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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. I've gotten 4 total. My 1st one was +Atk/-Spd. Quick Riposte 3 with Heavy Blade seal is quite nice. The only boon/bane I might want more would be +Def/-Spd. But then I wouldn't run Heavy Blade so idk... At least most if not all of the Low Atk units are available at 3* and 4* so you will eventually get one that isn't -Atk. I don't worry about stuff like that though. If I get a boon/bane that I like on a character I will build them. If I don't get something that I'm willing to work with I just wait for a better one to come along. I have been pity broken by a 5* Caeda 6 or 7 times none with +Atk. After the 4th time, I decided to promote a 4* with +Atk/-HP and merge all of my 5*s onto that one. Now at +7 she is looking very promising with her new weapon coming with the next update. I have plenty of 4*s just waiting to be promoted so she can become +10.
  2. Spent 160 more orbs going for New Eirika and walked away with 2 more Myrrhs, 1 Hector, and 1 Mist LOL. Didn't even get a 5* red unit. I'm not willing to just snipe for red because I eventually want a +10 Myrrh and it seems my decision was a good one. Hector broke yet another pity % of over 4%, then a Myrrh came on the next set, and then Myrrh came not too long after and Mist came with the 2nd Myrrh. That's when I decided to take another break with summoning.
  3. What is the rest of his build? I'm curious because I +10ed Lukas with the "every-hit-is-a-bonfire" build. He is an absolute joy to use and probably my favorite unit right now.
  4. Eirika and Roy will eventually get their turn. Your possibly wasted investment should be what hurts.
  5. I know that feeling. I got up to 4% or higher 3 times on this banner. Seliph and 2 fucking Greys came to pity break me. Still looking for Eirika.
  6. OMG that would be awesome if it was the same as the Amiti. Hinoka would go straight to being the best Lance Pegi. I'm now not so salty that Caeda came to me as a pity breaker like 6-7 times. I have her at +7 and I fully planned on eventually bringing her to +10 anyways. I'm glad I had stalled in giving her a Wo Dao+ now. I can just wait for her 16 Mt double effective Wing Sword. The secondary effect will be really interesting to find out. Crossing my fingers for Atk +3 because why not? Watch Felecia's Plate be effective against Armors and Cavalry, LOL. It would be really unfortunate if any of the characters new weapons would prefer completely diffent natures than their common builds are running now. People who arready invested in them and built them up could get screwed over. Especially if the Basikilos for instance has the same effect as Glepnir and Ivaldi with Spd +3 instead. Alot of people running +Spd on Raven for a quad build would now prefer to have +Atk. I'm really curious to see the 3 different Falchion upgrades. Renewal 3 seems like a given for the basic upgade. I'm predicting Chrom and Lucina's to have Defiant Atk 3 built in because they both have Defiant skills as their A-slot skills. I hope it is better than that, but I could totally see that happening. Marth, possibly Breath Breaker? And Alm idk. Others have said Phantom Spd 3, and that sounds really good for him.
  7. A good way to overcome abysmally low Atk, is to just go with TA3 and breaker skills and have those characters focus on taking out specific enemies. Setsuna being colorless, however, doesn't let her do this and she is one of the few characters that is completely screwed by -Atk since neither of her defenses are high enough for big damage from specials. Most characters with terrible Atk will have at least one of their defense stats over 30 though. Now if a character wants a brave build, -Atk will completely shut the door on that plan as they exclusively want +Atk. Myrrh is an absolute beast. The only thing -Atk on her would do is prevent her from running Heavy Blade. I completely agree with you about the -Blade tome mages. When I first got my Summer Corrin, I was pretty upset she was -Atk, but after giving her a Blarblade+ and using her with emblem buffs, I see that it makes no difference in what she can kill. Surprisingly she always seems to be able to take a hit because of it as well.
  8. New file after beating both routes. You can get through chapter 8 and make a copy of your save file before the route split to save time by not having to do the early game twice.
  9. Not necessarily. FE5 is a stand alone game after all. Although they certainly could combine FE4 and 5 into one large game. Or pull another fates with 2 games releasing simultaneously. Echoes development time was extremely short because it was a remake. They could do both 4 and 5 just as quickly. Why else would Olwen and Reinhardt be the only characters so far?
  10. I honestly expect a FE5 remake to be in the works. It is the only reason I can think of as to why we haven't gotten any banners for that game yet. They are holding off on releasing Fe5 characters until after the game gets announced/ possibly released. Look on the bright side, the later it comes the more power-creeping those units will receive.
  11. Well for your nature, that looks like a good build. You could also Summoner support her. With Summoner support you could even still salvage her Great breath.
  12. -Def is almost unworkable with her Great Breath secondary effect so Lightning breath would probably be better, but she has such a low Spd stat so her builds are a bit limited. She is basically designed to take advantage of her Great breath. Worst case scenario she can at least put in a ton of work for you in the TT. If you can, try to pull another that isn't -Def.
  13. Goddammit. My luck has been horrendous on this banner. ~500 orbs in And I have 2 Myrrhs, 2 L'Arachels, 1 Brave Lucina, 1 Seliph, and 2 fucking Greys. I just want to get the Eirika so I can stop pulling reds. Now my barracks are full and I need to clear space.
  14. The only problem I have with that is that only older weapons need the upgrade to compete with the newer brokenly over-powered ones. Nagalfar being new means it likely won't be getting an upgrade. But we can hope I guess. Built in TA3 with it would be pretty awesome.
  15. Lyon's stats are great. His only problem is that he can't be pulled so he won't have any boons/banes, and he will be at most +2 for a long while. A "+3 to X stat" would have been nice on his weapon as well as the raven effect, but oh well.
  16. +Res/-Def for you Thank you! Nice, I got the 2nd best nature for her.
  17. Finally Myrrh has come home! Got L'Arachel pretty early too. Myrrh's bases are 16HP - 8 Atk - 5 Spd - 3 Def - 7 Res. Looks like -Def to me. L'Arachel has 17HP - 9 Atk - 7 Spd - 4 Def - 6 Res. Anyone else have anything to compare to find out what the natures might be?
  18. That is actually pretty awesome. I feel bad for anyone than +10ed him on the banner.
  19. Lyon is kinda inferior to Sophia in that he can't be merged to +10. He has higher BST but it is mostly in Spd which is completely useless to that build. L'Arachel has a bit less Def than I would have liked. Her BST is higher than the other Blue tome cavs but it isn't the usual 5-7 points higher. It is only like 2-3 point higher. I'm interested to see if she has any super boon/banes. Eirika is just a typical higher Atk/Spd lower Def/Res offensive unit. Nothing too special Myrrh makes me happy. She is going to eat everything. +Def/ -Spd with Quick Riposte is going to cause so many problems for people. Falchion users are going to be making a come-back and I would not be surprised to see Falchion get an upgrade with the next batch of weapons. Marissa is basically Joshua just a tiny bit worse. She will be amazing for the TTs though. I absolutely LOVE her art. Kinda wish she had Shamshir with -2 cooldown or the same effect as the upgraded Hautecleure.
  20. I don't see Colm coming without Neimi. Gilliam, Ross or one of the cavs seems more likely. Cormag will most certainly make it in. The question is just when.
  21. America or just Merica. M!Eirika. I feel like there are memes to be had here.
  22. If she can receive the benefits from them then I don't see why not.
  23. @mampfoid That's why it seems broken. She will probably have lower Spd than Fae though.
  24. OMG Myrrh. I can stop voting for her on the CYL now. The "Wary fighter if your Def is higher" effect seems really broken. I love it. She has been my #1 wanted character for months now. Dragon and flyer buffs means she is going to be extremely versatile with team compositions. Although I honestly would have preferred Goad or Ward Dragons over Hone. L'Arachel is another one of my favorites from SS. And I was pronouncing it close to correctly. Lar - ay - chel is close to Lara - shell. Would have prefered her to have the first Legendary staff with super broken effects, but this is good too. I hope she has a really good/fun stat spread. I have a few Takumis sitting around for a great candidate to give CC to. Eirika (and eventually Ephraim) on a horse makes sense since they get horses in their game and I guess red tomes are the next logical choice if they don't want more swordies (pls no moar). It will probably make more sense when the TT starts. The more mounted mages the better. Marissa is meh to me. I'm quite sick of all the swords in this game and I don't think anything is ever really going to come along that will give Ayra a run for her money. TT reward means she will have limited merges as well so she has basically no chance of shaking up the meta. I'm predicting she gets the Shamshir as a unique only to her weapon. It will have either cooldown -2, or both cooldown -1 and +10 damage with specials as well as some sort of stat buff. Ephraim would have made more sense on the banner than Eirika because he can support with both Myrrh and L'Arachel. It is certainly looking like there will eventually be an all guys banner. Garm!Deussel, and Excalibur!Saleh with some horse variant of Ephraim. Bows maybe?! Ranger!Gerik with a Leon stat spread would be awesome too.
  25. OMG, I came so close. I really wish I didn't have to go to work last night. I finished with 158,735 points which was rank #1240. I was auto-battling with my phone in my pocket while I worked and then I took my break for the last 30 mins of the TT. Despite the furious last-ditch effort, I only dropped about 100 ranks. I wonder where the cut-off was exactly. I really need to focus more on the earlier days. On the 2nd last day, I gained more than 35k, and on the last day I did over 50k. And I still failed to get in the top 1000. This was by far the most competitive TT. It is ridiculous that it required over 160k to get in the top 1000. You would have needed to average 23k per day to make it. I'm gonna miss using NY!Corrin. He was actually pretty amazing with the TT buffs, and I even upgraded his weapon. With Summoner support his Def went up to like 46. Unfortunately I have many different natures of Leon and the resources to +10 him so if I really want to use a high Def archer I will just use him.
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