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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Nice, Hector might have just saved the entire gauntlet by giving Ike the multiplier. @Anacybele and everyone else on Team Ike, go all out, you have nothing to worry about now.
  2. I'm getting good luck with 5* units on this banner. 7 of them with ~200 orbs. Unfortunately 5 of those 7 are off banner and the Roy and Lyn I got are both -Atk. It should be 4% for focus and 2% for non-focus. edit - FUCK!!!!!! I just pulled a 5* Marth.
  3. I hate it too, but I have to admit, that would be some crazy-ass exciting shit. Emphasis on the shit, but still, no one would forget that. Ultimately, I like the multiplier for some score variance. In the original iteration of the VG, You literally have to do a battle every 30 mins and use all flags optimally in order to score high. With the 3x, a curbstomped team eventually just has a constant 3x for every hour and that Team has an advantage in the cumulative rank. The Final was just an actually close match compared to the first two so we didn't see that. Robin V Merric however was from what I heard like 40 out of 45 hours of bonus for Merric. The current iteration allows for upsets which can be exciting but the problem is that because it is an upset based solely on team size, there are more people mad about losing than there are people who are happy they won.
  4. Looking at the projections, we are dangerously close to a double upset. Camilla will most likely get a bonus in the final 5 hours. If it happens to be the last hour or two, Lyn might not be able to overcome it. And The projection shows Hector missing the 7.5x by .39%. With just a little more from Ike or a little less from Hector, a 7.5x would mean victory for Hector. If both of those happen, and Camilla wins the refugee war along with the gauntlet, I will be physically sick.
  5. Ike is actually beating Hector by a larger margin than Lyn is beating Camilla. The final is going to be very close. If Ike gets a 7x or larger he should be able to win.
  6. If Team Camilla improves on our score from that last multiplier and Team Lyn falls back down closer to her hourly average, We might be able to score just enough to give Team Lyn one last hour with the bonus. I'm hoping we succeed so let's go!
  7. If Camilla somehow bullshits a win with a late multiplier? Extremely low I would imagine. Lots of salty people would side with Ike for revenge. Plus he is more popular than she is on his own merit. And his non-female, non-3ds thing going for him. It would be similar to Corrin V Gaius. Probably not as extreme though.
  8. Holy Shit. Lyn won the refugee war. Her 1st hour score is more than double her highest neutral score of any hour in the 1st round. And it is 2.7x higher than her average score at neutral during round 1. Ike's 1st hour score is only 50% higher than his best hour in the 1st round. And it is only 1.85x larger than his average score at neutral during round 1. Head-to-head it appears Lyn is 20-22% larger. Ike was 12-13% larger during round 1. Basically the Final can go either way depending on Ike's multipliers.
  9. I skipped all of Roys multipliers expecting to use flags when they were over 6x. I fell asleep for less than 3 hours and forgot to set an alarm. Woke up 30 mins after his last and final multiplier ended and now my score is going to be shit. I only went with him to boost my cumulative rank before joining Ike for the win. Now I'm going to have to join a Round 2 loser if I want to salvage my cumulative score. I would prefer to have something more similar to the TT. Being able to play at one's own pace without the 30 min cooldown would be great. It would reward players who put in time and bandwagoning would be less obvious. Hiding the total team scores and players ranks within a team until after a round is completed would also destroy bandwagoning because no one would know how big each team is so there would be no obvious choice for a free 500 feathers.
  10. I'm doing it too. It says they don't respond directly to any feedback but hopefully they will do something and explain it in a daily notification.
  11. Ummm, under customer support in the Faq/etc section
  12. Just be like "Hey, I and everyone else in the Heroes community have noticed that we get the same 3 friends heroes in all of our gauntlet battles. Could you guys maybe change this or explain how it works? I would like to be able to use my other friends heroes without having to delete the ones that I seem to get stuck with."
  13. Hector has a large enough team size to easily take the win down the stretch. Something the projections don't take into account. And in even lesser news, Tharja looks like she will be scoring the small upset over Camilla.
  14. Wtf. Projections are now showing Roy getting the 7.5x and winning the 1st round. I really hope enough people on Team Ike will know enough to spend their flags to ensure the win.
  15. It's been pretty well documented already that you will 3 friends heroes like 99% of the time. I've only gotten three so far this gauntlet.
  16. Omg, Roy is actually able to take a decent lead when he gets the bonus. If Ike's hourly gains pick back up to the 90-100 million he did most of yesterday Roy might be able to get a multiplier in the last hour or two which could result in a massive upset. Being on Team Roy, I hope we get a 7.4 or 7.5 multiplier, but I hope Team Ike's "Oh shit!" flag usage will be able to hold us off if we do get it. It would be absolutely terrible if Roy won.
  17. uh no. Ike is getting at least 15 million more every hour.
  18. Got a +6 Nowi for ya. Code is in my signature. What is your score and rank? I've saved all of my flags so far and I want to get top 1000 while using as few flags as possible.
  19. Unless his speed is on the higher end, like 29-32, he is going to be a little bit worse than Zephiel due to less efficient stat distribution. Alondite should however have built in distant counter so he will have that going for him.
  20. As is normal, Roy got the first bonus. Was 200 million to 100 million in Roy's favor after that. Then Ike got over 700 million with his one bonus so far. And Roy has been trailing ever since. Pretty sure Ike won't be getting another bonus for the rest of this round.
  21. Skipped out on the first hour. Checked everyone's scores. Went with Roy for the constant bonus. If anyone on Team Roy is sick of seeing Red teammates, I gotchu, +6 Nowi (+Atk/-HP) - Rally Def/Res, TA 3, Bowbreaker 3, Spur Res 3. She does a little bit of everything, deletes reds, handles bows pretty well (Firesweep can be tricky), and has nice support with Spur Res and Rally Def/Res (This was so Hector could survive any Reinhardt). 10182-60329 - Hawk King Does anyone have a link to those handy spreadsheets yet?
  22. On normal mode with all stat boosters given to just those two, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. It is Fire Emblem after all. Every character is good when they are fed so many kills. What makes them bad in the first place is not being able to get those kills because of other units getting them.
  23. Guys, i'm pretty sure a 3DS character isn't going to win this gauntlet! 1st round i'm going for maximum score. Is it possible that Tharja is the weakest link in this gauntlet? 2nd round will probably be the same strategy. Final round I'm hoping will be Lyn. I would love to see her win. Lyn > Ike > Hector > Chrom > Roy for me. I really don't want to see any of those girls win a 2nd gauntlet. but it goes Lucina > Camilla > Tharja there.
  24. I know right? They are all going to be top tier units. That's usually a pretty good reason to use someone in this game.
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