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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Knoll has bad stats, and being able to create expendable siege bait really doesn't make a whole lot of difference. The only time you would even need or want that is if you happen to have a unit that would be OHKOed by a siege tome hit.
  2. Don't die. Every unit death subtracts 70 from your score. Also, try giving AoE specials to all of your units. That should boost the scores by an average of 4 per battle. Aether and Galeforce are the best for score but I'm gonna guess that you don't have any fodder for those.
  3. As long as his enemy has 50 or less Def (AKA every single available unit except for some extremely specific builds with Fortress Def 3), the BK will do damage equal to or more than his Atk stat. With his Atk of 50 (51 with a merge) he will be able to OHKO every single non-blue unit with his special except for maybe Zephiel. And any Blue unit with ~40 or less HP will die as well. The only way to survive it would be with TA3 on a blue unit.
  4. Oscar is definitely solid. He easily handles the BK. Mist is also pretty ridiculous with the buffs. When I watch my autobattles, sometimes my 3 attackers die and Mist will be left against like two or three enemies and she will still be able to clear the map. She is so bulky.
  5. That's why I asked about the context and criteria of a playthrough. If Franz is not in play, Gilliam is easily the best candidate for the KC. This is exactly why Joshua is actually a terrible unit in this game. He gets super over-rated for his character design and the fact that people love Swordmasters. In a draft, Gilliam is worthy a 3rd round pick. Joshua is a late 5th round pick at best, and that is only if you absolutely need some early game help. I consider Joshua as a bottom 4 unit in drafts. Natasha has either a 60% or 65% MAG growth, which is basically 100% in drafts. Add in the 2 (possibly 3) Energy Rings, she definitely has enough Magic to do the warp. Not enough for the 1 turn clear because of her MAG cap, but she can do a 2 turn clear.
  6. Damn, I'm hoping a lot of those people relax once they hit 100k. My goal is to finish in the top 1000, but it looks like I need to step it up. So two people in my friends list have a 5* BK with Steady Breath inherited. One of them also has Wrath and Panic Ploy which is an amazing build if you ask me. I'm really thinking about grabbing another B!Ike for skill inheritance fodder with the free summon I have been saving... The only thing stopping me is the unwanted natures on my B!Lucina and B!Lyn.
  7. What is your rank? I'm curious to know roughly how many people grinded out the 30k on the first day.
  8. Unrelated, but there are lots of factors that go into Arena score. With fully inherited skills, and AoE specials on all of my units, I started seeing 700's at around 4-6 total merges (among all 4 units combined) I think. Skills like Aether, Galeforce, Close/Distant counter, the double stat rallies, and all of the 240 SP cost ones will will lower the amount of merges you need. Now with 2 Aethers and 14+ total merges, I never see a score below 700. With zero merges and just optimized high SP cost skills, you could probably see some 700's from time to time.
  9. Rennac can kill Caellach with a Killing edge while stealing the Hoplon guard and getting the desert item at the same time. Killing edges makes his combat quite good, but I will admit that I might be overselling him a bit. Regardless, Colm and Rennac should be in the same tier. One right above the other.
  10. I hope they let you increase merge level. Mostly for Anna, Alphonse, Sharena, and the GHB/TT characters. As someone who is a mini whale, I find it easier to promote 4*s to 5*s for merge levels. My highest merge is my +8 Nowi, and only 2 of them were pulled at 5* the other 7 were promoted from 4* copies. My highest 5* exclusive merged units are +4 Ike and +4 B!Lyn. I also have a couple +2s and a bunch of +1s. You can get 10,400 feather per week just from the Arena/AA. When you add in Quests, TTs, and VGs, you can get well over 60,000 feathers per month. Using those feathers for three 5* promotions per month is much more desirable than spending hundreds on a particular banner. You need deep pockets to pull a lot of 5* exclusive characters. Something that only about .1% of players have.
  11. Chest keys bruh. I'm not super familiar with Ephraim's route but still, an Energy ring and a Speedwing isn't a whole lot to be proud of. Fog of War vision is useless because the player already knows what is out there, and our staff users want to spam torch staves for their staff rank anyway. After the dessert, the game can be completed in less than 20 turns. It takes 28 uses of barrier. So... he isn't gonna warp a damn thing. Artur and Lute are available from Chapter 4 and 5 respectively. That's 10 more chapters of availability and they can actually reach warp. What? He has 5 move and all of the bosses either have Lances or are Novala who gets killed by Javalins from our 7-8 move units. Seth, Franz, Nessie, Eirika, and Garcia are all better at killing bosses. This isn't FE6 Rutger. Joshua is actually really bad. Plus his promo item is better used on 2-3 other units. Gilliam gets a horse and can use Javalins and Hand Axes. Nope. Saleh (Ephraim) won't reach warp.
  12. Ugh, I don't agree with a lot on here. And your spelling needs work. What is the criteria for the ranking? Does turn count matter? Are we to always assume that Franz gets the Knights Crest or does Gilliam get some claim to it as well? There really should be two separate lists for each route. Gilliam, Kyle, and Forde for instance are worse on Eirika's route because there is only one Knights Crest.
  13. So they moved Hawkeye's position from Lunatic to Infernal. I think that actually makes the Infernal map easier than the Lunatic one. It lets you bait in the red Cavalier easier since Hawkeye is no longer able to reach the same distance. I beat Infernal with Sanaki, Klein, Azura and Olivia. Sanaki baits the green mage and leaves him at low health while Ninian dances for him and Hawkeye teleports over before the green mage kills himself on the 2nd attack on Sanaki. That leaves Azura free to bait in the red cav on the other side. After turn 1, the clean-up is a breeze.
  14. Fair enough, but I just want to point out that WoM is in his default kit. The meta has most certainly shifted a bit towards B!Lyn and other powerful archer builds. Even still, because Reinhardt is so dangerous every team has a green counter to him which is where BK being red with built in distant counter comes in handy. Arena aside, GHBs BHBs and TTs do exist.
  15. The 4* will either have Steady stance 3 or Wings of Mercy 3 for skill inheritance. Both are good. Why would you send home a top 3 sword unit who we will only get a limited supply of?
  16. Dude I don't even want to hear it. On the Sacred Stones banner, I pulled 4 off-banner 5*s on the same pull. Since I've been playing I have pulled more off-banner 5* than I have of the characters that are actually on the banner. Besides, Celica is extremely good. At least you don't have 3 off-banner Hawkeyes...
  17. "Just"... lol. That is some major investment for most people. I just joined the 5k club last week and there is still a whole other level I will most likely never approach. Hey, what is your Sophia's Boon? I just made her 5* and I went with +Def but I'm thinking of switching her to my +Atk. version -Spd obviously. I also have +Hp but that seems like it is definitely the worse of the three.
  18. Damn, the BK is basically a red Amelia. +1Hp -5Res. And he can run Fury instead of Distant Counter. I am definitely promoting his 4* and merging him for a 5* +1. And he will be S-supporting Amelia as well.
  19. Damn, that final push to the end was brutal. I'm glad I work 3rd shift. I did Lunatic-5 battles on autobattle with my phone in my pocket while I worked. headphones let me know when the fighting stopped. I probably added 8,000 points to my score over the last 2 hours. Score of 115,349 was rank #772 with 10 mins left and finished at rank #878. I dropped over 100 spots in 10 mins... 10k feathers get. That's ridiculous though. So many people more than doubled the score of the final reward. I'm definitely going to try to get ahead early on in the next TT and then just coast to the finish.
  20. The score threshold for top 1000 is ridiculous. I'm over 90,000 and still not there. Is anyone in the top 1000?
  21. Elincia is going to be crazy good if her +Atk nature hits 29+. She is almost certainly going to have good Spd for quad attacking. Makes me feel bad for my +2 Caeda. @Ice Dragon So the english says that Wrath lowers the cooldown by 1 at the start of the turn like Quickened Pulse, but it will be the start of every single turn while it's active? Is that how the Japanese says it? That would be great since you could lower you HP and then run away until you get your special charged. 5 cooldown specials would be more viable on horses since they can kite infantry teams around. Poor Oscar. He is going to be disappointing everyone when he shows up. We needed Boyd much more than him. This banner just further hurts the lack of greens.
  22. Do it. I recently caved in and did it and I do not regret it for one second. The TA3 Raven build is super fun, and she is the absolute best at it. I pulled a 5* way back, I think during the mage VG, and I was really interested in getting some use out of her but she was like +Res -Hp or something not ideal like that. But I hoarded 4* and 3* versions of her until I realized I had three with -Spd, one +Atk one +Def and one +HP. I went with the +Def one and she can tank the Lunatic 7 Hector in the current TT really well. I'm thinking about switching her to the +Atk one though. I'm really not sure which is best. Either way having +2 merges gives her +1 to everything but Spd which is obviously ideal for her. Still holding off on giving her QR3. 60,000 feathers (80,000 with the +2) is a little too much investment at this point for me. I will do it eventually though. Definitely hold out for that -Spd one though, unless you are willing to 5* a 2nd one once you get it.
  23. Well yeah, the longer we play the more competitive it will get. Between late joining whales just getting there for the first time and others who slowly gain higher and higher merge levels over time, it is only going to grow and peoples scores will be going up as well. Speaking of growing, I noticed that all of the top players in AA have a score of 5194. The old high score was 5180. What changed to allow it to go higher?
  24. AoE skills cost more SP than the more practical skills like Ignis, Glacies and Dragon Fang so they increase the scores by a little bit. Everyone I use in the arena has inherited an AoE skill if they don't already come with Aether or Galeforce. Upgrading all four characters to AoE skills should increase the average score per fight by about 4-6. Fury's only affect on the score comes from it's 200 SP cost. Only a characters true base stats affect the score and it is extremely minor now. Rarity, Level, Merges, and SP cost of skills are the big things now, and with Rarity and Level being simple to "max out" (5* - LV40) the only things left to improve on are adding merges or adding more expensive skills. As far as countering Brave Lyns goes, her B-skill doesn't affect dragon's Lightning Breath, so the Bowbreaker 3 I slapped on my Nowi after Bridelia became common has been working great to counter Brave Lyns as well. Have to be careful though because Brave Lyn has pretty good Res and can survive the double attack with the right B/B or enough merges.
  25. My score of 81,214 is only rank #1528. I'm kinda surprised at how difficult it is going to be to get into the top 1000. I'm going to keep pushing it. I have 130 Stamina potions and a lot of characters that I either want to bring to LV 40 or just grind up some SP.
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