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Posts posted by Myke

  1. Lord: hector duh, sigurd and lucina tie for second

    Trainee: fuck the haters amelia 4 lyfe

    Thief: wow this one's actually hard, gonna call it a tie between cath/matthew/volke (though I'd say cath if you put a gun to my head)

    Soldier: I always liked nephenee's design but jared had so much style. going with the country girl I guess

    Myrm: stefan might actually be my favourite character in the whole series

    Pirate: geese has a pretty bitchin coat but dart was a more interesting character I think. whatever fargus was cooler than both of them combined

    Bandit: why couldn't I have a one-armed largo in my team that just made him that much cooler

    Archer: jamke beats out shinon but not by much

    Merc: another hard one but I'm going with ekhidna, honourable mentions to deke, gregor, flavia & linus

    Fighter: gietz, nolan takes a close second

    Armour: wallace literally wrote the book on knightly prowess so

    Cavalier: titania, followed by lex maybe? eldigan, percival, geoffrey, marcus, noah, and sully were also pretty memorable

    Nomad: uhai was one of the most interesting villains in a game stuffed with interesting villains

    Pegasus: farina had so much attitude it was impossible to not love her, marcia comes second for similar reasons, honourable mentions to tanith and sigune

    Wyvern: going with haar

    Mage: hawk, followed by pent, calill and then ephidel

    Monk: putting oliver here and you can just deal with it

    Sorc: nyehehehenry

    Cleric: moulder the boulder baby

    Troub: maribelle's pretty great ngl, honourable mention to ursula

    Dancer: eh I never really cared for any of them, sylvia had swords so her

    Manakete: yahn B|

    Laguz: another tough one, can't decide between tibarn, caineghis and panne

    jesus that was hard it took me like three hours

  2. they're pretty rough to be honest, especially around the necks in the first two. I've seen a lot worse, though, and the character designs themselves are interesting

    for the first one, deviate the jawline some (sharp, mathematically precise angles like that do no belong on faces) and fill in the gap beween his hair and his neck (unless he has magic antigravity hair of some sort?)

    for the second, the neck should curve outwards instead of inwards as it goes down. that's about it, actually.

    good luck

  3. first some small errors and the like that I caught:


    after registering it auto-filled my username but didn't clear the 'Username' ghost text


    can only*?


    selecting the loadouts button leaves the characters button highlighted, also it killed the little scroll buttons until I relaunched the game

    okay now the other stuff:

    • aesthetics are top tier, I was instantly grabbed by the personality and character of the art design. the interface is solid and easy enough to navigate after some poking around, both on the menu and in battle
    • sound design is also solid, though the main menu music didn't come back after my tutorial battle
    • the diversity of abilities and classes implies a lot of game depth, I look forward to actually getting into this when I have more time

    consider me won over

  4. rockinrobins1_zpsd389e026.jpg




    so this happened


    [spoiler=7x stuff]7x_dump___summer__13_by_im_myke_guys-d6m

    7x Dump - Summer '13

    I've been pretty slack with posting 7x concepts of late. These have always been bare-bones ideas of the characters as they're still forming in my head, ways of communicating their style and attitude more than actual designs. In the beginning there was so much to be done, so I was fine just throwing each aside and moving on to the next, but in these later stages I feel that I should wait until I can polish them until I share.
    Except I never have the time to do that, so I might as well just get them out there.

    In order of appearance;
    Eliza's bowgun, Tristan t2 outfit
    Marcus P2 concept, Toni P2 concept
    Shen and Gado P2 concepts
    Uther, Tristan, and Eliza shape experiment
    Alberich concept, Dom face update, Eliza t2 scribble
    Uther t2 scribble, Uther prf weapon idea
    Uther t2 concept
    Harken P2 concept, Eiry P2 concept, Isadora P2 concept

    EDIT: also also I made this gif of rejected uther t2 designs because


  5. Yeah the latest server patch let me create new characters on malboro and famfrit, my conjurer is on cerberus. Since the servers were full and character creation was restricted, my friends were scattered all over the place and it's only now that we're making contact. Once the world transfers are available we'll all rally somewhere but where exactly is still a matter of contention

    One thing to note re. the shaky launch is that so many gold spammers are present on every server, which probably isn't helping the population issues. Also, like your tank, being a healer lets me skip the queue most days but I still have to wait for my dps friend to get in before I can get started :R

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