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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. 20 summons and no 5* unit. I really hope my luck turns around later when I actually buy some orbs...
  2. A pun Arya really gonna let that get to you? @Ice Dragon see^
  3. Some of these updates are ridiculous. All daggers got a huge buff that they needed. Jaffar got the biggest buff of all which is great for him. Sol Katti buff is hilariously awesome. Oh hey, let's put Lyn's entire build onto her weapon and increase it to 75%. Escape route is going to be so dangerous on her... Ephraim is pretty scary now. His Atk is super high and with QP seal his second attack will always proc a 3 cooldown skill. 1v1 master? Hautclere is scary. I still remember way back right after skill inheritance when a Minerva was able to one round my +Def Chrom. Now she is going to be even more lethal. Guard bow can really find some use on Quick Riposte sets. Especially with Distant Def 3 on an A-skill and the seal. +18 defenses from ranged attacks. Halloween Jakob with ward buffs x3 on top of that... Eldigan's Mystletain upgrade makes me wish for a Fury seal even more now. My +Atk Elise and +Spd Bride Lyn are really going to be able to shine now. Personally, I am most looking forward to upgrading my +Def/-Spd +10 Lukas' killer lance+ to a Slaying Lance+ with +5 Hp and +4 Def. His Bonfire - Steady breath - Quick Riposte build is going to be even better.
  4. Damn, I totally forgot about the maintenance. I only got like 7k today. I'm gonna have to really grind hard on my days off to get back up to the 20k per day pace I was on.
  5. I have two +10 blue units (Lukas and Nowi) acquired mostly through promoting 4*s. So I won't be pulling too many blues. I do want one copy each of Bride Caeda and Spring Xander though. And more Fjorms would be cool but Xander and Caeda will make getting a lot of her pretty frustrating. I have a +5 Ike and +1 for Celica and Ayra so I will be pulling reds until at least one of those three are +10. I will pull greens until I get at least one Spring Camila. I might continue to pull if her nature is poor. More Hectors are nice for Distant Counter fodder and Deidre is good but they aren't high on my priority list for getting to +10. I will also be pulling colorless until either of the archers are +10. Brave Lyn curently has a head start of +4 to +0 for Bridelia. I have 4 Gennys sitting around already for potential Wrathful staff fodder. (Elise already ate one.) Depending on my luck I could potentially +10 Genny if I have enough fodder left over. That would be neat. Basically I'm gonna whale hard. Once I get a +10 Red and Colorless, I will be set for Arena scoring pretty much forever. I will be able to easily stay in tier 20 with no chance of dropping at all and I will be able to get top 1000 for AA as well. I don't think I will ever be whale enough to be top 100 in AA though.
  6. You have to if you want to stay in the top 1000 for the 10,000 feather reward. That's what i'm going for at least. I have a bunch of different projects that require lots of feathers.Plus I enjoy competition so it is fun to see how high in the rankings I can get. Others just want to get it over with early so they can focus on other things.
  7. Broke 100k last night. I'm averaging a little over 20k per day. If I can maintain that I should be able to reach 300k. My first team is starting to max out their HM. I'm going to be fully swithing over to the second team once they are all maxed out. After the second team maxes HM I will have to have at least one of the 40% units leading the 3rd team despite having maxed HM but it's not that big of a deal. +Def/-Spd Dorcas with the Distant Defense 3 seal and Aether is the best thing ever. Also Joshua doesn't know how to die. Seriously, what sword unit takes 0 damage when Abel quad attacks? Granted it's on Lunatic-5 but still. 106,542 is good for rank# 823 right now. When I reached 100k I had just broken the top 1000. Now with every run my rank jumps down quite a bit, so there are probably a lot of people who slowed way down or just completely stopped doing the TT altogether once the got the final reward.
  8. In drafts, mounted units are kind of scarce so Ranger is almost always his best option there as you need at least 3 mounted/flying units for many turn saving strats. As a Ranger he can also use Longbows upon promotion which is necessary to save a turn on Eirika's Chapter 11? (the FoW map with L'Arachel and Dozla in the middle). Thankfully the only units you need to be able to rescue with Gerik are the Lords which he can do just fine as a Ranger. And believe it or not, being bow or sword locked really isn't that much of an issue in FE8. Even on route maps. Enemy groups can be easily handled with one or the other just fine. You only need Hand Axes or Javelins for a few specific instances. And in these instances you also need 7-8 movement so Hero!Gerik isn't going to be able to fill that role anyway. Ranger just allows Gerik to contribute on every single map. In drafts for instance, Garcia is always taken before Gerik, but when we get past Chapter 8 Garcia begins to lose his value due to his low movement. Gerik is able to contribute to getting Eirika to the Throne whereas Garcia gets relegated to visiting villages and opening chests and stuff. If there are no restrictions on team composition, Garcia will have trouble stealing kills from Franz, Nessie, and Seth, and he will get benched after Chapter 8; Gerik most likely won't even get used at all except for maybe another mount for rescue chains.
  9. I just got the Close Defense seal and I don't have enough Great badges to upgrade to Lv 3. He seriously never dies though and I also love his lines/VA. He's like a good ol' southern boy.
  10. Pretty much every single non-warp unit's value on this Tier list comes from what they do pre-Warp. Garcia does quite a bit before we start warping. Garm only helps him in the desert if on Ephraim's route and maybe for hitting the Demon King. Gerik is better than Garcia because he can become a Ranger. Ranger is in fact his best class. Only on 0% growths would you prefer to have his Hero class.
  11. Pretty much every single non-warp unit's value on this Tier list comes from what they do pre-Warp. Garcia does quite a bit before we start warping. Garm only helps him in the desert if on Ephraim's route and maybe for hitting the Demon King. Gerik is better than Garcia because he can become a Ranger. Ranger is in fact his best class. Only on 0% growths would you prefer to have his Hero class.
  12. I took the 4* Josh and promoted him to 5* pretty much right away. 5* Joshua is SUPER tanky in these TT. Once I got the 5* reward, he got fed straight to Josh for the +1 merge. With his S-support on B!Lucina he can one-round B!Ike on Lunatic-7 as long as he is adjacent to her, and initiates. And thanks to Dorcas's Infantry Pulse, he starts every map with Moonbow charged. Score of 36,902 is currently good for rank # 2,939
  13. Beat me to it. Close Defense is definitely the best of the bunch but Savage blow can definitely get some good use. Hone Spd seal just gives buff bots a bit more versatility.
  14. Ugh, I really need to quit procrastinating to the final day to do my Arena runs. I dropped down to tier 19 and only got the 700 feather reward for AA. All because I completely forgot about doing it. It will be easier this week with Dorcas. I should be able to go deathless on just my normal three matches per day. AA will take a bit more work though.
  15. Not long now. I'm totally going to get 5* Joshua on day 1.
  16. I'm with you guys who thought it started today. I came home from work and went to start some TT runs and then I remembered that I already knew it started tomorrow. I am so ready for this TT. I have two teams ready to go. One led by +Def/-Spd Dorcas with Aether inherited. And the other led by B!ike. Just waiting on Joshua to fill the final slot on team 2. Gonna get so much HM. I really want to see either a Renewal seal or a Fury seal. Renewal would make the Falchion Clerics basically always full on health, and Fury would allow for some hilariously large HP drops after combat. Especially if there is a Poison Strike seal. Valter could potentially lose 43? Hp after being attacked for 0 damage by Jaffar. Celica would lose 44, lol.
  17. Haha, I remember doing the same exact thing. Only 8 year old me ran out of time... Oh, that's Jesse. A GIRL btw. All three PS1 Final Fantasy soundtracks are fantastic.
  18. Enemies have super inflated stats though. Unless Lyn is +Atk with horse buffs, there will be a lot of enemies who will survive the first two hits from the Brave Bow. Personally, I find the mentality of giving every single archer a Brave Bow a bit annoying. Yes it is extremely powerful and the best build for most archers, but when it comes to Lyn and Innes, I prefer to keep their Legendary weapons.
  19. Lyn certainly doesn't need a Brave Bow. With the TT buffs she will tear through stuff regardless. Auto-battles are going to be super easy with all of these OP units. I'm thinking of giving Dorcas Sol and the Distant Defense seal to make him close to invincible.
  20. My very first RPG ever. 8 year old me instantly fell in love with the genre. (OMG, I just realized that was 20 years ago...) The materia system can be extremely deep, but it does allow for ever character to be more or less the same. Which can be a good thing if you just want to se characters you like. It has a pretty good story, similar to one of those suspense/thriller movies where you learn something towards the end and then you have an "Oh! everything makes sense now!" kind of moment. Like 5 years ago I started casually speedrunning this game and I only then started to really understand some of the more over looking parts of the story. The soundtrack is quite fantastic. I couldn't agree more.
  21. I'm sure you are aware, but China has recently dropped their one-child policy within the last year. Since you guys are talking about the odds of pulling certain characters and stuff. I have noticed that certain characters are extremely common pulls during some of my summon sessions. Like, I will go hundreds of pulls without getting Lon'qu for instance and then all of a sudden I will get like 5 out of 10 red summons being a 3* or 4* Lon'qu. Recently for me it was Arthur, When pulling greens for Amelia I got Arthur on all 3 green orbs of a summoning session and 4 straight overall. Also I have gotten multiple non-focus 5* unit within the same day of doing summoning sessions. My sample size isn't the largest so since you have done many more massive summoning sessions, have you noticed that the odds of pulling certain non-focus units change from day to day?
  22. He saved the day in FE7 and Natalie wound up being a princess who turned him into a rugged, handsome prince with a kiss!
  23. I'm thinking that the minimum it heals will just be increased to like 15 or something. My Elise is going to be rocking an Atk stat of 50+ with the new weapons. That's 25 Hp at 2-range with the Physic+. No matter how it all goes, healers have definitely gotten the major buffs that they so desperately needed. I just regret being so quick to always send home the duplicates I would get.
  24. Ok so all of the attacking staves and healing skills are getting major buffs. Slow and Fear get Smoke effects added on. Could Pain get a Savage blow effect? Could Gravity and Panic also get a 2-tile splash effect as well?? And what about Candlelight? Could you imagine making all foes within 2-tiles of the target being unable to counter attack?? These are legit good. And Absorb could be getting a base might increase and/or restore 100% of the damage given. Physic+ is actually super good now. Like better than Rehabilitate. How the hell can Rehabilitate+ even get better than it already is? I am seriously excited to be able to use my decked out Elise more. I might finally give her Close Counter. Personally, I use the AoE skills a lot because Aether and Galeforce are expensive so I really like the reduced cooldown. Also the AoE skills are great in the multi-map modes.
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