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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Holy crap, I just caught up on the last 15 or so pages of this thread. @ the kids - Priscilla is a super popular character in the FE fanbase. Before Awakening was ever a thing I would say Priscilla was a top 10 favorite around here. Casuals liked her for her personality and her artworks. And LTCers liked her because she is really freaking good. @Ice Dragon Wow man, you are pretty invested in an Elise victory huh? I'm pretty sure that even if Lachesis had gotten the bonus in the final hour she couldn't have gotten a high enough score to make up the difference. Originally I was planning on going with Elise for the final round, but I was a little bit behind in the total score rank and I just want lots of feathers so I went Team Priscilla. Also my Elise is LV40 and I would rather cheese out wins with my Lv1 Priscilla. Although I do have Wrathful staff I can give my +atk Elise... Damn, the scores were super high for the first hour. 400 million to 200 million. And that's with half of the players asleep. These bonus hours have been crazy. 2 billion for Pris in hour 2?! and her last one was almost 3 billion. Elise got 2.6 billion in hour 3 and then 3.2 billon on her 2nd bonus. Elise scored 600 million last hour with no bonus too. That's nuts. 3230 Flags for the final round means that I should have enough to burn 400 on every bonus hour and then some. As long as I get in the top 1000 for the Final and Total scores I will have made 10,300 feathers from this gauntlet. Combine that with the 6400 I am going to get from the Arena, and that is a pretty productive week. Question is what do I do with 75,000 feathers I will have?
  2. They can't get it. Not at these rates. Their only chance is to actually spend their flags and come-back the old fashioned way.
  3. I'm sure all of the game modes were planned when the game was being developed, but yes, they have listened to everything that people have complained about. From the 10k feathers we got in the first month to the 99 stamina upgrade and everything else, IS has done a great job with this game and catering to the fans. There is a difference between instructive criticism to make improvements and downright hatred of a game mode for no legitimate reason. Ditto on the daily orb bitching.
  4. No, we are at least a couple more hours away.
  5. You are most likely going to have more flags than you can spend if you are awake for all of the bonus hours. The weaker team will always have a bonus for the 2nd and 4th hours with a possibility for another one in the 5th hour. Try to be awake at these times. If you miss them there will only be 3-5 more after that.
  6. Just because the bonus can go as high as 7.5x doesn't mean you should expect that will happen. It not happening isn't a reason to hate the gauntlet. Besides, the gauntlet is simply an in-game event in which to earn one of the in-game currencies. Why the hell do you hate free feathers? Ever since this game came out people have done nothing but complain about every single aspect of it. "Promotion costs too many feathers." Here are a bunch of free feathers and a gauntlet for earning more. "The gauntlet is stupid because the popular characters keep winning." Here is a stupid comeback mechanic. "The bonuses didn't make a difference, the popular characters who more people supported still won." Here is an even more stupid comeback mechanic? Oh and how was that other new game mode for earning a whole bunch of other things like free Orbs, Feathers, Seals, and even a 4* and 5* character? "It was too boring, we don't like grinding for things, and the free character doesn't have skills." Yeah, i'm gonna have 3200 flags for the final round because I waited for the larger bonuses but there weren't very many.
  7. So with the 1600 for the final round thats 2400. Divide by 400 per hour gives you 6 bonus hours to spend them. You are gonna want to use them every single bonus hour you can because Priscilla might not get 6 bonus hours.
  8. How much is Priscilla gaining per hour? Elise is doing like 160-220 million.
  9. That's hilarious. Only justification is that they mixed it up with Bonfire or they don't have a lot of skill inheritance fodder and they just wanted to give him something.
  10. She will only get 1 more and it will probably be 6+ hours from now.
  11. Nino or Camus. You shouldn't spend feathers to promote a unit who isn't an ideal nature. Only promote +atk Reinhardts.
  12. There is nothing to push for. Lissa only currently has the lead because of the last time she had a bonus. In the next 1-2 hours Priscilla will slowly take the lead and slowly pull away, never looking back.
  13. Right now Lissa is only winning by 18 million. I think the thing is that Priscilla is getting more than Lissa every hour and it isn't enough to ever give Lissa the bonus again so ergo Priscilla will win.
  14. Glad i'm not the only one who feels that way around here.
  15. I kinda feel bad for people on Team Elise. Our last Bonus wasn't enough to give them another bonus. They are still going to win but their scores are going to be pretty bad. Meanwhile Lachesis won't be getting another bonus for like 8-10 more hours and that one will most likely be our last I think. Even if we got a 2nd one the scores will be too big to make up the difference at that point so Elise has this thing in the bag. Anyone have the numbers on Lissa's and Priscilla's hourly gains? Does anyone else think that Lachesis's voice actor doesn't match her artwork at all?? Her artwork looks like she is 12 and her VA sounds like 30. I like the VA. The artwork should have been more mature looking to match.
  16. You should wait until it is at least 4x before you spend any flags. Get a feel for how things are going. There are going to be more bonus hours early. Once the scores get really high, they might be few and far between. Depends on the Team that you are on. Lachesis will have the most multipliers and Elise will have the fewest. Depending on how even Lissa and Priscilla are they might not have many at all down the stretch.
  17. And Elise's score is already higher than everyone but her own and Sakura's from round 1... Elise has cinnamon buns, and I have quite the sweet tooth. Team Clarine was like the Cleveland Browns, or the Philidelphia 76'ers. Terrible teams pretty much built to lose. Our Lady @Clarine lead us valiantly!!
  18. Yeah... about that. Elise is my 1st favorite of this gauntlet, so yeah. sorry bro
  19. Nope Lachesis. I'm going sticktly for maximum feather gains. Lissa is my 2nd favorite of this gauntlet though! Pretty much everyone here who was on Team Clarine wanted to lose too, lol.
  20. I was on Team Clarine! It was bad. There was an hour toward the end when we only got 11.5 million her very first hour when most people were asleep was 7 million.
  21. The only reason it didn't flip-flop was because Team Clarine was so pathetic. We could never take a large enough lead to give Priscilla the bonus and she would just chip away at our meager lead until she took the lead and gave us another bonus. Priscilla's didn't have a bonus for the final 36 hours of the first round. The fact that the bonus was the only reason that Clarine could even say that she had a shot to win was pretty annoying.
  22. No. Priscilla V Clarine was a curbstomp that was only close because of the multiplers. Over 80% of Clarine's total score came from her bonus hours. At Neutral, Priscilla outscored Clarine 3:1.
  23. Holy shit, that first round. Lachesis and Elise barely scraped by. LOL, in the final 7 hours Clarine got 160 million to Priscilla's almost 500 million. Over 80% of Clarine's score came from her bonus hours. I'm glad we lost. Joined Team Lachesis and it is basically over already. Elise was winning 3:1 in the first hour. Lachesis scored 600 million on her 1st bonus and then Elise got 1.3 BILLION on her 1st bonus. It took two straight bonuses for Lachesis to get the lead back and now Elise is going to blow past us again. This is going to be great for getting a high score. I'm thinking that Priscilla might have a shot to knock out Elise in the Final.
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