.

    Actually, it's stated somewhere that Grima followed Lucina back and tried to possess Robin before he was ready, which causes the amnesia. Unless this process destroyed that particular incarnation of Grima, I think this means there was two of them. Which means they have a sequel hook :T

  3. Payne burns with just as much positive energy as her son, but tactfully keeps it veiled with sarcastic remarks and assertions of superiority. She may not remember her childhood, but the after-effects of Validar's parenting linger in her psyche. She had it rough, being groomed as she was for her purpose, but she learned much more from him than he expected; she was his intellectual equal by early adolescence, and almost refused to leave when her mother decided to escape.

    All that said, she cannot entirely suppress her enthusiasm: she expresses affection physically, by jumping on backs, punching shoulders and kissing cheeks. At the bottom of a tankard, she even starts pinching inappropriately.

    When preparing for a battle, Payne sets a dozen contingency plans in place before she issues her orders. This way, she can take point with the knowledge that her troops are prepared for anything and that she doesn't need to break off from the fighting to reorganise them. She restructured the Shepherds with a heirarchy of command and spends hours each day making sure her captains are up-to-date on the latest tactics and formations.

    She is extremely diligent when on the march and always insists that they double up on scouting patrols, deploy foraging parties and entrench the campsite in case of attack. Gregor often remarks that she is more like an old, grizzled general than a prodigous tactician, and that she is the true leader of the force - but never within Frederick's earshot.

    Secretly, Payne is extremely maternal - to a degree that is almost obsessive - and often daydreams about designing the perfect nursery, having family portraits painted and what her grandchildren might be like. Leaving Lucina to join the Shepherds on their last campaign was both terrifying and heartbreaking for her, and ultimately, the thought of leaving her without a mother was the hardest part of making the choice to sacrifice herself.

  4. In the Chapter 6 opening, Lucina announces that she is about to save Chrom's life and proceeds to dispatch an assassin.

    If Chrom was meant to die there, along with Emmeryn, then he never goes on to marry and Lucina is never born - meaning she can't come back to save him. So uh... that's a thing.

    Sorry if this is old news to everyone :~

  5. I wanted to say over on the blog that this is my favourite EN plot so far (but it wouldn't let me sign in :<). The agents involved have clearly defined motives, and the reasons for which are complex and meaningful. There's good reason to root for either side of the conflict and this creates conflict within the player themself, adding to the engagement in a powerful way.

    I mean this is more-or-less true of the other tales, too, but feudal political drama gives me a raging boner

  6. 2GIWe.png


    I'm kind of on klok's side of the whole terrain data thing but

    And then any case where the terrain numbers won't act normally, where it's useful to see the how they're changed, since no where else shows that: mounted/flying classes, Parity, Starsphere effect, the Ranger mastery, any other cases that might come up

    is a thing. I'll try to make it as unobtrusive as possible in the UI concepts I guess.

  7. *__* Thankss~~! Yeah.. I wanna get good enough one day to be able to make art for things like games. But I'm too slow and unconfident. XD I hardly know what I am doing. Hahah~

    pfft you're already well beyond that point. just spend like fifteen minutes on this site and ask yourself whether the 'professional' standards are really that high.

    LOL.. oh gosh. Spriting is too hard! I've tried just making regular 16-bit-ish rpg-like chibi sprites and it was still hard. I definitely don't have the patience to make nice sprite art and fix things like some people in the spriting thread! I don't know how you guys deal with pixel-by-pixel editing and not blowing up. lol

    Like these ones I made 3 years ago took me way too long to do (they both use the same frames basically lol, but I thought the walking motion was too choppy and it seemed to work better as a skipping motion)..


    I do think they are cute though~! *__* I ought to do more but bjghgfj..

    yes, very cute! working within an established style like the GBAFE one has its own complexities, but I've found it's especially difficult to invent a new, consistent style of any level of quality, so bravo.

    either way, yeah, there is a lot of technical stuff to keep in mind when spriting but really not any more than you need to know about painting. the longer you work at it the more natural it becomes, same as anything.

    EDIT: hahaha what apparently I've been following you since like 2010 and I'm only now realising you're the same person

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