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Everything posted by Shiki

  1. You wanna mimick that mad Shanna guy with all the inherits? I have currently ~26000 feathers but I'm hesitating to use them. What I could do: - give Reinhardt more merge levels. He is +5 now and I have 2 spare Reinhardts to feed. - promote +Atk, -Spd Adult Tiki to 5*. Due to her spooking me a lot during red Orb pulls I have the ideal nature for her. With the Lightning Breath buff she would be a menace against green mages and I don't have a 5* red dragon yet. - save up to 40000 feathers so I can 5* F!Robin/Merric (+Atk, -Res) and Cecilia to make a green TA+Bowbreaker Raven mage. Aside from 5* Cecilia and 5* M!Robin I'm lacking Bow counters and I see Brave Lyn more than once in Arena Assault. - wait to get a Subaki so I can feed his Quick Riposte to DC Sheena. Hm, options, options.
  2. Question: I have pulled a Hector that I can safely sacrifice for Distant Counter. It will probably go to my Armor team and I'm currently deciding between Sheena and Amelia. Both have ironically the same nature (+Def, -Res) and after Weapon refinery both have a Slaying Axe+. My team doesn't have much trouble against Reinhardt since my Hector has the Deflect Magic seal which makes him tank even +10 one with Hone Cavalry. Sheena has the advantage of higher Res but sacrifices offensive stats, most notably in Spd. However that can be remedied by using Quick Riposte or Wary Fighter. If I go for her I will sacrifice Amelia for Armor March inheritance. Amelia in the other hand has higher BST and better offensive stats (+4 Atk, +9 Spd) but I find her Spd not that impressive. It doesn't help to avoid important doubles in the current meta and I feel she has to have Quick Riposte to do something. Which one would you choose?
  3. I'm really worried what's going to happen with the other 2 events. At this pace we're going to get both in this year and that would be ridicilous. Spent a gold apple so I can get my AP refill today instead of tomorrow. At least I will have some Rider Exp cards stocked up and 36 Apples should still be a decent enough cache for Christmas (I hope).
  4. Happy Birthday Jingle Jangle. ... and thank you for this giveaway.
  5. Built up my Orb count to over 60+ with the new story chapters, Chain Challenges, Squad Assault, Quests, Log-In bonus and Arena rewards. Got myself after sniping Green and Colorless: - Hector (+Hp, -Res) - S!Camilla (+Spd, -Def) - S!Camilla (+Def, -Hp) This could be considered lucky; I only consider the Hector as "luck". Really, if I could gift these Camilla to anyone I would. I really really didn't want to pull any Seasonal units from this banner but the game throws not only 1 but 2 copies of the same Hero. All the while Deirdre and Colorless Orbs evade me (only pulled 2 Colorless in total). Well, there are 5 days left. Plenty time to farm more of Tempest Trials and getting spoiled by Log-In bonuses. More Hector would be nice and of course Deirdre.
  6. You could train up Fergus like me. Till the 3rd Ascension his materials are really common and his 3rd Ascension might require hearts but only 2. Octuplet Crystals can be easily farmed from Okeanos. While he is worse than Caesar due to not having a ST NP or Charisma, he is pretty solid on his own. He is heavily buster-oriented (3 Buster Cards + Buster NP); in fact he is pretty much build like a Berserker aside from the fact that he is a Saber. His NP has a AoE Defense debuff attached to it which is really decent for an AoE. ... Oh no. I was farming Lancer dailies for Scathach and Cu today. The event train is way too fast. How are you supposed to level up and build your stock in that time between?
  7. Can someone explain to me how the Present Box works? So you pay 2 socks for a pull or 20 socks for a 10-pull. Each pull can contain 1 thing of the current present box and you pull until you get the jackpot. After the 5th box you don't have a jackpot anymore. So it makes sense to get everything you need from one box before you move to the next one, right? Honestly, I am hoping that they may do London first so that we have a bit more time to level up and farm for Ascensions. I have 0 Lancer and Rider pieces right now and don't have enough monuments for Scathach either.
  8. Good news: I have both Martha and Marie for the +2 drop. Both are at 2nd Ascension due to their Interlude requirement so they are somewhat useable. Robin Hood and David are leveled up and ready to go. Bad news: I have yet to draw Caesar. Without him 50 AP is going to be pretty hard if I want to maximize on drops since both Archers are kinda useless there (David can still support though). So this is going to be interesting.
  9. Finally got Mia after spending most of the Paralogue, Log-In Bonus and Tempest Trial Orbs. She is +HP/-Def which is pretty much neutral with -1 BST, but her being here is all that matters. Now it's time to save for the 28th.
  10. Dude, share some of that EX rank luck with us. As people said, Tamamo covers a lot of his weaknesses. Vlad is the premier Arts damage dealer in the game and will get only better after his interlude. I would actually recommend Waver over 2nd Tamamo because one of Vlad's problem is that he has trouble to get his NP off by himself. Tamamo's NP certainly helps but Waver's more on demand and he would buff your entire party instead of Vlad only.
  11. Pretty sure that it is only the prequel and doesn't cover the original Prototype. Thus we don't know the identity of these Servants aside from Perseus having a relationship with Proto Caster (which leaves pretty much Medusa as the likely candidate). The concept art of Berserker is similar to Heracles but it is unknown if that was intended to be him by Nasu. Fragments of Blue and Silver has already concluded which is why we have all Servants from there. Take your puns and shove them somewhere else. In all seriousness though, the depiction of Jason in Okeanos doesn't have to apply to the 'Servant Jason'. Perseus is the best example where Medusa calls him a freaking Shinji but his Prototype self is anything but like that wimp. Same goes for Artoria and Arthur obviously. I read somewhere (don't quote me on that though) that DW has no interest to include Servants from a working title. A certain Lancer kinda breaks that rule though.
  12. Out of these (excluding Apocrypha because it's obv.), I'm kinda surprised that Jason and Perseus weren't released yet. The former already appeared in Okeanos and Perseus plays a major role in Medusa/Gorgon's tale. Prototype Servants are in an odd spot since it isn't a complete tale. Outside Arthur, Cu, Gilgamesh and Perseus the identity of the other 3 Servants are unknown (though Caster is heavily implied to be Medusa). I suspect that they will play a major role in the second arc of FGO since Arthur is given some importance in the overall plot and the last Epic of the Remnant is about something else.
  13. Buffing Scathach is difficult considering her entire kit is already super solid. The only thing they could alter are Primordinal Rune or improve her Dodge similar to Cu Chulainn. I shudder to think how they could buff her targetable Mana Burst. You might be in luck with Atalanta though, depending on how much DW wants to capitalize on the current season of Apocrypha. Fixed that for you. Lancer Artoria isn't that bad with her kit. But how can one forget the worst Artoria of them all?
  14. Can confirm. Looking at the current skills, I really hope that DW keeps continuing the Strengthening Quests and priotize older skills. Every time I look at Tactics, Clairvoyance or Instinct many Servants suffer from them. Especially the Artoria group really needs something, when everybody else has that skill combined with another effect. #GiveArtoriaAvalon EDIT: Clairvoyance-esque Skills maybe less so because a lot of them have 2 effects. Fionn's skill is actually not terrible if it wouldn't be on a terrible Servant. Arash, Anne & Mary, Lancelot, Diarmuid, Jing Ke and Mata Hari could use a bonus effect on theirs (with the exception of Arash's they are 'named'). Though Arjuna's is god awful. Debuff Resistance? Really?
  15. @JSND Alter Dragon Boner What happened to your Support setup? You only have a Cu without CE on there. Didn't you have Sumanai, Waver and other stuff? I have her but neither do I have the EXP nor the Lancer pieces to ascend her to a proper level. Tamamo and my 3* or lower Servants are currently my priority.
  16. Assassin Scathach could move up to A-Tier. Good hit counts are great for Star generation and she can increase her crit damage for a lot of pain. Even her AoE NP deals decent damage due to her Quick boost. She can also be a tank with her Taunt and Heal/Defense Cut which makes her incredibly good against Riders (which the game loves to throw at you at any given moment). I currently have evil thoughts about an Arts Team; Tamamo + Robin Hood with Black Grail & NP5 + Hans Support Waver Just how much damage could that deal against a Saber, hm ... Edit: What was I thinking with Hans? Waver all the way for that sweet NP gain.
  17. My numbers without Brave Chain (Arts Card from David): BB: 12%/12%/12%/12% QQ: 10%/12%/9%/13% I find this more accurate since Brave Chain and her own Arts card add some variance due to her own NP gain. Based on this, Buster is consistent (which makes sense since Buster cards aren't affected by personal NP gain and only generate NP if you start with Arts) while Quick has some variance that might be higher but can be lower as well.
  18. Starting with Arts gives every other card a 100% increase in NP gain though. Even with Buster having a 0% base with 6 Hits you gain 6% each. Quick on the other hand has 150% and 200% in the 2nd and 3rd slot but only have 2 Hits. Pretty sure that only the final Quick reaches the same NP gain (300% *2 Hits). ... obviously I don't know how high Scathach's initiate NP gain is but since it applies to both scenarios it shouldn't matter that much.
  19. Uh, you're forgetting Hit counts in that. ABB Chain has 22 hits which are boosted by the Arts effect. Pretty sure that has to be higher than or at least similar to AQQ since her Quick card only has 2 hits in comparision, bringing it down to meager 14 hits.
  20. Bless the half AP on daily quests. I need so much EXP for my Servants, it would have been a bit ridicilous otherwise. Especially Scathach and Tamamo will require a lot of EXP cards due to them being SSR. However, I'm blocked from the final Ascension on most of my roster because I need an obscene amount of Void's Dust, Dragon Fangs and Octuplet Crystals that I first have to farm (after Robin's and Leonidas' 3rd Ascension I have 0 of all 3. I also realized that I don't have enough Hearts. David, Fergus, Medea, Emiya, Scathach and Tamamo need a copious amount of them and I only have 8 left. Well, it seems like she recognized you as worthy of her. Out of curiosity what did you have on your old account? @MrSmokestack Obviously availability shouldn'te be considered but costing Saint Quartz is a big deal in FGO which I consider a big critiera for a F2P list. That's why I'm hesistant to include Story-locked Servants. I guess I will add Caster Cu and other story-locked Gift Servants to the list, when they appear in time. But I won't do it for Caster Gilles because he is impossible to get without spending Tickets or Saint Quartz.
  21. I want Hector, Deirdre and Brave Lyn. If I get our blue-haired lord I'm probably going to sacrifice him and Amelia to Sheena for the ultimate Armor Queen. Deirdre would be another green mage and is the only source of Spd Ploy. Innes would greatly appreciate that. Brave Lyn in the other hand needs to have a good combination. Right now I have the neutral one from the free summon and while she is obviously a good unit a +ATK or +SPD would help for specific sets like a Brave Bow one. ... but this will only happen if I have Orbs left after sniping for Mia. I already have Hector and Brave Lyn and while Deirdre is tempting, so is my favorite female character of Tellius.
  22. That is the reason why I specified the Friend Points summon for this tier list. Even if the drop rate of a 3* is pretty low everyone in there is accessible and can reach their highest potential without pouring precious Saint Quartz into it. That's why availability is a non-issue here and shouldn't be taken into account. Caster Cu falls in a grey area since he is available to everyone but he will never reach his max. potential without investing in the story gacha which is a ludicrous price to pay for a 3*. Even if I put him on the list he would probably be a C-tier Servant due to having poor offensive stats and a bad deck. I would not recommend using him in terms of gameplay. I might need to re-think that criteria if one considers Bedivere later down the line who is undoubtly the best 3* Saber and one of the best 3* Servants in general. Like Cu everyone will have him but his NP level is locked behind the story gacha.
  23. Based on the level you have to start over? That's a lot of dedication for Scathach. Btw. sent you a request.
  24. In general, there is no reason to skip welfare Servants. Ever. They are 4* Servants after all and none of them truly betray that (except Saber Lily). Next year, besides Kintoki, we're getting a strong ST Assassin, a strong AoE Assassin and an Archer that puts Emiya to shame. All 4 of them will be available pretty much in quick succession. This is the reason why I don't consider Fergus an A-Tier Servant. Caesar having that support role and a ST NP makes him more versatile in any team compared to Fergus who just hits things to death.
  25. I don't understand this world anymore. Got my Paypal account covered and bought the 25, 4 and 1 SQ package for exactly 30 paid SQ. Rolled on the paid gacha and prayed for a gold Caster card. Got Tamamo no Mae from the Caster card which was exactly what I wanted. The Scathach banner also gave me Fergus after a 10-roll so I got everything I wanted (except 2030). But what is the price for this? Will I never get Mia in FEH? Or Musashi next year? Yeah, I was thinking about dropping Eric to C-Tier. I was kinda overrating his debuff skill which really doesn't do a lot for now (max 15% debuff) and Darius has the effect on his NP. He probably belongs to C Tier with both of his colleagues. Fun fact: His NP demerit can actually kill him which could result in hilarous moments (aka moments of suffering). Fergus, I'm not sure about. He is pretty much a Lu Bu clone who is better defensively due to being not a Berserker and possessing an Evade Skill. However, offensively he doesn't have the multiplier and has far less Atk than him. Compared to Caesar he lacks or cannot take advantage of his passives and his NP is AoE. Caesar in general can fit in many team while Fergus will probably be really mediocre outside of Buster teams. What do you mean with steroid? The Mystic Code buff? Anyway, yeah, Hector does a bit more than Diarmuid and Romulus, so he can move up to B-Tier. Defiant has the problem that is affects all attack buffs you want to apply. Obviously it's easy to bypass the restriction for his own skills (Valor then Restless Soul). However, if you want to use team buffs like e.g. Charisma this becomes awkward later on if you have activated Defiant already. This applies to Fergus, too. He is not available from FP summoning. For F2P it's better if you can get all of these Servants through FP summoning because multiples copies increase their NP level. For Caster!Cu you have to spend Saint Quarz to raise his NP level which isn't really F2P-friendly. ... Oh yeah, forgot about Jing Ke. Need to fix that.
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