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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Less than 50 orbs in and I had 2 Lilinas. Pity rate never went above 3.25%. Currently have it up to 3.50%. I really hope I don't have to spend much at all to get the rest of them. I need to tighten my wallet after the last month or so. Just checked, one of my Lilinas is +Spd/-HP so that's pretty great. I should be able to use her to get all of the TT rewards until I max her HM. Then I can do more pulls to hopefully get more 40% bonus units.
  2. I have tripled my +10s. https://imgur.com/gallery/fFsGG 444,000 feathers were spent. I’m all the way back down to 45,000. And I still need to 5* some things to finish building Serra... None of the builds are final. Need more feathers and time and feathers.
  3. @Rafiel's Aria You ever consider giving Raven Miracle? It would basically allow him to take 2 hits and I doubt there are many greens/blues that would survive his 62x2 damage so Luna seems a bit over-kill. Wouldn't Glimmer be better in almost every situation anyway? Another plus to miracle is that the 2nd hit he takes guarantees he survives regardless of what attacks him as long as Axebreaker isn't in effect. So he could even bait in strong reds who would normally one-shot him. Just something I thought about giving him if I ever got around to building him.
  4. I hate you. Linde is the only original character that I have yet to get. 4 V!Hectors is pretty lucky too.
  5. Quickened Pulse is completely useless on that 2nd Lukas. Like, I can't think of any situations where it would make a difference. Slaying Lance already makes Aether a 4 cooldown. It won't make a difference for even an enemy that can't double Lukas. The Breath skills give your attacks a bonus -1 cooldown as well. Since your end goal is to get a full team of +10's, aside from a slightly higher score, DC won't be nearly as practical in the arena at that point. Consider giving him Warding Breath instead of or as well as Steady Breath. Also, you should go with +Def and use Bonfire over Aether unless you really need to maximize your arena score. QP seal will be needed with the Berkut's Lance for a 1st attack special proc or just run Ignis. Dragons are really popular in the meta right now so Warding Breath with Berkut's Lance will really be able to trivialize all but Fae and Myrrh. For the 2nd build, give the Slaying Lance +Def. Berkut's is for Res/mixed tanking, Slaying should focus entirely on Def tanking. Now that Warding Breath is here, I could totally see Berkut's lance being a viable build for Lukas. With a neutral Res he gets up to 40 Res at +10. Friend me. Maybe you can get my Lukas on the next VG to see him in action in all of his +10 glory. It's funny, I am currently building a +10 Serra. I have all of the copies needed and am already at +8. I just need the time to finish merging and then level her up, and promote her skill fodder. I went with +Spd/-Res.
  6. Cid is 32 in FF7 It is possible to build B!Lyn to bait Reinhardt. Her weapon ignores Stat buffs on mages so you don't need to worry about emblem buffs. Her base 28 Res is respectable. Double distant defense gives her 40 Res at +0 with no buff support from teammates. Or just Deflect Magic 3 seal should allow her to survive. New, Armor Lyn would have an even easier time with him due to her base 37 HP and 34 Res. Lyn Emblem is very capable.
  7. Just put every single character in the list. If no one has built/submitted them here then there just wont be any pictures for those characters.
  8. After seeing the stats, I'm really not too enthusiastic about this new banner. There are some good units here but nothing really wows me. Plus the 3 most recent banners put a huge dent in my wallet.
  9. Her stats look like she might run Pain+ with CC, Vantage and double Savage Blow well. Or drop the CC and Vantage and let her Razzle Dazzle everything with dancer support.
  10. Well her stat line is extremely similar to Sakura's so she actually intrigued me as a potential build. Res seems like the best choice for her dump stat, I just don't know if I want Atk, Spd or Def boon. Probably +Spd just so she can be a bit different than Sakura. I've been looking at her lately wondering how to build her. You going with +Atk/-Spd?
  11. The hard difficulty is their exact teams with however many merges they had on their characters reflected in the stats. Lunatic difficulty just adds 4 to every single stat. I think I will go and +10 a healer to get a little more healer love in this thread. Sakura or Serra?
  12. Here are my 2 so far. https://imgur.com/gallery/aOqgQ Amelia is waiting for me to decide which nature to go with, and Caeda will be +10 in less than 24 hours. I could +10 Fjorm but I don’t have an ideal nature and she has pretty good skills for fodder. With my nearly half a million feathers, I really want to +10 something but I’m too indesisive.
  13. M!Corrin is my 2nd highest pity breaker after Caeda. Mine is currently +4. I have the copies to +10 him but I am waiting for him to get an upgrade for the Yato. Ugh, the next 15 hours can't go by fast enough.
  14. What is confusing me is, why the heck does the silhouette extend all the way to the bottom right of the picture? Is that an absurdly wide dress or is it a mount? And on the guy's side he clearly is wearing a cape. All of the little things around the edges are weird though. Are those bows and ribbons and stuff like that? Why is there a bunch of debris on the girls side? Flying Bow Caeda?? If that is Caeda, she clearly has a bow, and it would make sense for her to retain her pegasus in a different variation of her. Plus it would make sense on IS's part because they know that people would jump at the opportunity for a Bow Flyer. In which case there will be a 2nd colorless just to pity break and piss people off.
  15. Something I only realized just recently despite using Steady Breath Lukas quite extensively, is that Steady Breath gives an extra -1 cooldown for your attacks as well as the enemies attacks as long as the enemy initiates. I actually realized it during this TT while using Warding Breath on L!ike. Dang, Looking at their artworks, it could very well be Marth if it isn't Roy. It does look like a younger character though. I guess Marth isn't exactly "manly" looking. If it is Marth, the female looks like it could easily be Caeda. It looks like Caeda more than Lilina. Well if one pair is Marth+Caeda or Roy+Lilina who is the other pair going to be? Alm+Celica? Or maybe the 4 will be Marth, Roy, Caeda, and Lilina, and the banner is one of each pair...
  16. I've done it. 200,120 is only rank #116. Damn, that's way more people who reached 200k than I thought there would be. One more Lunatic-7 run for a quest puts me to 200,825. rank #108
  17. Ah thank-you. I'm going to have to use up all of my Red Crystals because that is what I have the least of. Plus having both sword and red tome valor means I won't have to worry too much about missing out on the SP earned from killing stuff while leveling the old fashioned way.
  18. I already built a raventome Sophia so Lyon doesn't have much value to me. Although I will probably promote him later on down the line. Valter is appealing but a maximum merge of +3 kinda stinks. I don't like to invest too much into units who have limited potential. Speaking of having lots of stuff, Is anyone else close to getting 1,000,000 universal crystals (the yellow ones)? I'm almost there and I don't know if it will cap at 999,999 or if it will continue going up.
  19. The best part about using Gunnthra is that her Chilling Seal is like a plague that just keeps moving on to the enemy with the lowest Def. Cleaning up the final enemy on a map is just so easy with her. I'm mostly doing a lot of TT runs for the bonus feathers from HM. A nice side effect is that I am able to train a bunch of units and I get 10,000 extra feathers when it is all said and done. The double EXP and SP period going on right now makes this a fantastic time to spend Stamina potions and grind up as many characters as possible.
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