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Eltosian Kadath

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Everything posted by Eltosian Kadath

  1. Even if Dew is dead you have the revival staff by now and can bring him back, so you kinda do have a replacement....himself. Not letting Arden through is cruel, but otherwise...shrug. If you are using nothing but ponies they should be promoted already, and if you are using your infantry too they should be able to handle it. Right on the money there. I know a lot of people delay seizing to redeploy early, but I think this shows Kaga didn't intend for that..
  2. Its the family crest of house Velthomer. The banner under which Arvis ruled...
  3. I find the FE4 Fire Emblem rather fitting, although they should have found a way to mention it earlier...
  4. Such a random addition. Then again if they add some random boss from this chapter like that perhaps the even more obscure minor boss near the end of this chapter has a chance... meaning Lamia, head of the all female mercenary troop, and with a unique face that looks like a young Hilda. Its random, but I find her and her little band kinda interesting with their reputation for brutality, and the chance to see a bunch of otherwise rare female enemy classes around... I guess that kills my minor hope that you would marry Azel off to someone random to see that brief mention of Jugdral's Fire Emblem in the ending.
  5. I am kinda hoping you make him a Bow General for the extra memes... Hah, sounds like that event triggered in a goofy location. Who knew Finn was atoning for this one petty jealous act of letting Sigurd wife be captured because of how salty he is that he can't marry his beloved Lachesis... Travant always has the most glorious hair!
  6. I feel like both of these issues are the product of Fate's terrible world building. If they took a step back and gave us an idea of what the world map was actually like questions about the protective barrier would be a one image thing to resolve, and they could show us a few scenes about what is happening with the war on the world map as we progress the story (like so many of the older fire emblems did), and suddenly it would feel like this looming threat instead of a half forgotten background feature... Interesting. I haven't found it useful before, but shifting positional buffs around sounds like a solid use for it... I know Genealogy had them before, the one I remember off the top of my head is Julius having a unique death quote if Celice kills him, a unique (but often seen) death quote if Julia kills him, and a generic one if anyone else does. I will also note that the Conquest version of the Kotaro's death quote when killed by Saizo is slightly better...
  7. The reason people talk about chapter 2 tends to be everything before that last castle. I am not anticipating any major issues with the last bit, unless you have ignored everyone without a horse-slayer weakness (which you haven't) or are trying to get Chagall's droppable sword onto Lex for inheritance reasons or something... Well I guess that makes it a happy little accident then.
  8. Looks like I missed the chapter 2 talk. In my opinion the worst Genealogy has to offer, as it is harsh unless you play a certain way, but tastes differ. The best way is to be deploying your infantry in the direction of Mackily while your horses are heading towards the other objectives, and use the warp and return staff to cut out a lot of the back tracking with the horses... Another idea that would have helped is to send a few units that can take the ballista hits in to lure the enemies out, and then setup a kill field outside ballista range to deal with the mobile threats. Also if Clements sleep staff is a problem you can use the silence staff (don't worry if you have to do something suicidal with Dierdre, you just loss her for the chapter, and there isn't much left, plus the circlet's miracle might save her anyway...). If you have the "clever AI" active that can make things more difficult as the ballista will concentrate better...
  9. Oh man, I have been away too long from this board if I am missing Saint Rubenio's comments on my favorite FE. I may have to dig a little deeper, but I wont annoy anyone with comments on things from days ago (?) If you loss an item/weapon through inheritance, you get it back in the second gen as a dropped item/weapon (OK there are some exceptions like the pursuit and knight ring...), so you can get that Hero Lance back on Finn if he marries (you just have to wait about a chapter to do it...) Interesting point, and probably true. Kaga always expected people to be willing to continue on after messing up horribly... Also I will suggest having Azel marry someone as well, that way you can see the only mention of the Fire Emblem in all of Jugdral. As a second extra comment, if you actually have Arden marry, you should look up where to send him for the chapter 5 secret event. Almost no one sees it as it requires Arden to marry...someone at IS really loved the idea of someone actually using that terrible unit (OK, to be fair, the weapon ranks of his promoted class are actually kinda amazing...) I feel any mention of Soloing Genealogy needs the asterisk that the first gen has been soloed with every character in the game (Arden included...) Marry her to Alec, their convo is rather...interesting...OK, you'll hate it, so probably don't... I will also note that the "clever AI" is much more consistent, the normal AI is a lot more random in its attack behavior, while "clever AI" goes for kills (or setting up kills).
  10. Fun mathematical fact about this chapter, the number of enemies (ignoring the boss) on map is increased by 50% when increasing the difficulty one layer, and the number or reinforcements double (16 to 24 to 36 on map, and 4 to 8 to 16 reinforcements...) That is one of my old castles from my first Revelations run (I had it out there to help someone get some skills they were looking for from the Fates thread). I honestly can't remember how effective it was defensively, although I find aesthetically appealing. Plus its fairly easy to navigate by going through the center (heading just right of center), the statues don't block the main bridge, the Dusk Dragon lets you pass (although the Dawn Dragon doesn't for some reason...), you cab squeeze between the Arena and smithy, and the Records Hall easily lets you pass by.
  11. As far as I can tell checking the good wiki, there is exactly one; in chapter 13: A Lost Peace Peri and Laslow are the only paired-up enemies in Revelations
  12. Lunatic does boost the stats of enemies in Birthright, although I always found the increase in the number of enemies more noticeable in Birthright's Lunatic mode... Odd, I generally find dual strike more relevant the smaller the deployment limit, as the loss of actions from pairup is a greater percentage of actions overall. The shelter Pseudo-dance (not to mention the incredible shelter double dance technique) are potent, although even if you aren't using shelter for cheese I still find its more basic abilities of opening up a space you already attacked from for another attack, and protecting a glass canon/wounded unit after a kill are still really useful... Revelation does give out a lot more physical loot than the other two routes, so if you are selling unwanted equipment Revelations probably nets you more cash...
  13. I find the lack of any mention of the Dragon Veins on this map kinda telling. There are quite a few Birthright chapters that underutilized their Dragon Veins... Its either one or the other in Birthright. I find that those two objectives get old in this game... As for all this Rinkah talk, she really is kinda mediocre. Having around the 2nd (3rd with the right Corrin...) highest defense in Birthright is the strongest point in her favor (and if you can grind her up to D rank tome in Oni Chieftain the horse spirit might even push her into the highest defense in the mid to late game). She sorta needs her personal skill active to do real damage, fortunately she can take a hit easily enough to get it active, and if you you don't need her action first turn she can chug an HP tonic on her first turn to reach the condition before seeing combat. Her speed is also a bit of a problem for her, especially compared to her peers, and that is a problem that is much harder to fix. I took her to endgame in my female only run of Birthright on Lunatic, and she was ...ok, not one of the best units, but had her uses. If I were using men as well she might not have made the cut, but it would have been a close call...
  14. In that case I am guessing that it didn't notice the defense Gunter was giving Dakota in the pair-up...perhaps? If Xander is out of range he will target units that are in his range, but as long as he has the option to attack Xander, he will even over units as squishy as Elise...
  15. I can offer Tomefaire Nyx, and a Luna Keaton thanks to some random logbook skill buying, but that is probably the best I can do. None of my endgame Keatons have the right marriage partners to get any of the other skills you might be looking for. Castle Code: 05131-41162 01294-92339
  16. If you click on Kana's face it will change both her and the Avatar's gender.
  17. Oof, that is an unfortunate error to make. At least it was with one of Conquest units, as losing one of the Birthright units would make chapter 5 significantly more difficult... I don't think they take guard stance into account for those, so blocking a killing attack stance hit, or a blocking a hit with the guard gauge can trigger that music... Oh wow. I am fairly certain Ryoma's AI in Conquest Lunatic does not work that way, as he will target Xander over anyone in range, which might have been your source of confusion there... My advice is to start a new game with the Branch of Fate that you will ironman. That way you can fulfill both feeling at the same time...
  18. Oh yeah, for some reason I had it in my head that that Mystery of the Emblem was a NES/Famicom game and not a SNES/Super Famicom game, when I set those numbers... Edit: To add to this, the way Revelation tries to bait the player into a game over/mass death with the trap door in the stealth chapter was probably egregious enough to warrant this drop anyway...
  19. ...Oh wow...that is a bit of an unexpected placement... With the temporary title of what console was it on still in place, I really am starting to question the value of this category in the current ranking method. It made more sense when the smaller differences between games on the same console had an impact on the rankings, but with this new version, less so. Its removal wouldn't cause a big change in any regard, its main impact would be in resolving the ties. That is a high Ironmanability for a game that you flailed to ironman. I feel this is a game that encourages one of the greatest dangers of ironmans, complacency. Not sure how well that can be judged, or integrated into the ratings, but it is something that comes to mind with this game in particular... If you haven't already, you should play the Jugdral games then. One of the strongest points of them is how strongly they integrate the story and gameplay together (some may complain that is to the detriment of the gameplay...).
  20. There is still another day before the vote, but I am filled with the empty feeling that the violence of that day will be endorsed by the republican party via acquittal. I hope I am wrong, and a message will be sent that violence is not a part of American politics, but I have little hope. Stay safe everyone.
  21. I killed the hands, and the head on player phase, and neither the head, nor the core attacked units that were directly in front of them on their first enemy phase. As I put it in my LP, they had summoning sickness...
  22. Oh, you aren't one turning it then. It sounds like that makes it a little more interesting. Do they establish that her songs are draining in Revelation? I feel like that is a plot point they ignore entirely on this route... It doesn't attack on the enemy phase it spawns, so its not as bad as it seems. Yeah I forgot the core was part of this chapter when I did my PMU, which led to some uncomfortable moments in the end of the maps, as I was expecting it to end after killing the head, thus I had been neglecting the reinforcements to grab the kill...thankfully the core doesn't attack on its first enemy phase (and best mage Ophelia grabbed some timely crits to wipe out the reinforcements regardless). Also the switch from physical damage to magical damage could catch people off guard (I am imagining someone over-relying on Xander suddenly crippled by the core's magic attacks). The decision to make the golden route with all of the units have the strictest deployment slots is one of the bigger pitfalls in Revelation, as it feels like they are entirely missing the point, and appeal of the route with that design decision. I must admit, my PMU really softened my dislike of Revelations (and in an odd way Shadow Dragon, as I feel it could easily have this same appeal), as there are a lot of ways you can have fun just messing around with the class system and massive cast, but it also made the noticeably more restrictive deployment slots throughout the game into an even more glaring flaw...
  23. If you are OK with chipmunk voices you could always watch the videos at a higher speed...
  24. I love the Katamari games, they are such a simple and enjoyable experience, with such a charming art direction to the whole wild experience. Although I still think the best of them was that second game on the PS2, We❤️Katamari. It opened the series up for some more complicated objectives, and let you play as the cousins in normal gameplay (in the first they were multiplayer only), and its story was so perfectly self indulgent. I mean just look at this classic opening story segment: Have fun trying it out, its a lot of fun!
  25. You have my sympathies. I hope things get better for you, and your family. I wish I could do more than simply wish you well.
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