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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Yeah, I apparently only have 1 friend in this gauntlet, and I've gotten their Julia every battle. She's a traitor! I like using her, but unfortunately, I like scoring 4800+ in the arena more. I got Sanaki when I was only pulling red for Ike. Ended up with three 5* and none of them were Ike...
  2. This is why you should run a Lv 1 Robin. Then your Lv 40 friend can just sweep the whole map with ease.
  3. sorry, Sanaki. Not lucky enough to score a Julia, and I don't really want to spend my orbs to get her since I already have a good green mage and mages don't give enough score to be viable for getting high score in the arena.
  4. Exactly, getting 10,000+ people to all do that would be pretty remarkable. Maybe we can start to sprend the word now and we can score an upset for the final round?
  5. If you really want to score an upset, people need to stop blowing all of their flags whenever they are losing. If everyone keeps doing the no flag option, the losing team will stay the losing team after every update but htey will slowly close the gap each time. Then near the end, they all use 200 flags and bam. Upset city.
  6. Sanaki just went from winning by 140 million to losing by 200 million... This exactly. This is exactly why Mario Kart will never be considered a truely competitive racing game, and why competitive smash has all items off. Random come-back mechanics are not competitve in any way.
  7. Well yeah, the match-ups were pretty dumb. It's not designed to be exciting. I would have to say that this yo-yo gauntlet is much less exciting and fun. Now the Chrom v Ephraim match-up was legitimately exciting. And completely real. Something like that will never happen again if the 3x bonus stays. It will just be a matter of whoever gets the bonus last. I'm hoping that the 9th gauntlet will feature the 8 previous winners. That way, every team should be fairly popular picks and there would be much closer votes.
  8. No, just because Lucina and Camilla won does not mean it was ruined. It just means the most popular characters won. AKA - the whole reason the voting gauntlet exists in the first place.
  9. This 3x comeback shit is soooooo stupid. I joined Sanaki 2 hours ago because she was losing. 1st battle was considered same even though she was down by like 30 million. 2nd battle, she was down 60ish million so I got the 3x and spent some flags. Now after the 3rd battle Sanaki is winning by 140 million. The more popular characters are supposed to win. That's the whole point of this. Making a popularity contest nothing but a coin flip completely ruins everything. Regardless, people are only going to be using flags when their team is down, so every single match-up is going to see these yo-yo like flips constantly. The gap is just going to get larger and larger with each flip. As long as enough people on the more popular team saves enough flags for the right times they will still win. However is a losing team has the 3x bonus during the final 30 mins of a round and everyone waits for it and then uses 200 flags at the last minute, the less popular character can still win. I really hope they turn off the 3x bonus for the last few hours of every round.
  10. Don't promote units to 5* just to fill roles. Unless they are crucial to some sort of team composition you want to run, you should hold out for top tier units and only promote those good units. Save your feathers for stuff like Zephiel and Xander. Sharena and Anna are actually good units and with them, Alphonse cycles in and out of being bonus units at the arena. The actual numbers that show up when dealing and taking damage have 3 sizes. Small if the attack was at WT Disadvantage, normal for neutral damage and large for WT Advantage.
  11. -spd +def is probably the best possible for him. With quick riposte 3 and Ignis, he will be able to 1RKO every single sword, all but the most bulky of lances, and quite a large portion of axes. Fortress def 3, Quick riposte 3, whatever C you want, Ignis, and Swap are what you will want.
  12. I experienced something similar to this once. I was doing a training stratum, and I remember calculating in my head how much damage an enemy would do to me on the enemy phase to see if I would die or not. There was no WTA involved, or any death blow or armored blow stuff. An easy Atk - Def calculation. My character was supposed to live, but the attack did way more than I calculated. I checked for hones and spurs but I couldn't find any reason whatsoever for why it happened. It wasn't a big deal so I didn't worry about it too much. It was a while ago so I don't remember all of the exact details.
  13. If that Marth is 5* he will have healing from his Falchion which could become much more useful now with the defensive tiles. I know I'm now heavily considering Renewal 3 on my +def Chrom.
  14. Wow, i got a defense win like almost immediately. 580 points. So when we check the rewards for our tier it now shows how many people are in the same tier as you? For instance, I'm in tier 15 and the last feather bracket shows the reward for rank 25,997-37,138. So does that mean there are 37,138 people in tier 15. Or is it just that many people have attempted battles so far? I could have sworn when I checked it earlier the total number was a lot lower. Does anyone else in tier 15 have a different number shown? Edit: Just did a battle in the training tower and went back and checked. The # went up to 37,847. So it tells us how many people have attempted battles so far. I'm guessing that it shouldn't change too much on the last couple days, so will will be able to know how many people are in a given tier with us.
  15. oh my bad. Because of the 3x points thing, I think I want to be on a losing team for every round, but I wonder how many other people might also take this approach. I knew tis 3x comeback thing was going to be a bad idea...
  16. LOL, good point. He is complete trash. Even a 5* +atk with the Rauorraven+ only hits 37 Atk. He only has that one Henry.
  17. My point was that you should use a Lv 1 Henry if you have one.
  18. A little trick I found last voting gauntlet is that all of your opponents LVs will be based of of the Lv of the character you bring into the fight. The leader of someone in the same army as you will be placed on your team as well and their Lv will be similar to your own, however the leader of one of your friends teams will most often be Lv 40 regardless. I used a Lv 29 Camilla for every battle and I always had a Lv 40 unit on my team who was practically invincible. The one time I accidentally chose a Lv 9 unit I was leveling up and all of the opponents were around Lv 9 but I still had a Lv 40 on my team. Basically, use low leveled versions of characters to guarantee wins.
  19. This is how I would rate their natures. Although, you can make almost any nature work with the right teambuilding. That -atk on Camilla is the worst thing you could have for her. compared to +atk, that's 14 less damage per attack (7x2). You should definitely consider using her for fodder to give a high Atk axe user the Brave axe+. If you have a +atk Cherche at 3*, it might be worth investing the feathers into to make 5*. A lack of 5* weapons makes all of them pretty underwhelming. However, Sharena can still be a good buffer and Olivia's dance works regardless of rarity. Enemy difficulty is based on how strong your team is. He was just saying that, if you give your team weaker versions of their skills, or no skills at all, you might get easier match-ups. I wouldn't worry about this too much.
  20. I had some major trouble getting defense wins ever since the update to the arena. 2 weeks I got nothing and the weeks I did get a win, it was just 1 win. With the hero fest banner though I was able to get 2 Ryomas, a Hector, an Azura, and 2 Takumi's. I haven't used the Takumi's or Azura in the arena yet, but adding the Hector and the +1Ryoma to my defense team has caused me to get like 8+ wins this week. And I'm just using my offense team for my defense team. I'm not even doing a color spam or anything like that. My other 2 units are Anna and Sharena. Give Ryoma Vantage 3 if you can, Fury 3 is nice too. Azura can be a pain in the ass for people if she has wings of mercy. Ninian with WTA and wings of mercy is tough too. For the last slot, probably bring Nino. Her draw back can make it hard to approach and predict. 2 dancers might seem dumb, but if they are at opposite sides the can each focus on their respective attacker, and they can possibly double refresh the same unit for 3x attacks in one turn. Have Nino between Azura and Ryoma for their buffs. Remember, your defense team just has to kill one enemy and people will often surrender if they are going for a deathless run. So things like Vantage and Wings of mercy are great because they can catch people off guard.
  21. Wow, I was actually wondering how high of a score #1 was and top 100 too. I would imagine that your match-ups will work a little differently than most other peoples since it tries to match you up with teams close to your own's rating and there aren't that many teams that are close to yours. I assume they are all +10? And where have you been ranking in previous seasons?
  22. Just improved my score from 4747 - rank ~15,000 to a score of 4836 - rank 2179 Kinda pissed because I completely blew a run on the 7th battle that would have given me 4850 so I had to use 2 dueling crests to get another run in (I usually don't use any crests and just do the 3 free battles per day). Not too big a deal though since I don't think 4850 would have cracked the top 1000 anyway.
  23. https://serenesforest.net/the-sacred-stones/characters/growth-rates/ The main site does exisist you know... And random number generators cause randomness.
  24. This is just how I personally fell about it, but I don't want to get a defense win just because someone forfeits against my team. Sure, a win is nice, especially if it's your only one, but you won't learn anything from it. I want to find a combination of a team/skills that consistently gets wins for real. And yeah the competition is on offense. So having a defense team that can potentially break a 7-win streak by someone can directly influence where I and everyone else end up on the rankings. If people consistently continue to get gimmie wins on defense, they won't try to fix something that they don't perceive as broken, and then other people who are actually trying to win will be able to take advantage of any flaws that their defense team has. It might not matter all that much, but again, this is just how I feel about it. If anyone wants to be a kind Samaritan they can go ahead and do it. I have just always had the mentality of trying my best in all stages of competition regardless of the situation (unless playing with small children). Enemy scores are based off of how strong your team is. Increasing your heroes stats through merges/leveling/rarity promotions, and adding skills to them will increase the score of the enemy teams you face. It is believed that the base cost of a skill affects how much of an increase you will have.
  25. In the spirit of competition, this is yucky. Defense wins should be earned not handed out.
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