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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. My score of 4886 is rank #1078 right now. I really don't think 4900 will be enough to stay either. I'm not even going to bother to waste my Dueling crests to fish for 700+ matches. Not to mention, I see 694s all the time but I have never seen a 704 and I have only seen a 702 once. I wish the score for your opponents wasn't random. Just give me the maximum possible score dammit!
  2. You keep complaining about units positions but you haven't proposed where you think they should be. How low do you think Elincia should move and how high do you think Rolf should be? I definitely agree that Rolf should be moved up. I've talked about unique contributions that he can make and I have even said where I think he should be placed. You just say that it is unfair to put him so low. And that comparison to Nephenee just makes him look worse LOL. "If we invest Bexp into Rolf he can have inferrior stats to Nephenee at her base level and he lacks 1 range combat!" Not to mention, Nephenee is a unit who needs to be invested in to make use out of her, so comparing Rolf to base Nephenee is pointless. I think Gatrie and Brom are both too high. And why the hell is Geoffrey between them??? Neither armor can make any sort of unique contributions, and they have 1 less movement than all of the infantry units. They should both drop down to Low below Elincia. Then Janaff and Ranulf should take their places in Lower-Mid below Devdan.
  3. I love going up against Armor teams. It is so easy to bait them in and pick them off one by one. Well my ranking has plummeted in the last 24 hours. I'm definitely going down to Tier 19 at the end of the week. If I really wanted to, I could promote a couple 4* Nowis to merge onto my +2 Nowi and I could eat my Chrom and Lucina for their Aethers but I'm not willing to sacrifice all of that to stay in Tier 20.
  4. None of them can use Staffs. Specifically the Rescue Staff. She isn't competing with them for anything so their existence doesn't matter to her. The problem with Rolf is that every single unit who can use Axes or Lances can kill better than he can with little to no investment. Early-game Bexp is much more valuable than Late-game Bexp. Rolf however should at the very least be "King of Bottom Tier". He does potentially have unique utility in restricted playthroughs. I would go as far as to say above Largo. Shinon's contributions in his limited action Pre-Chapter 8 are pretty significant, but he is forced after all, and he is worse than Rolf by the time you get him back, if you even bother to go through the hassle of re-recruiting him. Ulki is trash. Even in draft play I don't think he is ever rescuing anyone, and he would need the coveted Demi Band to do so anyway. Elincia has unique utility. There are no other units in the game who can fly and use the Rescue Staff. And even where the flight doesn't matter, she has 1 more movement than Mist. Ranulf and Elincia should probably switch spots, but thats about it.
  5. This isn't really the topic for this, but you should keep Masked Marth. You can always get more Fury fodder. __________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm really surprised by how large Tier 20 is this week. I didn't think it would grow again by so much. I was kinda looking forward to not having to try for a really high score, but depending on how my current 4886 holds up over the next couple days, I might have to shoot for a little higher to stay in Tier 20.
  6. You should use the Tempest Trials to do your leveling. Every one of them is extremely stamina efficient except for the normal difficulty one. Obviously the units you are leveling need to be strong enough to kill LV35+ enemies but with the right support units you can bring units around Lv20 in and just feed them 1 to 2 kills per map until they are tough enough to hold their own.
  7. Yeah, but for a first time player that isn't very important. Obsessing over your ranking can lead to a massively underleveled team, which can completely end a playthrough on a couple of those later maps.
  8. Most important tip for any FE game. Stick to a small core of about 8-10 units, and fill in the remaining spots with whatever filler units you want. Don't try to use everyone. There is no way to grind to get stronger if you come to a map that is too tough for you. It's better to have several over-powered units than to have 20+ average units.
  9. She has instant access to the Rescue staff. Her being a flier, i'm sure you know why that is such a good thing. Plus that late in the game, any and all available Bexp can be dumped on her without taking away from anyone else.
  10. You should have called 888-8888. Celino and Barnes are way better.
  11. Well 4880 was just enough to keep me in Tier 20, but unless I pull several more Nowis, Ryomas, and Hectors, there is no way I'm going to stay in Tier 20 again. Not a bad run for only having a total of 3 merges. (+2 Nowi, +1 Ryoma) I guess I can just do some experimenting this week to prepare myself to get back next week. edit - Omg, the cut is already at 750. I might have a chance to stay again depending on how many whales moved up from Tier 19.
  12. For the majority of Nintendo's video game history, Metroid, while not being extremely popular, was always more popular than Fire Emblem. Super Metroid is, imo, the greatest game of all time, and Samus was one of the original 12 characters in Smash 64. Metroid then went, I think, 8 years, without a title before Fusion was released which brought in a flood of games with the Prime trilogy along with Zero Mission, Other M, and a couple off-shoot DS games. In recent years, Fire Emblem has gotten way more titles than Metroid. With Awakening, Fates and Echoes being released and Fire Emblem Warriors announced and only Metroid Federation Force released in the same time frame, Fire Emblem is bigger and more relevant right now. With the announcement of Prime 4 and the Return of Samus remake, Metroid should be able to at least stay on par with if not overtake Fire Emblem once again. Keep in mind, Fire Emblem has never been as popular as it is right now, and Metroid is at it's 2nd lowest point in its history. Personally, I would like to see more Metroid games. They are historically very good games, but they just haven't gotten great sales.
  13. Wow, worst banners ever. Maybe they will finally realize that people generally dislike how bad healers are, and they will start making Wrathful Staff more accessible. These will probably be the worst money making banners for Nintendo by far. I have at least one 4 or 5* version of every healer, so I will be able to pick whichever route I think will get maximum feather gains.
  14. I don't know if I have really good luck or really bad luck. So right before the Bride banner ended, I was pulling nothing but colorless orbs to try to get Lyn or Cordelia. I had already gotten Charlette, and I have Spring Lucina so Bride Caeda won't do anything for me. So I got Lyn really quickly like pull #5. I was shocked how fast it was. Good nature too. A few pulls later there were no Blue or Colorless so I picked one of the 3 reds so I could back out. It was freaking Ike. I spend 200 orbs on his banner and never got him so I was super excited. Then a few pulls later I got Mist. A few more and I got Faye. Then a few more and it was another Mist. I was kind of pissed at this point. A little while late I got Jakob. Now I was really mad at this point because I already got him before and I definitely didn't want another. Then after quite a few pulls, my rate had gone up to 4%. The highest since I started my little session. I decided to wait to see if there was smoke instead of mashing to speed it up and bam. Bride Cordelia!! About 300 orbs spent in total. About 45 per 5*. Which is pretty damn good considering i was only pulling 1 color. Ike is +Res/-HP, which can be good for a mage counter with Red Tomebreaker so I'm not too disappointed with that. Bridellia is +Spd/-HP, Which is like one of my most wanted there. So that was awesome. Bride Lyn was +Spd/-Def, So that one is good too. I forget, but Faye's was decent enough to use and make use of her Bow experience skill. The Jakob's was terrible +Res/-Spd and the I had was -Atk so they will both eventually be eaten. One Mist was terrible, one was decent but they will both be eaten eventually.
  15. I hadn't heard anything about what the Japanese description said prior to right now. The fact that they aren't sought after just makes it more likely that a player will be able to use the skills effectively. Most "optimal" natures for builds have the bane in HP, Def, or Res. All you have to do is put the skills on units with good HP or Res. HP+3 seal can go with Panic Ploy and Fury helps Attack Ploy. Will the introduction of Attack Ploy affect your decision on which nature to merge your Julia into?
  16. I know, I just thought there would be no way they would add something that good to the game. They have made wording errors in the past.
  17. Omg, the ploy skills work in an infinite distance. I thought that might have been what it meant but I thought it was too good so I just assumed it would be 1 space. Panic Ploy can completely shut down Blade Tome set ups and Armor/Flier/Cavalry buff heavy teams. And Atk Ploy can be set up right from turn 1 with pre-fight swapping. This would allow someone to say, lower Reinhardt's Atk and safely bait him in and kill him on turn 1 with a low Res unit like Hector. All in all, this banner has introduced a lot of new skills and made extremely rare skills more available. It could potentially shake up the meta quite a bit.
  18. 3 reds and 1 blue. That sucks. I hate banners like this. More access to Swift Sparrow is great. Sturdy Blow looks great. Especially for super speedy units with low Def who need to survive a counter attack to get a kill. Drive Def is a vastly inferior version of the Ward Armor/Flier/Cavalry skills. Spurs should have been updated to be 2 spaces, or they should have been buffed to +6 and Drives should be +4. And why the hell did a cavalry unit get Drive Def anyways??? It's going to just be replaced for Ward Cavalry on him. LOL
  19. You need a dedicated buff bot to get the most out of Tharja. Ephraim and Eirika are best because of their weapons secondary effect, they can buff all 4 stats in 1 turn. Bridellia can also buff all 4 stats with her Rally Attack Speed. If you don't have any of those 3 units, Ryoma (or anyone else) will work. Give Ryoma Rally Atk and the Fortify Res Seal, and he will be able to buff 3 of Tharja's stats for some serious damage. For maximum damage, Give Tharja Defiant Spd 3, and Ryoma Fortify Def instead of his Hone Spd. (Sharena can achieve this set-up without skill inheritance). You can swap Reinhardt out for a dancer because Tharja will be able to wipe out any reds when she is fully buffed, and a dancer will let her kill more shit. You should also consider running a 2nd Blade tome user with the same set-up as Tharja. It is just that good. I run Ephraim, Nino, 4*Tharja, and Azura. Tharja still has her Vanilla skill set, but it doesn't matter because Nino has desperation and she just erases everything.
  20. holy shit. I had a feeling that was what you meant. Damn dude, got it out of the way early huh? What kind of teams did you use? Was it the same team or did you mix it up and try a bunch of different teams?
  21. Ah ok. Thank you. Rounding up because in the event of ties, more people tend to make the cutoffs than what it actually says. With 200 people staying in Tier 20 and 1900 moving in that makes ~ 2100 in Tier 20 next week. So the top ~610 will stay. The 200 Tier 20 people will obviously outscore me, but I have been in the top 400 for Tier 18 and Tier 19, so with a good score I should be able to make the Top 600 and stay in Tier 20 for at least one week. Man, that screw-up has turned out to be a blessing in disguise for me. Someone had 4830 and that puts them at 903 right now. I don't think 4810 will be enough to make it. I would save the crests if I were you. edit - MrSmokestack's score of 4814 was ranked 1400, but that was 20 hrs ago. Ask him where he is at now.
  22. I got a score of 4858 in tier 19 which is on the lowish end of what I can potentially get, and it is good for rank #351. I'm definitely moving to Tier 20, and I'm pretty optimistic about actually being able to stay there for at least one week. All i have to do is cherry pick for higher scores and I can get a score of 4880-4900. @LordFrigid @Ice Dragon What percentage of Tier 20 gets to stay? Is it the top 35% like it is for moving up in Tier 19?
  23. I have been using almost the same team. I have Nino and buff bot Ephraim instead of Soren and Ike, and my Tharja is her vanilla skill set with Reposition. Desperation with Blade tome buffs is almost unstoppable. I get 705 points at least 80% of the time, and if I lose on the 7th map, I'm able to pick a team that perfectly counters whatever I lost to. I pulled TWO 5* -Atk Nowis when she wasn't even a focus unit. -Atk is just way too bad for her. I messed around a lot with a battle simulator and she just can kill enough reliably with -Atk. So I upgraded my +Atk -HP Nowi and merged them all and she has been fantastic for me.
  24. Like others have said, having units that are high on the tier lists doesn't directly equate to success. First and foremost, you have to learn to actually be good at the game. Your team has some really good potential. Learn which units/builds are good and just take it one step at a time. Be patient, eventually you will get more units, and some of them will be the S-tier stuff you are looking for. You should go do the GHB for Camus immediately. It ends tonight, and he is one of the best Lances in the game. Even if current Tier lists don't agree at the moment.
  25. I have always faced teams with many more merges than my own. Before and after the update. Before the Hero Fest banner, my team had zero merges but teams I faced always had a total of like +4 or more. Even now, with 2 merged units for a total of +3, I face teams that are like +12 or more. Hell, just after skill inheritance was introduced, My team with Zero merges was matched up against a hacked team of all +10s. I know it was hacked because one of the enemies was a +10 Michalis. Out of curiosity, What is your team right now? And did you change the units on your team in the past few weeks?
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