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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Tier 19 is currently composed entirely of the 51xx people who moved up from Tier 18 last week. The top 35% move to Tier 20, so 35% of 5100 is 1785. If you can match or improve your Rank in Tier from last week, and it was in the top 1800 of Tier 18, you should theoretically be able to move to Tier 20. Last week I finished in the top 300 with 4864 points, so I expect to easily make the top cut for Tier 19 this week, as I should be able to improve on that score.
  2. I think it would be incredibly frustrating for LTC play as some really bad fixed growths early on could completely derail a run. Especially if you need a few different units to hit certain benchmarks. I think FE9's fixed mode did it almost perfectly. The only thing I don't like with FE9's is the modifiers for the enemies you fight and the weapons you use.
  3. True, I suppose it is only a practical option for a buff bot. Is your team all +10 aside from Caeda?
  4. So falling to Tier 19 and rising to Tier 19 give the same reward, and rising to Tier 20 and staying in Tier 20 give the same reward. This means that the rewards are based on the Tier you are entering/staying in and it doesn't matter which direction you are moving into them from. Damn though, that 1000 feather jump looks mighty nice. Bride Cordelia's Rally Atk/Spd costs 300 SP, by far the most for assist skills. Do we know if assist skills increase the score of our teams? That might be an easier and cheaper route for you.
  5. Yeah, Tier 19 was really small last week because the only way to be in it was to get the top cut in every arena season after the update (and to have started playing the game from the beginning). All of the lower Tiers are much larger due to multiple ways to enter them. Tier 19 has over 5000 people this week. From now on you should have a relatively easy path up to Tier 20. I actually lucked out a few weeks back when I forgot to finish a deathless arena run (had 1 battle to go and 2 swords just waiting to be used), because I only moved up 1 Tier instead of 2 that week. I've had an easy path to Tier 19 due to the larger groups of people. Had I moved up 2 Tiers that week, I would have been in the same boat as you this week.
  6. No you don't. Right now Tier 19 is composed entirely of people who moved up from Tier 18 last week. I ranked in the top 300 with a score of 4864. With 51xx people in the Tier, the top 1900ish will be able to advance to Tier 20. If I can get a similar score again this week, I should easily make the cut. Your score of 4960 should be way more than enough to make it to Tier 20, and with Tier 20 expanding, you should have a pretty good chance of staying there. It's impossible to get a defense score that high without a bonus hero. @LordFrigid what are the awards in Tier 20? How many feathers if you stay and how many if you fall down to Tier 19?
  7. All 4 of your units are a pain to deal with. Especially if Ryoma or Hector have Vantage. Looks like there will be 5,158 people in Tier 19 next week. Since i'm rank 341 I should be able to easily make the cut up to Tier 20 in the following week.
  8. Thanks for the correction. That kinda sucks. A 1st merge will always be HP and one other stat then.
  9. +Atk is typically better for her in most scenarios. She can't really take a hit either way, but you shouldn't need to expose her to taking any hits. The nice thing about having -HP is that her first merge will give her +1 to Atk and Spd. Personally, I think that her best nature is +Atk/-HP and her 2nd best is +Spd/-HP.
  10. I eat basically the same thing every single day with only a little bit of variation. on my 3rd meal. Breakfast- A bowl of plain Greek yogurt with chia seeds, peanut butter and berries mixed into it. Lunch- A big salad (whole head of Romaine lettuce) with blue cheese dressing. If I work out, I mix up a can of tuna/chicken with some hot sauce and I add that to the salad. I work 3rd shift so this is where the variation comes in. Snack- I bring 2 apples to work with me to eat on my breaks. Dinner- After work, I fry up 3-4 eggs and basically make an unfolded omelette with cheese on top. If I have the night off, I usually eat a frozen burrito/hot pocket or I will have a can of soup/chili/ravioli. I try to stick to a pretty strict diet, but I have a pretty big sweet tooth which usually results in me eating quite a bit of ice cream and other things.
  11. Give Julia Lancebreaker and have her walk up from the forest tile and remove Camus. Then have someone use Draw Back/Reposition/Dance on her to get her to safety. Bring Lyn and Ryoma and position them to the sides of where Julia attacked Camus from. After the 1st turn, it should become a matter of cleaning up whatever is left.
  12. Currently in Tier 18. Scores per battle range from 690-700. 7-win deathless streak score ranges from 4830-4900. Offense score is 4864. Defense score is 584. 8 total. I'm ready for my 5,400 feathers. Blew my first 7 win streak yesterday by getting a death on the 7th battle. Would have had 4850 but it cost me 70 points. My score of 4780 was rank #50xx, and would have dropped me to Tier 17. Then I spent 2 crests and got a new personal best of 4864 which was rank #254 when I got it yesterday. It has only deteriorated to #280 since then so I am safely going to Tier 19 along with ~5071 other people. Since there is no one in Tier 20 yet and everyone in Tier 19 is either going up or going down, that means that there will be roughly 5071 people in Tier 19 next week. And If I can match my current position within the Tier, I should be able to go up to Tier 20 in the following week.
  13. Call me old school, but I hated Regular Show and all of the other crap CTN runs nowadays. Whenever I saw my young cousins watching that stuff, I would think about how disappointed it was to me that they were growing up watching that compared to all of the great classics I was exposed to. TBS should have a different target audience though so it might end up being worthwhile.
  14. I don't think mono color is very good in general. With the bonus units this week though, mono green would be the best. Then mono blue. There are 3 red bonus units but no one uses Henry, and the cost to make Lloyd good is high enough that he will be extremely rare. This leaves only Olivia, and her usage might be pretty high but anyone not using her will be using one of the many blue units. Something like 3 green and 1 blue. or 2 and 2 might be pretty effective. Having Triangle Adept on one of each color would be a good idea too. Especially with a Gronnraven or Blarraven user, to combat the increasingly common Bride Cordelia. Personally, I think having at least 1 of the 3 colors is the best for defense. At least that has been where I've gotten the most success. I've gotten 4 defense wins today with Wings of Mercy 3-Sharena, Fury 3-Vantage 3-Ryoma+1, Vantage 3-Hector, and TA3-Drag Back-Nowi+2. And that is 7 total for the week. I started out with a 2nd Hector in place of Nowi and I got no wins in the first 20 hours so I switched him to Nino, and I think after 2 days I had only had 1 win. Then after some serious grinding, my Nowi was ready so I switched her in and she has been pretty successful so far.
  15. Well what do you think is the best B-slot for her? None of the Breaker skills prevent a potential counter kill, and they are useless if you're already going to double in the first place. She is too frail for Quick Riposte. Vantage only allows for 1 attack and has the same problem as Desperation does with getting your Hp low. Renewal is useless as she is either getting 1 shot or surviving with such low Hp that gaining 10 won't make a Difference. Seal skills aren't good at all IMO. I guess Wings of Mercy or one of the Sweep skills would be the only other options. Honestly, I've been thinking that a Fury 3 build with Silver bow+ and Desperation would be better. LnD gets way too much hype for something that you have to sacrifice a 5* unit for. Oh yeah, I forgot that he potentially has 33 Spd. He is gonna be so good. I can't wait to get him. I have 40k feathers all saved up and ready to go.
  16. I'm not the one advocating for Desperation. I was just pointing out that it isn't impossible to get into range from baiting in an enemy. As far as I know, All B-slot skills are situational and are only useful for certain enemies, making them useless in most scenarios. I guess for this specific build, Desperation is for any unit who can counter attack at 2 range, and survive 2 hits from Brave bow+, LaD, B. Cordelia (47 or 50 Atk). Specifically, this would be Hector, Xander, Ike, Nowi, A. Tiki, and Boey and any physical unit with distant counter inherited like Ephraim, Chrom, Seliph, Y. Tiki, Donnel, Sharena, Spring Chrom, and Lukas. As well as a whole bunch of other +Def builds of characters. Then there is the soon to be released Camus.
  17. You can use buffs and spurs on your own characters. No one is going to face tank a melee attacker to get in desperation range. It's going to be other colorless or mages. With fortify and spur Res Bride Cordelia has 61 magical bulk. If the opponent has melee units with Fury 3 there is absolutely no point to get into Desperation range since they won't be able to counter attack anyway. And any non-Raven tome/TA3 mage is going to die from 2 hits of a Brave bow build so there is no need to activate Desperation there either. Again, it is about adapting to the situation that is presented to you. B. Cordelia doesn't need to kill all four opponents, and she doesn't even need to kill one of them if the situation calls for it.
  18. They only survive the combat if you don't double. And if you don't double, Desperation doesn't matter anyway. You can always bait them in on the enemy phase to take the damage. Then your team will be ready to go on the player phase. As long as you can adapt to the situation, there should be no problems getting into Desperation range. And chances are that if you do find yourself unable to get there, that's because the rest of your team is able to kill things more efficiently, without the need for the set-up.
  19. both. Even with neutral Atk and Spd she can still kill things well. Just make her capable of being a buff bot as well. It's not like her C-slot needs anything specific in order to be an attacker.
  20. Lv 40 stats are the only thing that matter. She is easily the best archer in the game. No contest. Plus she can buff all 4 of an ally's stats with Fortify Def 3, Fortify Res seal, and her Rally Atk/Spd. That's +15 damage for a Blade tome user. Easily the cream of the crop for this banner.
  21. Isadora is really good. Rennac is quite decent. The other 3 are also very good with minimal babying.
  22. I'm really surprised by how amazing Bride Cordelia is. I kinda want to pull like crazy for her, but i'm afraid I will end up with 5 Lyns. Caeda and Charlotte both look pretty good as well. I'm gonna wait this one out to see if I should pull on it or not. As much as I would love Cordelia, I just don't think she would be a huge improvement on my team. Plus I have units who are either equal to or better than the other 3 brides in the banner.
  23. Hey you got one!! Congratulations. In Tier 17, a score of 4834 is good for rank 614 right now. Looks like me and 12,669+ other people are moving on up to Tier 18.
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