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Posts posted by Myke

  1. ...unless the idea is kinda masculine androgyny for her?

    thanks to having vamp on the team we kind of have an overpopulation of pretty characters P:

    and wow I just noticed the attention to detail on the legs during the return, always been too busy watching his arms flap about

  2. "luigification" is exactly what he needs imo. he shouldn't lose those signature moves (the knee, stomp, sideB) but changing up his other specials and normals should be fine

    honestly I don't know what's to be done about lucina, I really wanted a lady smash rep and I got one and now I don't want it

    actually, you know what? let her use a spear and a bow for her specials and then summon a pegasus for her final smash

  3. @the lost vikings

    I don't see why not, seeing as though Blizzard isn't doing anything with them...

    they're in heroes of the storm actually, so they're making money off them atm

    @OP a castlevania rep would be good, but yeah the most obvious choice to me is isaac

    my personal preferences would be dante and raiden tho (snake made it in so there's a connection there)

    EDIT: oh I'd be cool with daisy and waluigi too, there's no harm in adding them

  4. on my first week I was rescued from bullies by this kid with the same name as me, so we became friends and starting hanging out

    I picked up pretty fast that he was a troubled kid but it wasn't until later that I learned he was raised in a meth lab and was basically used as labour by the local biker gangs to pay off his mum's debts. my mum decided to adopt him into our house to get him out of there.

    over the next couple of years we started skipping a lot of school until finally we didn't go at all. we got up to a bunch of shit and took a lot of bad stuff but mostly we stayed on the right side of 'too far'. both he and I began to reach a critical point in our mental health (we're both schizophrenic! funny coincidence hahaha) and maybe we crossed that line a couple of times.

    towards the end of graduation year, the school finally contacted my mum and we were pretty much grounded permanently until she decided to move town. we both stayed behind and found separate places, but stayed in touch

    I'm not really saying I regret being there for him, or having those experiences I had. I learned things on the street that have definitely made me a better person, and I made connections that helped me in later crises

    but it would be nice to have an education. I've self-taught myself most of everything I would have learned, but I'm missing some key things and I don't have a lot of the social skills I need to make it in the adult world

    EDIT: oh we start high school at like 13 in queensland btw

  5. depending on factors like how close we are to a release and how important the character is and how many different expressions they need and etc, between $15 and $60

    So whatcha need in the department of face department?

    just generics until the next release, then there'll be a whole new roster of characters to fill out for tristan/eliza's chapters

  6. We have two threads going over at the Immortal Sword forums looking for pixel artists. We offer handsome compensation and lots of bad jokes (and maybe you'll pick up a few plot spoilers by hanging around the dev chat???)

    Post here or there or just about anywhere and then we'll track you down and kidnap you and let Yeti brainwash you.

  7. thanks for your thoughts everyone, ch7 is definitely getting an update. we'll be looking at the later chapters more in-depth soon.

    The only tweak Id say is that you should even out the enemy units. You have random mega units in there who come out of nowhere with abnormally high stats who can solo half my team


    one flag, shine tome and vulneray. pretty sure we can ignore this loser.


    woah three flags? slow down buster


    better mark him to be safe


    (also look his armour is different!)

    By the way, does Eagler give more xp if defeated in the training?

    Yes actually! Training exp, like battle exp, is based on level disparity and being promoted adds a bunch. Even losing to Eagler can be worth more than beating one of the t0s.

  8. regarding chapter 7x and chapter 11; these need tweaking to get working right (meredith isn't supposed to attack everything, milo is supposed to prioritise his escape), your data is helping a lot

    am I misreading or are people referring to ch11 as the final chapter? there should be a chapter 12

  9. It's NCFC 2015 already, and wow, these last couple of years have been insane! Our last big release was at NCFC 2013, where we had planned to release the version we're releasing today. Instead, we gave you, a release I was still proud of. We set an incredibly ambitious goal and worked our arses off to mass-produce the content and get it all it working order... and fell way short. But what we ended up with was still huge! Hours of content! A strong demonstration of what the game had to offer, in terms of mechanics and design... And tons of what we had done was still hidden away, waiting to reach a standard fit for implementation.

    And there were so many obstacles, too! So many times, the project had to take a backseat to crisis after crisis, to studies and family matters and the like. Heck, I didn't have a working computer for most of 2013, but that was nothing new. We worked when and where we could, and when we became fatigued, we'd blow steam experimenting with new features and concepts for games we might make in the future. So when we got back into it, we were still in form and brimming with new inspiration.

    Since then, it's just been more of the same, but in overdrive. The chapters from 7 onwards were so much more complex in terms of gameplay and narrative both, and as it approached the climax it became nearly impossible to track all the moving parts. We had to review the entire game and decide how and when the player would be introduced to these elements to be sure we still had some surprises for the endgame, and to keep the pacing appropriate. I've drafted ten-thousand words of plot synopsis and character notes, and half again as much of theoretical experiments and class balance analysis in these last 24 months alone!

    Like I said, it's been nuts. I've improved a dozen times over as an artist and a writer, and Yeti's really growing into the programming mastermind everyone always made him out to be. We've procured a gallery of quality art assets, wrangled the story into some sort of satisfying conclusion for this part of the project, and refined the gameplay to be as engaging and entertaining as we can make it. This bad boy packs some eight chapters, each more dramatic and challenging than the one preceding it. All in all, I'd say it's a resounding success by any measure - of course it's still incomplete, but it's finally in a state where it can stand as an endeavour worth the commitment to it.

    Seriously, go play it right now! I have never been so hype for a release, and I promise there's good reason for it. FE7x: Uther Part One is officially in beta! Once we have some feedback, we'll be releasing an update an then diving straight into the next build. Oh, and be sure to have a look at the other NCFC booths and give them your support.

    Does the druid have an active or passive "mastery" skill?

    try to promote magnus to druid and see for yourself ;o

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